Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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tr 14 itI 4- L- 4 OC 0 AVIATt 1 Aia :44 1 1 tit 820111 D' 07g Ts 't w''''''-4 oc 431411 att4i ar'" --4 'N 14 lk Aii I g16'14 'I kikkS0 ttalikV gala 1AqiirsiXt 1 4 0 rni-Rtir 417 I E324 I SpEquipment orting Exercise F582 I Lake Resort Industrial J821 I Furniture Restoration L440 I 10-Day Special Rate 0 Pri Nuurstseinsgcare J802 Handyman L443 a a a a 4 MffioodCg Lk9 2K Nurses E324 Nursing Care Sporting Exercise Equipment F582 Industrial J821 Lake it Resort J802 Furniture Restoration L440 Handyman L443 10-Day Special Rate 0 le la -s 1 I When you have something to sell but don't have a lot of money to spend you can't go wrong with our rate of 2 lines for 10 days for $16 Additional lines are Only $8 per line This rate applies only to individuals who are offering personal possessions for sale or rent Your ad can be cancelled early without refund Stamps Coins F586 Telephone Supplies Service F570 Tools F603 TV Radio Stereo F571 Vending Machines F617 Video Equipment F573 Wanted To Buy or Trade F618 Manufactured Modular Homes J816 Media Services J831 Misc Real Estate J805 Mobile Homes J812 Mobile Home Parks Lots Sites J813 Mobile Home Services J815 Out of Fort Worth J806 Out of State J808 Real Estate Services J829 Acreage Improved J824 Sub Acreage Unimproved J825 Trade J811 Vacant Lots J822 a 'a I 1 1 (Home Care) Office Personnel E313 Part-TimetTemporary E340 Professions E301 Required E300 Receptionist E316 Retail E311 Sales E309 Required E310 Salon Personnel E338 Secretarial Administrative E315 Security Personnel E336 Telemarketing E312 Truck Drivers E322 WarehouseDelivery E337 linistrative E315 4 Personnel E336 erketing E312 Drivers E322 iouseDelivery E337 Garage Sale Signs "Raincheck" Sporting Exercise Equipment FORSALE Regulation pool table $500 Bumper pool table wchairs $200 Walking machine MO: Exercise bike WO both wmonitors like new 284-5925 I I Hatiling L444 Home Repairs 1445 House Leveling Foundations L446 Insulation 1448 Interior Design 1449 Landscaping 1451 Limousine Service 1452 Miscellaneous 1454 Moving 1455 Office Eql Repair 1457 Painting 1458 Personal Services 1459 Plumbing 1462 Roofing 1463 Secretarial Service 1466 Siding 1471 Sprinkler Systems 1475 Swiming Pool Service 1480 Telephone Service 1481 Tile Service 1482 Tractor Service 1484 Tree Service 1488 Upholstery Service 1489 Video Equipment Service 1490 Wallpapering 1491 Welding 1493 Windows 1495 Yard Work 1496 Let us help you clean up your garage by turning those unwanted items into cash with a 2 line 2 day $9 garage sale ad this weekend Additional lines are only $450 per fine Plus if it rains on the day of your garage sale we'll run your ad again free on the day of your choice the following weekend Included with your ad are two free garage sale signs just stop by any weekday at one of the three locations listed below: 1111 West Abram Arlington 8 am-5 pm 807 Forest Ridge Drive COO Bedford 8 am-5 pm 600 Taylor Street Fort Worth 8 am-7 pm When To Call Mal Pets Cats G500 Dogs G502 Exotic Animals G508 Fish Birds G505 Hunting Dogs G503 Pet Services G509 Pets 6506 3 Farm Ranch Auctions 14522 Events Maydays 14540 Farm Equipment H531 Farm Ranch Acreage 14533 Farm Ranch Help Wanted 14526 Farm Ranch