Angola Herald from Angola, Indiana (2024)

2 THE ANGOLA HERALD, ANGOLA, INDIANA, MAY 15, 1957 Since 1876 Official Democratic Newspaper of Steuben County Harvey W. Morley, Editor Published by The Steuben Printing Company Angola, Ind. Entered at the Angola postoffice as second-class mail matter. Subscription rate $3.00 a year. Herald Today and Tomorrow (Continued from Page 1) dom and a Chicagoland because his personal revival of the tamed Indiana Society of Chicago in 1937 and as impresario for 15 vears of its brilliant formal gridiron dinners.

Indiana Business Magazine, acmoraines the its enthusiastic promotional endorse- brochment cf many Hoosier industrial leaders, top state officials, and the executives of nearly all state and U. S. organizations which have good government and the welfare of the Midwest and its industries as their objective. Charter subscription rates are $3 per year or $7.50 for three years. Car Demolished When It Rams Into Tree A car driven by James H.

Halliday, 20. was demolished when it ran into a tree on a county road two miles south and a mile west of Angola at 5:30 p.m. last Wednesday. Halliday said he was not aware that the road came to an end when it met another road until it was too late to stop. His car valued at $700.

was considered a total loss. Adolph Munsey, a passenger in the car was slightly injured with a bump on the head. Currey E. Perrier. 49.

of Adrian. Michigan, damaged his car to the extent of $175 when it left the road on U. S. 20 about two miles east of Angola at 5:30 Saturday afternoon. Investigating officers said Ferrier was driving too fast on wet pavement at the curve.

Guest Speaker At Fairview Church Miss Catherine Gratz. a missionary from French Guiana, will be the guest speaker at the Fairview Missionary church at p.m. Sunday, May 19. A cordial invitation is extended to the public by the pastor. Rev.

Norman Kistler, to hear this interesting program. Leave Nothing Co ChanceChoose Your Own MONUMENT To be remembered is one of mankind's greatest desires. By choosing and erecting their own imperishable monuments, many persons are making sure the world will never completely forget them. Why not select a memorial for yourself and loved ones now as insurance that you will be remembered for many years after you are gone. Let us help you in this important selection.

We have a big variety of fitting memorials from which to choose. Fackler Monumental Works 405 West Main Street Ph. 5-3143 Montpelier, Ohio Extortonist Gets 2 Years Suspended Robert Wendell Curie, 34. was given a suspended sentence of two years in the Indiana State Prison on Monday by Judge Harhis Hubbard. after Curie had pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting extort $6500 from his step-father.

Weir Kepler, of Hamilton. After being held in jail here a sanity commission for Curie was appointed by Judge Hubbard, to give him every opportunity for a fair consideration of his case. Dr. J. A.

Alford. of Hamilton, and Dr. M. M. Crum.

of Angola reported on the case at the hearing on Monday, and after consideration by the judge it was determined that Curie was mentally sound sufficiently to be responsible for his acts. Proceeding with the trial Curie was given opportunity to enter a voluntary plea and returned a plea of guilty to the charge. Appeal was made that inasmuch as he had never been in trouble before Judge Hubbard agreed to a suspension of the two year sentence under condition that he agree to pay all of the court costs of $18.80: that he agree to not violate the laws of the state or United States: that he leave the state and not return as long as he is under suspension; that he agree to not enter the Kepler premises nor speak to Mr. Kepler: that be agree, not to carry a gun, knife other dangerous weapon: and that he refrain from drinking for a period of two vears. Former Resident Here Observes Anniversary Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd 0. Riddle of Union township, Hamlet, are observing their golden wedding anniversary today. Mr. Riddle and the former Pearl Shaffer were married May 15, 1907, at the home of the bride's brotherin-law and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Arlow Eyster, near Edon. Ohio. with the late Rev.

