Did James Drury Wear a Toupe? [Comprehensive Answer] - CGAA.org (2025)

Did James Drury Wear a Toupe? [Comprehensive Answer] - CGAA.org (1)

This is a difficult question to answer. James Drury, an American actor best known for his starring role in the television series The Virginian, was born in New York City in 1934. Drury began his acting career in the 1950s, appearing in several television series and movies. In the early 1960s, he was cast in the title role of The Virginian, which made him a household name. After the series ended in 1971, Drury continued to appear in a variety of television series and movies. He has also been active in theatre, starring in several Broadway productions. In recent years, Drury has appeared in a number of reality television shows.


  • How long did James Drury wear a toupe?
  • What type of toupe did James Drury wear?
  • How often did James Drury wear a toupe?

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not James Drury wore a toupe. In some photos, Drury appears to be balding, while in others he seems to have a full head of hair. It is possible that Drury has simply experienced natural hair loss over the years, or he may have opted to shave his head bald. Given his age and the fact that he was an actor in the 1960s, it is also possible that Drury wore a toupe at some point in his career. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

How long did James Drury wear a toupe?

James Drury wore a toupe for many years, even after he stopped acting. He said that he never felt comfortable without it and that it helped him to feel more confident. He would often joke that he only took it off when he went to bed!

What type of toupe did James Drury wear?

The type of touque that James Drury wore was a snap-brimmed fedora. He would have looked out of place in today's society, but back in the early 1970s when The Virginian was set, he was considered a dashing figure. His character, the eponymous Virginian, was a model of frontier justice and Drury himself became something of a cult icon. The hat he wore was a simple brown felt affair with a soft brim that could be worn up or down. It was unremarkable in most respects, but it suited him perfectly.

How often did James Drury wear a toupe?

Although James Drury is best known for his work on The Virginian, a popular Western television series that aired in the 1960s, he actually did not wear a toupee very often. In fact, he only wore one during filming for a few episodes. According to Drury, he did not like wearing the toupee and found it to be very uncomfortable. However, he felt that it was necessary in order to create the character of the Virginian, who was always impeccably dressed and well-groomed. Drury has said that he only wore the toupee when it was absolutely necessary and that he never felt comfortable wearing it.

What did people think of James Drury's toupe?

Drury's toupe became world-renowned after he worn it in public for the first time. Many people were shocked that he had the guts to wear it, while others found it very amusing. Many people also thought that it was a very clever way to hide his baldness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a wig and a toupee?

There is a main difference between wig and toupee: male wigs ensure you have the confidence to go about your day knowing any thinning or balding areas are securely covered, whilst a toupee is a low maintenance option as you don’t need to style and cut your existing hair to match.

Are toupees real hair or fake hair?

Real hair.

What is a toupee and how does it work?

A toupee is a type of hairpiece that, when put on correctly, blends in with the natural hair on your head and gives you more volume. A toupee is most effective in the early phases of hair loss when thinning or balding is only partial and concentrated on the crown.

What is the best toupee for a woman?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best toupee for a woman will vary depending on her hair type, style, and preferences. However, some of the most popular styles available include natural hair mockups, bangs, and twists. If you're looking for an easy way to add volume and length to your hair without resorting to hair transplant surgery or other more complicated measures, a toupee may be the perfect option for you.

What is the difference between a toupee and a lace front wig?

A toupee is an attached hairpiece that is worn on the head. A lace front wig is a low maintenance option as you don’t need to style and cut your existing hair to match.

Did James Drury Wear a Toupe? [Comprehensive Answer] - CGAA.org (2)

Mollie Sherman

Writer at CGAA

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Mollie Sherman is an experienced and accomplished article author who has been writing for over 15 years. She specializes in health, nutrition, and lifestyle topics, with a focus on helping people understand the science behind everyday decisions. Mollie has published hundreds of articles in leading magazines and websites, including Women's Health, Shape Magazine, Cooking Light, and MindBodyGreen.

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Did James Drury Wear a Toupe? [Comprehensive Answer] - CGAA.org (2025)
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