Needs H529 Farm Ranch Work Wanted 14528 Farmers Market 14525 Feed Pasture 14534 Horses Related Items 14538 Livestock Related Items 14537 Nurseries Seeds 14536 Poultry Rabbits 14543 Stables Services 14541 Wanted To Buy 14523 "Free For All" Ads Monday through Friday 8 am to 7 pm 41 Saturday 8 am to 1 pm (phone service only) t-a) If the item you're selling is under MO we'll run a 2 line ad for free on the day of your choice excluding Sunday You can run one ad at a time per week with a single item per ad Make sure you include the price of the item you're selling This offer applies to individuals offering personal possessions for sale and cannot be used for pet or garage sale ads When Your Ad Is Due Getting Personal Ads CP To place cancel or correct in-column ads Other deadlines apply for commercial and display ads Day Ad Publishes Deadline Monday 1:00 pm Saturday Tuesday-Friday 3:00 pm day prior Saturday 12:45 pm Friday Sunday 700 pm Friday Well give you a 50 word ad for four weeks for free You'll also get a free voice greeting and free message retrievals Some restrictions apply Ads run on Friday and Sunday To browse retrieve or respond to a Getting Personal ad by phone call 1-900-288-2580 extension 477 The call will cost $2 for the first minute and $150 each additional minute Mail forwarding also available To place your own ad or for more information call 332-3333 Mailing Address rja Fort Worth Star-Telegram Classified 600 Taylor Street Fort Worth ked If You Find A How To Get Fast Results If you find someone's pet were sure they'd like dal to know Call us and well place a "Pets Found" ad of up to four lines on the day of your choice for free i allEMMINIMEIPT Services NC Heating 'i L400 Public Notices Alterations Sewing L403 Bids Wanted 1357 Appliance Repair L406 Legal Notices 1358 Asphalt Paving L407 Personal Services 1359-1360 BookkeepingTax Service L409 Telephone Talk 1363 Brick Stone Masonry 1410 r--0- BuildingRemodeling 1411 jBuildings 1412 Ercrev cCaarbprneeottsry-Formica LL441143 Real Estate L416 For Sale Carpet Service Carports Garages 1417 Alphabetical Child Care 1420 By Area J750-J794 Cleaning Services 1421 Dallas County J798 Computer Repair 1422 Denton County J797 Concrete Work 1419 Johnson County J799 DecksPatio Covers L423 Parker County J799 Dirt Sand Gravel 1425 Wise County J800 Doors 1426 Announcements J801 Drapery Blind Service 1428 Buy Lease Sell J809 Electrical Contractors 1429 Commercial Property J818 Exterminators 1430 CondosiTownhomes J803 Fences 1431 DuplexesApartments 1804 Fireplace Equipment L434 Farms Lands Ranches J827 Firewood 1437 Investment Property J819 Floor Service 1439 V- 4 07 ::1 6 '4P'' 10 stfCj 1 04 I- c- 4' lor Begin your ad by identifying the item you are selling in its most commonly known name Describe item by listing its best features Condition color model and other information help readers determine interest before calling The more you tell the easier it is to sell Avoid unusual abbreviations Too tflany abbreviations can confuse the reader Give the price of the item If you are flexible in the price include "best offer" or "negotiable Complete your ad with a phone number and the hours in which you will receive calls Remember: Now you can use Express or Discover Please read your ad on he first day of publication If