William Freshly, Evangelical United Brethren church pastor, officiating. Mrs. Riddle was born and reared on the county pioneer farm her father, Steuben, Samuel Shaffer. Mr. Riddle was born on a pioneer farm borderRiddle Lake, formerly owned by his grandfather, Wiley Riddle, near Lakeville.

Most of the couple's married life was spent near Lakeville and they have lived in LaPorte county since 1942. Mr. Riddle is a general contractor and until recently was employed by the Hastings Construction of Porte. They have one daughter. Mrs.

Thomas Snyder of Edwardsburg, Michigan, one son, Grant of Lakeville and a grandson, Randall Riddle, also of Lakeville. Another daughter, Ina Bell, is deceased. Students Present Recital At Fremont Seventeen piano students of Mrs. Paul Church of Fremont. were presented in a recital at her home Sunday with 30 guests present.

Those participating and receiving first-year recital awards were Sue Lamminen. Pamela Jarrett. John Williams, Connie Nedele. Sharon Nedele, Carolyn Henley, Sue Rupp, Connie Green. Robert Kaufman.

Patricia Kaufman, Kay Cole and Carol Cole. Students who received year recital awards included Martha Sue Ehrhart, Mary, Lou Ehrhart, Lee MeNaughton, Jessie Harbaugh and Janet Dellinger. Those who were unable to attend were Carol Clark. Pamela Harbor, Nancy White and Diane Lamminen. Following the musicale.

Mrs. Church served light refreshments with Mrs. Harold Kaufman. Mrs. Robert Rupp and Mrs.

Frederick Cole assisting. Private -This girl's fresh from the country, and it's up to us to show her the difference between right and wrong. Corporal-O. K. pal, you teach her what's right.

on SPECIAL MADE- TO- ORDER SERVICE 1ZO CHROMIUM MOUNT 6 TYPE Choice RUBBER STYLES: STAMP STAMPS THAN World's Finest at TYPE STYLE TYPE NO EXTRA NEWS CHELTENHAM TYPE COST! Type sizes from Your name and te LINING instructions GOTHIC check -endorsements knowledgements any standard or often-repeated message saves you hours of time when made up on a rubber stamp. Come in or phone in your stamp needs today. Steuben Printing Co. For all kinds of office supplies Steuben County Club Officers Installed Mrs. Clark.

president; Mrs. Helen Blanchard, first vice president: Marjorie Gentry, second vice president; Mrs. Esther Rowena, Ferguson, recording secretary; Miss Ruby Shultz, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Lucille Steffan. treasurer: Miss Pearl Brennan, installing officer.

Couple Suffers Severe Burns In Flash Fire Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rupe, ages 361 and 32. are patients in the Elmhurst hospital where they are from a fire their mobile being treated, for, severe burns home at Circle Park. Hamilton Lake 011 Sunday morning.

Meager reports state that the fire occurred in a gas burning stove and was caused when the oven burner in the stove had become extinguished and accumulated gas exploded when Rupe opened the oven door and the gas ignited from top burners. Mr. and Mrs. Rupe were rushed to the hospital here. Blood from the Fort Wayne center was rushed here by state police officers.

and latest reports indicate that Rupe is suffering from third degree burns and is in serious condition. Mrs. Rupe is reported in a less serious condition. BIRTHS At the Cameron Hospital to: Mr. and Mrs.

Paulus Lehman, Pleasant Lake. a daughter, Rebecca Louise. 7 pounds, 12 ounce, on May 7. Mr. and Mrs.

Calvin Linebrink. Hillsdale. Michigan. a daughter, Doreen Lee. 6 pounds.

ounces. on May 10. Mr. and Mrs. William Eyster.

Angola. a son. William Paul. 7 pounds, ounces, on May 10. and Mrs.

Thomas Pearson. Bryan, Ohio, a daughter, Pattie Jo. 8 pounds. ounces, on May 11. Mr.

and Mrs. Tim Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearson of are the grandparents. At the Elmhurst Hospital to: Mr.

and Mrs. Quentin Keener. Angola, a daughter, Patricia Irene, 6 pounds. ounces, on May 8. Mr.

and Mrs. Maynard Warble, Hudson, a son. Chris pounds, ounces, on May 8. and Mrs. John Chorpenning, Edgerton.

