Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Guide - How to Unlock Exotic Class Items - Destiny 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


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In Destiny 2 The Final Shape a new exotic quest can now be unlocked called Dual Destiny. The Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Exotic Quest will now allow you to unlock an Exotic Class Item for your Hunter, Titan, or Warlock that has random rolls you can acquire. It will require two players to complete and we recommend using microphones to communicate the mechanics of this encounter.

This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of all the Exotic Class Item Perks in Destiny 2: The Final Shape and how you can acquire them.

NOTE: All of the Exotic Class Item Perks listed below will ONLY work when you have the Prismatic subclass equipped.


Dual Destiny Guide Table of Contents
How to Unlock the Dual Destiny Exotic Quest

Your first steps in unlocking the quest

TLDR steps (click one to jump to its part in the guide)
  • Slay The Landing Secret Keeper
  • Slay The Blooming Secret Keeper
  • Slay The Impasse Secret Keeper
  • Green Beam and Savathun's Envoy
How to Complete the Dual Destiny Exotic Mission
You're going to need a partner and lots of coordination
Dual Destiny Guide Subsections
  • Light and Dark Roles Explained

How to Unlock the Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Exotic Quest

Exotic class items within Destiny 2 have finally been released, and they're not the most straightforward thing to obtain. There are some secret objectives that you'll have to complete in order to unlock the exotic mission, Dual Destiny.

The first step in obtaining the exotic class items requires running through all three levels of Overthrow in each of the three main locations; The Landing, The Blooming, and The Impasse.

Once you have killed the final Overthrow boss, there's going to be a group of enemies that spawn nearby as indicated by the text "A Secret-Keeper of the Witch Queen is Near." You'll need to kill this enemy to continue the quest.

If you miss finding an area's Secret Keeper you'll need to redo Overthrow to find them again.

The Landing Secret Keeper

For the Landing, the Secret Keeper spawned in the cave to the southeast for us, kind of by the lost sector. Just keep an eye on your radar to hunt down this elusive but incredibly important enemy.

From here, you'll see above your super bar "A Secret Keeper of the Witch Queen is vanquished" when you've successfully eliminated the enemy. This means you're done with the zone, and you can move on to the remaining areas.

The Blooming Secret Keeper

In The Blooming, we found the secret keeper of the Witch Queen within a little ravine area to the east. There is an entrance to the north and south of this ravine and there are a couple of areas you can go through to get in there.


Once you're in you'll see a Knight in a bubble. Take out the Knights and the bubble will open and reveal the Secret Keeper to you. Go ahead and kill the Secret Keeper and crush its ghost, and then you can move on to The Impasse. Two down, one to go!

The Impasse Secret Keeper

Once you finish your Overthrow, you can find the Secret Keeper in the southwest corner, up on that little kind of plateau with the big rock in the middle. There's going to be a bunch of Taken Knights again, and a shielded Secret Keeper. Eliminate them to clear this area.

Green Beam and Savathun's Envoy

With all three Secret Keepers eliminated, travel back to The Blooming, and when you spawn in and turn a little bit to your right, you're going to see a giant green beam shooting up into the sky.

Follow the green beam. Once you are in the right area, you're going to see a couple of icons show up around the map. Go to each of these and take out the enemies. They'll drop some orbs that you're going to need to dunk back at the entrance to the area. Note that you'll have a timer on the left for how long you'll have to complete this special activity.

Then, an enemy called Expector Yemiq that spawns. You're not actually going to be able to kill it though. You're going to get it to about half health and it's going to disappear and drop an orb in its place. Pick up the orb and bring back to where you came into this area. Your target destination will appear as a waypoint on your map once you've picked up the Orb.

Once you have completed this step, you are going to be able to open up your map and find the new exotic mission, Dual Destiny, on the map near The Blooming.


How to Complete the Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Exotic Mission

The Dual Destiny quest will require specific callouts and two players to complete. There is no matchmaking and it will be a timed mission. One person or both people have to use Prismatic or you have to split up a light subclass and a dark subclass if you want to go through.

Keep this official Bungie list of callouts handy for later in the mission. If you and your partner are not familiar with the icon callouts, take a moment to learn them or agree upon other descriptive callouts before the mission begins.