there are mistakes notify us immediately We will make changes for errors but only if we receive notice on the first day the ad is published We limit our liability to you in this way and we do not accept liability for any other damages which may result from an error on OrrittISIOn tn an ad All ad copy must be approved by the newspaper which reserves the right to request changes reject or properly classify an ed The edvertiser and not the newspaper is responsible for the truthful content of the ad Advertising is also subject to credit approval IV nirCCItrY l' it 3 Oh Saction Argesi rAt I 11 Er- Ft 10-111 '11DI 1 11i i VI 11 i 4 11-13 13-14'i 14' 1 A :1 Announcements Adoptions A370 Annptincements A371 Answering Services A372 Attorneys A373 Bir15sk A374 Business Personals A375 CIO Memberships A388 Direct Mail Products A376 Services A377 HuntingFishing A380 Items Lost A393 Rents Found A394 LodPo'Notices A383 Pereenal Items A384 Pets Lost A396 PetsYound A397 Professional Directoly A385 ResortsTravel A381 Soda Clubs Setvices A387 Tickets Available A390 ranepodation A391 Transportation Antis Classic Autos B012 AtifitiTUCk ACCOSS01108 B004 Autfruck Financing Aulgrrruck Parts B003 AutafTruck RintalsLeasing --BOOS AutTruck Repair 8006 AutsTruck Services B002 A374 Adoptions nwented Pregnancy? Please Consider Adoption! Happily Married Loving Ch i'Istian couple would love to share their lives home with yout newborn inanciall se- Cure Will pay all qxpenses pr call Ilzageth collect 14)94 2105 IF Abounding loveanda wonderful home for your newborn Locing creative and financialls secure couple will give ITIrharliItarriterog your neinthborhorro kids 'country co munity with pool horseback riding excellent schools Attorney Involved Call Joanna or Ken (toll free) anctime (800) 582-4237 ADOPTION IS AN ACT OF LOVE Your baby will grow UP Eh caring educated par- enrand learn to love the wo id through an extended fa ily and a house full of booics and laughter MOM Is athletic and vivacious Dad's a Writer and pilot EXDOPSOS Pa 1 11 Please call anytime Ella and Peter collect 212-724-4602 A BABY WANTED A laving Dallas couple wants adept a baby or youngchl Id Will be dedicated parents Much love laughter many adVentages AgencyaporOved home study open Tion if yOU wish Collect: Susan Arthur 214-521-BABY 1-toigroTear married ftfgviitntrot re secure home and happl ntri Expenses paid Cali arol or Nick collect at 8 (914) 921-0650 ln Adoption: Loving Mid couple wish to adopt born Willing torneet you PcSnitfatriTieit Etna re 117-265-2229 liltuent young couple wishes rovide your newborn with I of love security Medi- 5legal expenses paid Cali strr4mie collect at 919-870-9519 wan ebest for your batw We want to give a baby a (Jarful life Let'shelpeach Legalconfidential Linda 1-800-628-8233 Mg coo rrImorgs ohagtop rc7Tailik5Y-optIsl ea rstersaalcr7 1- -5 196 al Aof 1 Announcements ktlittiritY Ilviclate Wedding Ceremony whereAnytime927-2941 Memel 1A413 rIV2oFCE i tro $19 50 rt Costs IISDille ITtAs I NA PIVI4 FUI MAT tilS fetiHER LAA tin 335-1450 04 14 SOWitt LEGAL poW Rosedale Alston Sturdy 0 timttfm al5T-tom 114ciahr Hamilton Partnership 0 At orneys certified to The TOM'S ardotLegal specialization rtrtE from $45 am Iv Law ustcody I ankrufuEbiriminal i'4kharirait ullbertson Yeoriureriere of Cer NI the