Ohio. a son, Jeffrey Scott. 6 pounds, cunces, on May 9. Mr. and Mrs.

John Wearly, Angola, a daughter. Jill Christine. 7 pounds, ounces. on May 10. Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Becker. Ashley, a daughter. Susan Romaine. pounds, 14 ounces, on May 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schorey. Angola, a son. 7 pounds, 2 ounces, on May 11.

Born to and Joan Mote Schmidt, Brentwood, Long Island, a son, on May 11. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Lodder at St. Joseph hospital.

South Bend, a son. James ell. 7 pounds, 2 ounces, on May 2. Mrs. Lodder is the former' Julee Mitchell, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Carlyle Mitchell of Fremont. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchhart.

of South Milwaukee, at the Milwaukee hospital, a son, Brad, weight 6 pounds, 11 ounces, on May 14. The mother was formerly Gloria Ann Harmon of Pleasant Lake. Salvation Army Drive Scheduled Next Week Kenneth Hubbard. Chairman of The Salvation Army Service Unit in Steuben County, announced day that the mail appeal for funds will start in this area within the next few days. The treasurer of Steuben County is H.

C. Wisner. The letters will be citizens of the area renailedutestthe contributions to be mailed to the treasurer. The Salvation Army is known for action. It fights on many fronts to rescue American's troubled.

needy, and lonely men. women, and children. This organization provides food for the hungry, and shelter for the homeless, spiritual guidance and recreational opportunities are offered young people. Counsel is given to troubled families, assistance to parolees, help and medical care to unmarried mothers and cheer to the aged and patients in the hospitals. Rescue teams rush to of the injured and suffering victims of storms.

floods. fires, explosions, wrecks, and other major disasters. In the tornado disaster this past year The Salvation Army workers were busy on the shortly after the tornado struck. Thousands of persons received food at the canteens and many others unable to leave their work had food delivered to them on the spot. Salvationists and volunteer workers worked around the clock for several days to meet the heavy demand for this type of service.

Clothing and furniture were supplied to many victims. Kenenth Hubbard and the local committee work with The Salvation Army in its local program taking care of the welfare of the citizens on a local level. Funds may used to provide for the needs of the people at the discretion of the local committee. The Salvation Army is dependent on contributions of the general public. Only one appeal is authorized and conducted by the local service unit each year.

The campaign dates are set for May 20 through June 3. The committee asks that you be generous in your gift. Fremont Man's Divorce Case Venued To Auburn A divorce complaint filed in the Steuben circuit court in Angola by a Fremont man was venued Tuesday for trial in the DeKalb circuit court in Auburn. Plaintiff in the case is Lloyd L. McCormack.

He named as defendant Mary McCormack. The couple was married June 1942 and separated Jan. 18. 1957. They have four children, now custody of the mother.

The husband charge his wife nags constantly and claims it is impossible for them to live together. G. Kenneth Hubbard, Angola attorney, represents the husband. The wife is represented by Atkinson Sanders, Auburn attorneys. Harmless? AW, IT'S HARMLESS! TAKE IT I'LL SELL IT TO THE AWAY! FOLKS BACK HOME! CONGRESS Earl Clayton Elliott County Superintendent Clayton 'Elliott was named county superintendent of schools by the county board of education in auditor's office last Friday.

Mr. Elliott has had long experience in the school system of Steuben county, coming first as a vocational agriculture teacher in the Orland schools, later transferring, to the Angola schools he rose to the position of high school principal which he held for a number of years. A graduate of Purdue University, Mr. Elliott is conversant with the activities and problems of rural life, and is well qualified for his new position. The only other candidate for the position was Will Myers, now employed as a teacher in the Angola high school.

Mr. Elliott was the choice of the township trustees on the first ballot. The term of office is for four years beginning on August 16. 1957. Wolcottville Teacher Resigns His Position Edward W.