Light and Dark Roles

Once you're inside, you're going to notice one person is Light-aligned and one person is Darkness-aligned. These are going to stay as important, assigned roles throughout the entirety of the mission. So, if you're Light-aligned, this means you're going to need to be the one that stands on the light plates throughout the mission.

Also, there are certain enemies that will only take damage from these certain aligned types. You'll spot enemies with a light radiance around them who can only take damage from the light aligned and vice versa with the dark side (their enemies have the golden orange radiance).

As Savathûn gives her brief introduction, take your position on the assigned Light or Dark platform to the left and right of the closed door. Proceed forward — but be quick about it!

Explore the Anomaly

When starting, do your best to run through the fields, skipping the intro enemies. This is timed after all, and taking time to eliminate them will only slow you down.

Get into the crystalized room up on the side of the hill. A light plate will be on the far right, and the dark plate will be on the far left in a cove. Eliminate the enemies a bit as you run through. Once you and your partner are standing on the correct plates, shoot the glowing dark key that appears to unlock the next area. As soon as you do, enemies pour out of the path forward. Eliminate them and proceed forward.


Find Balance Room 1

Once you've made it out of that area, you're quickly going to find yourselves in a room with a dark plate up on top of this platform, and down below is the light platform.

Have each respective person go by those plates, and from here you're going to be killing some enemies until a yellow bar Knight spawns. These are going to be the enemies that are tied to a specific light or dark vulnerability.

You can spawn the Knights faster by eliminating the three Psions first!

In each of these encounters, you'll see either Motes of Darkness or Motes of Light tracked on the left side. This indicates how many aligned enemies you must eliminate and their motes to collect before you can proceed to the next part of the challenge. If you die, you'll need to restart mote collection so play it safe if needed and help your ally if they're getting overwhelmed.

Once you and your partner each have the two motes required, you'll begin the next phase of this room. The light player on the bottom will see two symbols that they need to call out for the dark player to shoot. Note that you'll need to call out the symbols in the order they appear so pay attention to which icon appears first.

If the dark player shoots an incorrect symbol or in the wrong order, you'll both need to do the entire encounter again.

Below is what the Darkness Aligned player sees in this first encounter. The symbols appear up near the stalactite crystals.

Below is what the Light Aligned player sees with two motes collected. Call out the symbols on the pedestals.


If all the symbols are correctly shot, you'll automatically be teleported to the next area.

Find Balance Room 2

Now the roles are reversed! The light aligned person is actually going to be shooting the symbol crystals that are floating around the room, leaving the darkness aligned person to do the callouts. This time you'll need four motes to progress.

Be sure you collect all four motes before shooting the symbols as some symbols may not appear until you have defeated all the Knights. For the darkness aligned player, you'll want to call out the symbols from right to left (from the perspective of where you spawn in the room while looking at the symbol pedestals).

Once you have completed this, you're going to get teleported once again, and you're going to end up in a long traversal segment.

Explore the Anomaly Part 2

Keep making your way forward, going through the jumps until you reach the next set of plates. Standing on these plates at the same time is going to open up more jump options for you, so you can progress up this chasm.

The light aligned person is going to stick to the right side of the room for the most part, while the darkness asligned person will be on the left. There's going to be multiple plates for each person as you move up, so make sure you coordinate when you're standing on them. This will unlock more platforms so you can keep going higher and higher and reach the end of the room. Note that you will swap room sides at the very end, just in case you're having a hard time finding where to jump across. Eliminate the enemies on the final platform of the jumping room and assume your position on the light or dark plate to open the door leading forward.

Once you've made it out of the jumping room, run forward and at the chasm, drop down and across to the open door far down and illuminated by red lights. You'll find yourself in another room with the light and dark plate and a rally flag.


Find Balance Room 3

From here, we highly suggest swapping to something that can kill Tormentors. You're going to have to kill several during the next encounter. A Hunter Golden Gun is great for example.

Once both players stand on their plates, a bunch of enemies are going to start to spawn, and you're going to notice this pyramid in the middle of the room with a bunch of beams of light going to the little smaller pyramids surrounding it sort of like a clock. There's nine total spots, so what we ended up doing is labeling each 1-9 in a clockwise fashion. From here you're going to be communicating with your teammate which ones you both see glowing.