texpS Gardot Lo9al pedal zation 11 1 traiTA971iMIPI Autos Domestic B019-B044 Autos Imports 8051-8133 Big Trucks-Trailers 8165 Buy Sell Trade 8010 Convertibles 8014 Commercial Vehicles 8166 8168-13184 Pickups B140-B163 Suburbans B167 Utility Trailers B164 Vans 8186-8199 12-)111 Recreation 11irplanesiService Instruction C225 Boats C2213-C230 Boat Motors Parts C231 Campers Travel Trailers C233 Dunebuggies C237 Motor Homes C235 MotorcyclesATM's Equipment C241 Hy Storage C238 Water Sports Eqt C232 (Jet skis supplies etc) Schools Instructions Education Instruction D252 Employment Services D254 Job Information 0256 Resume Service 0258 Employment Apartment Personnel E333 AccountingFinancial E305 Aviation E320 Banking E308 Building Trades E319 Career Counseling E304 ClubLounge Personnel E330 Computer Science E307 Dental E327 Domestic Help E339 Employment Wanted E342 FoodRestaurant Personnel E328 General Help Wanted E334 HotelMotel Personnel 1331 IndustrialMechanical Skills E321 Insurance E308 Management E302 Medical E325 A373 Attorneys DlyoRcES fl (With Icensed At rne From $150 ADOPTIONS from BANKRUPTCIES from WILLS from CORPORATIONS from Court Costs Additional Attorney Delbert Bartell 2605 Airport Frwy 834- 521 Free Initial ortsultelon Not certified by The iexas BoardotLegal Specialization DIVORCE from $45 Batruntcy riminalMatters DONAL ELLIS 32-r Not certified the Texas BoardotLegal pecialization INJURED? Automobile Accident? 737-9614 Atigrney George Lochw Not Certified by the rlas Boardof Legal Special notion PTCY-Frm117S DIVORCE Frio 29 244-2613 WMilasco ratty Not Certified the Texas BoardotLegat pecialization Traffic Ticket? James Mallory Attorney Not certified toy the texas Boardof Legal Specialization Fe Quoted by phone iz-9919LarryMCarotherli Attorney see ads on page 1 of the Yellow Pages A375 Business Personals Rrecier Advisor May abletoheip ail prob- lems love sickness will give card readings for cwt 545- 7846 (2 questions by phone) ealane Carroll QUICK CASH LOANS figagidloOK fersonal Auto Consolidation I-800-5214364 SINGLE? Looking For Friendshio? Romance? Marriage? r4e- Vous about a relationshl REE Into 284- 27 TAX FREE INCOME Find out what the IR doesn't Want you to know! all 370- 3895fora recorded massacre Jean Ryan psychic reader adviserhalpsonallproblama Call for 1 Ira quits 457-1732 or the latest er alternallve tueli call TX Land Ofc otlino 1-800-6- Lt EL-99 X-OTIC TANS See our ad In class Imo FRESH APPROACH Therapeutic Massage924-8942 t(ayboardist neeaWd after 5 249-3156 A376 Direct Mali Products ram $100'sfissemblin aftsatkome sh S200 an SASE to Frank Stevens 8901 Normandole 1039 Ft Worth TX 76116 trse Racing glgi forlim5d S3 liestagaHri A380 HuntingFishing hunt or fish Sunflower Maizt fields 10 orlyote akesS25per S20 per day after e7 0 roe ranch lit yr to tefse 5 mi till DFWr ti 11 ra4r Fancg8V-i559ril g13 rTeriltr or Info I reservations 9 Guaranteed Exotic Hunt iiIri cilG'gil 142 Aoudad (latriCaP Shiairic ussian Boar 11 ekas Rio Horn oms lurTtaan Fellow Deer a 1 uck Antelope 655A- g' lk5 tow inters So Texas sav- 1 acre ranchjst time hunted rloCountvTooma- Yaccitariktr aunsd eral idayroltlinct extra hargef Several fenced pas ures orlroup hunts Cali riad5 2-4 -3854 or Ken 512- 72 4401 day deer itiprile 1541 Biter OM Jil111S11 ra a Merchandise