Trexler, 33, princi-' pal of the Wolcottville high school for the past three years, has resigned his position to accept a similar position at Leesburg. Trexler, former Rochester football coach. succeeds Lorin Burt, who is going to Indiana University to work on his advanced degrees in education. Howard W. Yoder, Superintendent of Schools in LaGrange county reports that an unusually large number of teachers are resigning, and indicated that they are being attracted to larger schools where higher salaries are paid and better teaching facilities prevail.

Moose Will Entertain High School Seniors The Loyal Order of the Moose and the Women of the Moose will entertain in honor of the senior class of Angola high school with an all night party at the Moose home Saturday night. May 18. Music for dancing will be provided as well as an abundance of refreshments. Breakfast will be served Sunday morning at 5:30. Women of the Moose will also serve a banquet Wednesday night for the members of the Loyal Order of Moose bowling team and their wives.

Jubilee Queen And Court Will Broadcast Steuben county's Jubilee Queen and her court will appear on "Here's Charlie' program Fort Wayne's station WKJG on June on 7. according to a letter received by H. W. Morley this morning. In the letter the of the station stated managements Schroeder, the promotion manager for the station will confer shortly with the managers of the local Homecoming celebration regarding plans for the June 7th appearance on television, which is already scheduled between 3:45 and 4:00 p.m.

on June 7. Railroad Improving North Wayne Crossing The New York Central Railroad have crews in Angola this week completely rebuilding the North Wayne street crossing. The heavy traffic on U. S. 27 north out of Angola has worn down the old-style plank crossing to a point where it was a hazzard to traffic.

Traffic is being maintained on a one-lane basis while the construction work is in progress. The work is expected to be completed in the next week. The salesman had been rebuffed by the office boy and was irate. Salesman (grunting) -Say, young fellow, I want to see someone with a little authority! Office Boy--I'm the guy, then. I've got as little authority as anyone around here.

Cyclone Warnings Cancelled This Morning Cyclone warnings issued throughout the Channel 3 television area, were termontaed at 1:00 a.m. today. Area especially affected in the southern Michigan area, later being extended as far south as the Indiana state line. Funnel shaped clouds were reported over the lower Michigan area, but no reports of dmaage throughout the area have been received. Falling temperatures have prevailed as a result of the atmospheric conditions that generally follow tornadoes.

Leonard Boyce Has Surgery On Tuesday Leonard Boyce, proprietor of Boyce's Drive In restaurant, and an employee in the water department for the city of Angola, submitted to surgery in the Elmhurst hospital on Tuesday. His condition today is reported by the hospital as satisfactory. RECENT DEATHS WILLIAMSON Arthur Williamson, 82. died at his home, Route 1, Fremont, late Monday night after an illness of several weeks. Survivors are the wife.

Iscra; a son, Ralph; a daughter, Miss Elsie Williamson, both of Fremont; three grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Alta Uhl, Seattle, Wash. Services will be held at 1 p.m., Thursday, in the Beams Funeral Home, the Rev. Newton Huffine officiating, and burial will be in Lakeside cemetery. HUTCHINS Mrs.

Sarah Hutchins, 69, died Monday morning in Beatty Memorial hospital, Westville. Survivors are the husband, Clyde; four daughters, Mrs. Alice Rondot, Fort Wayne, Mrs. Doris Best, Lansing, Mrs. Inez Hart, Coldwater, Mrs.

Aldean Rolth, Bridgeport, two sons, Paul and Clyde, both of Coldwater: 17 grandchildren: two brothers, one sister. Services will be conducted at 3 p.m., Thursday, in the Beams Funeral Home, the Rev. William Eversdyke officiating and burial will be in Fremont cemetery. LOCKE Mrs. Effie L.