So if you both see that first one glowing, you're going to be able to target that node. There will be 3 total you'll need to break. There's going to be some that you see glowing and the other person does not. These are going to be the ones that you skip, and you're going to find the three common nodes that are glowing. Shoot these.

You will need to do this three times. Only the person who killed the Tormentor will be able to shoot the nodes as they will have the Harmonic Sundering buff.

After this, you're going to end up on a few small islands where you'll need to defeat enemies to progress and unlock dark and light-aligned plates. Once both people stand on it, there's going to be a launcher that sends you up to the next island. You will be split apart during this section, so make sure you are able to solo these enemies.

Eventually, you are going to rejoin at the top, kill a bunch of enemies, and then there's going to be two tormentors that spawn. So once again, make sure you do have some sort of precision damage on so you can take them out quickly.

Once you go through the cannon, you're going to end up at another rally flag. This is going to be the final encounter of this mission. Now in here, once you start killing some enemies, one of the subjugators will fight you, but this is only the first of two you'll need to defeat in order to complete the mission.

You're going to be fighting them, and they're going to have three health bar segments. So the first time you make them immune, you're going to be doing what you did at the start of this mission, where the light aligned person is going to kill an enemy, and they're going to be able to read three symbols that spawn above the boss's head. The Dark Aligned player will need to shoot them in order from top to bottom.


They're going to communicate these symbols over to the dark aligned person, and the dark aligned person is going to shoot them in order from top to bottom. Then you're going to go back into DPS.

This enemy is then going to go into a little shield, and then the second subjugate is going to spawn. This time you'll get the enemy down to 1/3rd HP and the darkness person is going to be reading the symbols above the subject head, while the light aligned person is going to be shooting the symbols around the map in the correct order. Once these three symbols are shot, it's DPS once again to get them down to the final third.

Once you're at the final third of life for this enemy, you're going to be doing the clock puzzle again. Where you shoot the beams of light you both have in common. The light-aligned person is going to be on the right, and the dark-aligned persons will be on the left.

Kill your respective enemies so you can get to the buff. And then from here you're going to coordinate which lines you both see glowing. There's only going to be one. So essentially you're going to read this exactly like a clock. So if we both see the 1:00 position glowing, we're going to say, oh we see 1:00 and then we both shoot our 1:00 positions and we're going to end up doing this three times.

If you are not quick enough to shoot one of the little crystals, it is going to reset and give you a new pattern. Also, if you do mess up, you are going to have to reset the entire combination. You do need to get three of these in a row, so just keep that in mind and make sure both parties are on the same page and how to relay the information back to each other.

From here you're basically done. Simply defeat the remaining enemies, focusing on the Bosses in the room. Kill them, and then once you kill them, there's going to be a bridge that spawns in the back that leads you into this other room. From here, stand on your respective plates.

It's going to lock you in there and end up killing you, teleporting you back into the arena where you were just fighting those subjugate hours. From here, each person is going to have two options. There's going to be the flower symbol (Love) behind you and the kill spike symbol (appears in front of you!). You can pick either of these, but both parties have to pick the same one.

So if you both pick the kill symbol, you're going to end up fighting each other 1V1 in like a crucible style game. Or if you both pick the flower, the peace symbol, it's going to kill you, teleport you out, and you can just go ahead and claim your reward so it does not matter which one you pick at all, you're going to get your reward regardless.


If you just want to have fun. Pick the kill symbols. Fight each other 1V1 in a crucible-style mode. Otherwise, just pick the Love symbol and claim your class items from some pedestals that just spawn right in front of you. And from here, you can finally farm your class item. There are a couple ways of doing this. You can just keep running this mission over and over or open chests in the Pale Heart for a chance at the drop.

For Pale Heart, just put on a chest finder for your ghost and anytime you see a chest, open it. There's a small chance that you can get your class item from doing this.