Air Conditioners Fans Heaters F568 Antiques F553 Apparel F591 Appliances F558 Arts Collectibles F555 Auction Sales F550 Baby Furniture Items F563 Bikes Toys F583 Building Materials F610 Carpets Rugs F565 CB Amateur Communications F578 Computer Equipment Software F580 Estate Sales F551 Fixtures F612 Flea Market F619 Furniture Accessories F559 Gameroom Equipment F581 Garage Sales by area according to zip code F625-F636 Gold Silver F585 Guns F588 Handicrafts F556 Heavy Machinery F606 Home Furnishings Wanted F564 Jewelry Stones F589 Lawnmower Sales Service P300 Lawn Garden F601 Medical Supplies F615 Miscellaneous F616 Miscellaneous Machinery F604 Music Lessons F597 Musical Instruments F594 Office Equipment F579 OrganizationClub Sales F622 Photo Equipment F577 Pianos Organs F595 Pools Spas Hot Tuba F598 Portable Buildings Houses To Be MovedF609 Restaurant Equipment F613 Satellite Sales ServiceF574 Sewing Machine Sales Service F592 A380 HuntingFishing HUNTIND LEASE Deer dove Quail turkey ducks fishing Almost 10000 contiguous acres In Hood Co 45 min SW of Ft Worth near Lake Granbury Prfer 1 len: Trophy Hunting 3-5 days guaranteed siting of deer turkeydlogs Call now for further Information 915-896- 2607 or 915-942-5815 TROPHY DEER 469 in Jack taolnm-mr! nal! deer turkey mall 30 ac plus rak6t5107 Vn Aft Hunters hyntinsi westol metroplex last E-Z offE- on exit for Deer Corn Sup- LIles 50Ibs $410 Willow ark Feed 1-20 at Willow inos exit 817-594-2004 Epuloment 2 Honda Trail 90 $650 Gralndrill $200 re-woy plow wplanter 125 Farm0111-1w3pt S14502 2propanco Heaters $504125 441-5551 Guided- Hunt NE New Mexl- v1 5 or 7 days for trophy Mule gin- Call Fredfor Info doys 7-625-7961 or eves 582-8527 BOW HUNTeRS-STEXAS Where the big bucks are 555 day min 2 days lodging avail at noextro cho roe Now booking 512-279-3723 Comanche County leosm dove deer mall 100 miles SW of Ft Worth Call otter Spm 915-356-2964 or 915-885-2083 DOVE DOVE Day hunting in Comanche County Mature sunflowers in41VOISNI561ft 9Pm 915-35a )(cal lent Dove Hunting Sea g1-10-11 ft' V5V)r I age Afternoon hunting only WANTED DOVE LEASE Group of businessmen need Oove lease Will notlitter nights 1319 V2a7Y- I)54? eral tanks $trawMingus area Day 817-67 -522) or nIghtswknds 817-6 2-5675 3 day3 deer pkg 5200 oc mature buck inferigr buck gsitRoom board guides Securedatesearly512 5-3555 512895-3239 eves SF ASON LEASE 644or 4 2 acres take or both deer rds a fishing 40 miles (9IS) Daily dove lease Sept 1st 5th Mineral PK area I mi of Worth 300 ac tatirtltp31315T9 sunflowers Alp HUNTERS Own eves excel rt deer Vets sluZirtngn-k8116-64)13? rxcei lease Val Verde Co NW of Del Rio white tali r(Inuutl1172-ttiav68 DOVE HUNTING el wkends only 89) W5gun astland County 1-817-6 -2274 after 6pm County Dove day 11ase11224 acres on Home MI cove HuVro ponds on licres of ephenvl le 15day 17-572-1062 a ter 6pm Fe Hunters dey astiand CO SJn tioweri stock pinks 2U a day La g17442-4970 DOVE LEASE 200 Acres boom sunflowers CIMDIng ti5htrig Coman- chee co 8 893-50jo First Day Dove Hunting 160 ErctsiurrAttltia 4fusare 61U444650 it4: Dove legs Hamlito-irro7 Vtlg14( Afgalt arr hew deer spin feeders 274 5nEtAr5IIIVAtilf21d- LnIV Bird Hunting SdaY Cell ilicr16 county Prime hunting ioas-7-p 73671: dent ilA(s iS-Vg a taterdrdoW1-)14 DOVE HidNTING