Locke, 84, a native of Angola, passed away May 7 at the Quincy Nursing Home where she had been a patient four weeks. She was the widow Joseph Locke and a resident of the Quincy, Michigan area of her adult life. Mrs. Locke was born April 24, 1873 in Angola, the daughter of Henry and Lucy Kissinger Bowman and was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at Clear Lake. Before entering the nursing home, she resided on Route 4.

Coldwater. She is survived by two sisters. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in Quincy with Rev. Arthur Middleton officiating and burial was in Lakeview cemetery. SALEM Send News Items to Local Editor MRS.

WADE STRAWSER, Editor Phone 2810 Pleasant Lake Mrs. Eshu Tritch returned home Tuesday after spending the week with her brother, Berlin, and family in Amsterdam, New York. Mary, Alice, Melodie, and Diana Shumaker and Marsha Barnes spent Monday night with Rev. and Mrs. J.

E. Jones in Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed of were all day and eveMontpelier, of Mr.

and Mrs. Ned Emerson recently. In the afternoon Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Emerson visited in the Wade Strawser home.

Brown DeGraw, who undersurgery at the Elmhurst hospital recently, returned home Friday and is improving very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strawser are staying in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Loftus in Fort helping care for their family. 'The Loftus' are the parents of a baby son born Thursday evening at the St. Joseph pital. Mr. and Mrs.

Vern Weicht were guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sunday and family in Angola. Darrel Hughes and Wayne Strawser drove school buses to Toledo Thursday taking the Hudson school children and their teachers, Mrs. Harold Christoffel and Mrs.

Vivian Pfingstag, to visit the zoo. Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Strawser accompanied them. Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and Mrs. Elva Milleman attended graduation exercises at Orland Thursday evening.

Junior Clark was a member of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Friskney of Anderson spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Standiford, and family of Indianapolis spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and family were guests Saturday" of Mrs. Maude Mills.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills and sons were guests Sunday. Miss Lois Emerson spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

James Emerson. Mrs. Dick Courtright spent Sunday afternoon with her father, Perry, Waite, Ed at Weimer Crooked entertained Lake. Saturday afternoon in celebration of the birthday of her mother, Mrs. Lydia Ruckman.

Guests were Mrs. Curt Shipe. Mrs. Ina Hammond, Mrs. Fannie Alleshouse, Mrs.

Maude Mills, Mrs. Nina Coney, Mrs. Blanche Smith. Mrs. Iola Dailey, and Mrs.

Byrdena Boots. Euchre club met Saturday evening at the Conservation Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ringler. Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Parr and Miss Josephine Parsell as hosts and hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lepley and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.

and Mrs. Logan Parker, and afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parker and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Parker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Loucks. Mr. and Mrs.

Sheldon Lepley Ross Courtright visited John Holsinger, who is seriously ill in the Sturgis hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baillie and family of Chicago were week end guests of his mother, Mrs. Ethel Baillie.

Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Van Pelt were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Enos Meade and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnson and Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Crouch. The Salem Study club met at the Westminister House Friday afternoon for the annual guest day with Geraldine Lepley, Edyth Courtright and Florence Holden as hostesses. After the business meeting Anah Milleman introduced Glendora Lasey, who sang 3. solo.

and then Mrs. T. P. Charles. who gave a review of four noted mothers in the past.

The theme throughout the program was on mothers in honor of Mother's Day. Mrs. Ina Hammond was week end guest of Mrs. Lydia Ruckman. NOW AT HOSACK'S LOOK Spring Savings! Model 9.1-81-57 All New Sheer Look IMAGINE.

FRIGIDAIRE QUALITY AT THIS LOW, LOW PRICE OF ONLY $15800 AND TRADE NO MONEY DOWN PAY A ONLY $179 WEEK HOSACK'S Since 1915 Phone 106 Angola, Ind. -OPENING- MAY 17 6:30 a.m. WELLMAN'S GRILL 2nd Door West of Angola State Bank Featuring Tasty Lunches Salads Sandwiches Short Orders Sunday Dinners OPEN 6:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. C.

Wellman for finer foods.

Angola Herald from Angola, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.