Hunter Exotic Cloak - Essentialism

The Exotic perks for Hunters are as follows:

First ColumnSecond Column
Spirit of the Assassin - Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibilitySpirit of the Star-Eater - While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage
Spirit of the Inmost Light - Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regenerationSpirit of the Synthoceps - Improved melee damage when you're surrounded
Spirit of the Ophidian - Weapons ready very quicklySpirit of Verity - Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus
Spirit of the Dragon - Using your class ability reloads all weapons and increases weapon handling speeds for a brief timeSpirit of the Cyrtarachne - Gain Woven Mail when you use your grenade
Spirit of Galanor - Hits and final blows with your Super will return Super energy after it endsSpirit of the Gyrfalcon - Your Void weapons gain Volatile Rounds after you emerge from being invisible
Spirit of the Foetracer - Damaging a powerful combatant or Guardian with an ability grants you a temporary damage bonus for weapons matching that ability's elementSpirit of the Liar - Dealing damage with a powered melee or being hit by a melee attack will allow you to follow up with an extremely powerful melee counterpunch
Spirit of Caliban - Powered melee final blows trigger an ignitionSpirit of the Wormhusk - Dodging gives a small health and shield bump
Spirit of Renewal - Allies inside the Duskfield take reduced damage, and targets inside the area deal reduced damageSpirit of the Coyote - Gain an additional class ability charge

Titan Exotic Mark - Stoicism

The Exotic perks for Titans are as follows:

First ColumnSecond Column
Spirit of the Assassin - Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibilitySpirit of the Star-Eater - While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage
Spirit of the Inmost Light - Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regenerationSpirit of the Synthoceps - Improved melee damage when you're surrounded
Spirit of the Ophidian - Weapons ready very quicklySpirit of Verity - Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus
Spirit of Severance - Powered melee or finisher final blows unleash a damaging explosionSpirit of Contact - Damaging a target with a powered melee causes all nearby enemies to suffer lightning strikes and become jolted
Spirit of Hoarfrost - Your Barricade becomes a wall of Stasis crystals that slows nearby targets when createdSpirit of Scars - Final blows with weapons that have a damage type matching your Super's element create a burst of healing around you that grants allies restoration
Spirit of the Eternal Warrior - Gain a damage bonus for weapons matching your Super's element when your Super endsSpirit of the Horn - Your Barricade unleashes a blast of Solar energy that scorches targets
Spirit of the Abeyant - Improves Drengr’s Lash. Drengr’s Lash projectiles track targets more aggressively and travel furtherSpirit of Alpha Lupi - Generates a healing pulse when Barricade is activated
Spirit of the Bear - Move faster while guarding with the Unbreakable shield. Damage blocked with Unbreakable is converted to Super energySpirit of the Armamentarium - Gain an additional grenade charge


Warlock Exotic Band - Solipsism

The Exotic perks for Warlocks are as follows:

First ColumnSecond Column
Spirit of the Assassin - Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibilitySpirit of the Star-Eater - While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage
Spirit of the Inmost Light - Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regenerationSpirit of the Synthoceps - Improved melee damage when you're surrounded
Spirit of the Ophidian - Weapons ready very quicklySpirit of Verity - Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus
Spirit of the Stag - Your Rift provides damage reduction to allied Guardians standing in itSpirit of Vesper - Rifts periodically release Arc shockwaves
Spirit of the Filaments - Casting an empowering rift will grant you DevourSpirit of Harmony - Final blows with weapons that have a damage type matching your Super's element grant you Super energy
Spirit of the Necrotic - Damaging combatants with your melee poisons them. Defeating a poisoned enemy spreads the conditionSpirit of Starfire - Grenades recharge from empowered weapon damage, with empowered weapon final blows granting more energy
Spirit of Osmiomancy - Your grenades recharge quicker on hits. The seeker spawned from Coldsnap grenades travels furtherSpirit of the Swarm - Destroying a Tangle spawns Threadlings
Spirit of Apotheosis - Temporarily gain greatly increased melee and grenade regen after your Super endsSpirit of the Claw - Gain an additional melee charge

Up Next: Destiny 2 The Final Shape Exotic Class Item Perks Details

PreviousHow to Unlock Ergo SumNextDestiny 2 The Final Shape Exotic Class Item Perks Details

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Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Guide - How to Unlock Exotic Class Items - Destiny 2 Guide - IGN (1)

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Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Guide - How to Unlock Exotic Class Items - Destiny 2 Guide - IGN (2024)


Destiny 2 Dual Destiny Guide - How to Unlock Exotic Class Items - Destiny 2 Guide - IGN? ›

There are some secret objectives that you'll have to complete in order to unlock the exotic mission, Dual Destiny. The first step in obtaining the exotic class items requires running through all three levels of Overthrow in each of the three main locations; The Landing, The Blooming, and The Impasse.