Hamilton Overniuht Dove Hunts-Cab PithhcoVk near 7K0 ACP ES 8 160bcres Lease ritIn9taeriDogrorolyrkeY I plIFicYq Real Estate For Rent Apts for Rent K657-K667 Business Property RentLease K729 Condos Townhomes K653-K658 Duplexes tor Rent K670-K681 Houses for Rent K683-K721 Media Services K733 Mobile Homes For Rent K722 Mobile Home Parks Lots Sites For Rent K723 Office For Rent K731 Rental Mgmt Services K726 Rooms For Rent K650 Room and Board 1651 Roommate Wanted 1652 Wanted To Rent 1725 Home Business A383 Lodge Notices PORT WORTH CHAPTER NO681 0Erpecial meeting 7:30 pm riendship Visit South Hills hapter Charlene littiwood Program Covered dish dinner 6:30 pm Katrina Jones WM Grace Hartwell Secy POLYTECHNIC CHAPTER NO 420 Special meeting 7:30 Rob Morris Program yAven by Martha Grissom ackle Teague WM Wylie Holt Secy JULIANFE iLDLODOE NO NPS Lolled meeting pm Confer PAM Degree Jim Wood WM Frank Martin becy A384 Personal Items O'da--Tnollependent Australian man 58 YOA 5'6" gray hair blue eyes contemplating holiday In DFW region Seeking private accomoda- tion replies to Waxman 2 45 Amherst Street Cammeray 2062SydneyAustralia Jazzy Ja4mineplease 1)1t -113q8 stis Need wittness What: Dueling vehicles white Jeep tan Chi 11vy pickup When 1-27-1 :50 am Where: 5400-4 SH 4th neer reepor Parkway Call (214) 739-447 SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE A Speaker on Prevention Call 654-5343 Captain SN all messages received 12 reply It you're ready to claim it will out a ring on itCal1834-911112or 9oniy Volunteers Of America girl born 11-10-70 et 2:12 am seeks birth mother father Please call 656-3209 Volunteers of America girl born 10-1-64 on Thurs at seeks birth mother Call neutral party 467-3511 Looking for Baby Boy Cherry born either 1259or 1359 at Harris Hospilal Call Suzette 817-847-1967 719-576-4612 rernale Vocalist seeks lob cioan-cot Band perform DFAlarea will singlead or back-up 817-641-0021 SINFUL INNOCENCE looking for bassist with 00111DMent and experience Plc 838-9215 Versatile DRUMMER seeks to loinor form band Havepro eQUID 244-8481 Iv msg t'ld dedicated drummer riwe54X9 s9utroltect agae band and looking for no attitudes 738-7788 WANTED Rock 'n roll drummer Practice3-4daye a wk I Daveatter5pm241-6M4 Thanks to St Jude and Jesus for favors granted Jules Lorraine 1ookingfor membersolCiass 957 eirdville High School for 5yrClass Reunion 282-0263 1oc Wade band Need rhythm gvitar 1st (No acoustic) 468-4295 01SOUND MAN VIDEO tor any occasion 236-4424 Pock 01 Band needs bass player 817-891-4075 need a Steel Guitar Player 297-WO A3415 Professional Directory yrs WIce cta'ticid6FAIrf4Y977 A388 Club Memberships Us vacation resorts on Cr- torniaCoastAvila Beach 98 mi north of Los Ansseles membership for se 85 or make best otter 293-62 presidee Health rb Gold Membership pr ce valid at all locations incl xecutive Club 483-0922 att Bally's Flealthctub lifetime memberships 572-6081 ror sale tan membershie Call after oom 2516727 A390 Tickets Available COWBOYS SEASON TICKETS 10 to 50 Ycl Line 477-3204 Cowboy Seat Options with 92 ason Tickets Lower Deck isie Seat 214-969-8194 Us Texas 76102 B004 AutoTruck Accessories Shortbed leetsidefiberglass mper shel I exc cond white 275 080 sqt Uniroyal Tiger Paws 11 res 235-15's wl th factory Rally wheels new $400 080 