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The new Exotic Class Items can be obtained in two main ways. First, it must be unlocked by completing the 'Dual Destiny' mission. This secret quest will require you to complete all three Overthrow areas and defeat the boss.

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New Exotic armor can be unlocked at the Cryptarch via the third tab in the Focused Decoding tile. This third tab is unlocked by reaching max Cryptarch rank (Rank 17).

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How to farm Exotic class items in Destiny 2: The Final Shape. With the mission complete, you can now farm the mission for new random rolls of your Exotic. There is a rare chance to get an Exotic class item whenever you open any chest inside the Pale Heart as well, and as a reward from Overthrows.

How to unlock dual Destiny guide? ›

Here's what need to do:
  1. Complete an entire run of Overthrow in the Landing. After completing Overthrow level, you'll see a message saying, "A Secret-Keeper of the Witch Queen is near…", which means a Hive Lightbearer has spawned in the area.
  2. Find and kill the Hive Lightbearer Secret-Keeper in the Landing.
Jun 18, 2024

How to get the exotic class item quest? ›

There are some secret objectives that you'll have to complete in order to unlock the exotic mission, Dual Destiny. The first step in obtaining the exotic class items requires running through all three levels of Overthrow in each of the three main locations; The Landing, The Blooming, and The Impasse.

How do you unlock exotic engrams in Destiny 2? ›

Ways to Obtain Exotic Engrams in Destiny 2
  1. Ritual Challenges. One of the best ways to get Engrams is through weekly challenges in Ritual activities. ...
  2. Vendors. ...
  3. Legend and Master Lost Sectors. ...
  4. Rahool Vendor. ...
  5. Xur. ...
  6. Vanguard Nightfalls. ...
  7. Neomuna Vex Incursion Event. ...
  8. Legendary Campaign.
May 22, 2024

How to get missing exotic armor in Destiny 2? ›

The old way of unlocking new Exotics, by playing through Lost Sectors, is over. Instead, you'll need to earn reputation with Rahool, the Tower Cryptarch, if you want access to those spiffy new armor pieces.

How do you farm the exotic class item? ›

The guaranteed method to get one class item drop every 25 to 30 minutes is to run the Dual Destiny Exotic mission. If players maximize their loadouts and are efficient throughout each encounter, the mission will take at most around 30 minutes to clear.

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Yeah, you don't need to farm Dual Destiny to get them, just beat it once. I believe you're still guaranteed to get an exotic class item from the first completion of Dual Destiny per week, but the fastest way to farm them is just run around the Pale Heart opening chests.

Do exotic class items only work with prismatic? ›

Players can mix and match perks from a list of different exotics, which Bungie has finally revealed in full. Exotic class items are only usable with the Prismatic subclass and can be farmed through completing a specific and unannounced activity.

How to get dual destiny exotic mission? ›

While the Dual Destiny mission requires you to play with someone else in a fireteam, this section can be completed entirely solo. To unlock the mission, you need to fully complete Overthrow activities in the Pale Heart, The Final Shape's new explorable location.

Who is the final boss in dual destiny? ›

The final boss, Expector Selin, combines the mechanics of the Darkness pillars and the Light and Darkness symbols. First, do damage until the boss goes immune, at this point, a Light and Darkness Wizards will appear. Destroying both will spawn three symbols above the boss, aligned vertically.

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The locations for each Keeper are: The Landing – The very large cave system to the right of spawn, pretty close to the Lost Sector entrance. The Blooming – The somewhat hard to get to area in the back of the map that is sometimes marked by a Taken eye when there's an Overthrow event in there.

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Additional Supers, Aspects, and abilities are unlocked as you progress through The Final Shape's campaign, and you will have to hunt down the Destiny 2 Prismatic Fragment locations too. As for what to use out of all the options you're given, check out the best Destiny 2 Prismatic builds.

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Step 1: Do all of the Overthrow public events in each place in the Pale Heart: the Landing, the Blooming, and the Impasse. KEY PART - after the final boss on the 4th level a taken light earring witch will spawn around the map. In the 5 minutes you have after defeating the 4th level, you must kill these.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.