205-1863 Sleeper for mini truck 1300 obo 239-2698 Sony pull-out car stereo 7180 S250i Sony toy ifter E-90MK 2 S100 731-9223 B006 AutoTruck Repair eaa STOLEN CAR Di scounf ee ring column repair 731-6709 Free Est Mobile A roken0Mor Jeep Steer tog Column? FreeMoblie Serv GuaranteedRepairs 295-7020 A loose or broken tilt steering column? Call 446-3563 ATLASTRANSMISSIONand AUTO REPAIR CENTER 65611171 Auto elec shorts lights NO col AC-beat gaugios charge system speedo 2934248 nolot transmission re- build install Cell for estimates 79-1811 IN NEED of a Transmission? Exchanges $149 50 535-1205 OWENS TRANSMISSIONS Most Rear Wh Drives S120 exched S1 Installed Metro 654-9557 Free tow Rebuilt Trans installed $150 uo 838-5327 Rebuilt Trans From $110 installed 478-2012 TRANSMISSIONS $11600 Freetowingwinste1496-4942 BOO? AutoTruck inancing HE BANKE NI itifiVATillik 1 ecd4o) lei-048)1 iThlit4111 5 qol PVItoo :1 tolisig49'0rii ai3 CND mai 61)001111 liNtio ifft OHM AH! No GIMMICt A arant'clapor9velon set ed now jprtvioully owri4141 Autos ALL Bad Credit ok 654-9699 beeper 214-9491641 Br Bank inancing Available on Tato' 2Models Lower down a Lower Pymts Cell today Automoplies Unlimited An 265-1477 No fees BAD CREDIT But ed a new or used Car or Truck Can Helo I I BANK FINANCING No Credit Reims GPeeEV'tE rest TODAY AT Lawton (De 926-2681 Metro 429-0121 'V Funeral Notices Card of Thanks M843 Cemetery Lots M844 Death Notices M840 Florists M841 Funeral Homes M846 Li IriathUgalloA Business To Business BookkeepingTex Service N881 Business Investments N859 Business Opportunity N862 Business Property (Sell) N850 Business Property (Sell or Lease) N852 Business Property (Rent Lease) N853 Business Wanted N865 Commercial Property N861 Computer Systems N876 Franchises N864 Fixtures Decorations N867 Industrial Property N858 Investment Property N854 Money to Loan N879 Money Wanted N880 Mortgages Stocks N878 Offices (Rent) N855 Office Equipment N856 Oil Equipment N874 Oil (Leases Royalties) N873 Professional Services N883 Secretarial Services N884 Vending Machines N888 A390 Tickets Available BAHAMA CRUISE 5 days 4 nights Overbought goroo rate rates to public LI-U tickets 000 Mr15N-SAT Discount Airfare Air Awarl Buy 113 Qomestic ntleAlaskep Concisr8t nus 1st COWEOY SEASONSINGLE GAMES TEXAS AROMA GA BROOKS 61- 222 COWBOY SEASON TICKETS Excellerd seats available metro 817-2674822 Buy and Sell alias Cowboy Garth rooks Lona Palooza Metal lice Guns Roses 641011 ma- or events 214-526- 5 COWBOYS ILLY RAY cYR US 14- -66 9 MAJOR CONCERTS GARTHWYNDNNA UDD GNR METALLI A Free Delivery 214-647-8833 2 roundtrip American DFW to Nashiville 1155 each 3 roundtrio Amer can GFW Washingtoni3C 170S81-8353 CALIF VACATION Dallas to Fresno CA dot Sept 2 re-torn Sept 7 pm non-stoo S250 each obo (817) 481-2359 1 way Dallas FtW to Ft Sep-4 fem $100 488- byyv NJ from gay: nee RT tickets to Tokyo from A Use before 913092 $500 ea OBO 234-1968 Great deal Rd trio Sept 4-11 'VFW FW to Bal imore Washington $150 37 -1317 Male 1-way from GM to Tampa FL on Sept 1st $100 23-0363 rqundtrip Delta from r1pN TioJrnasniZ'iros Z3 Air Awards! AstriOrleof: grope S199 AmHawall Alaska 1569 214-240-0343 rndtriptkts DT-San Frio- Mb IN hSo Igti-1660eatg iR I toSaablego leaves Thor -27 returns Mon 8-31 $320 36-1(14 bFtwwtroffilt 193773gattle to dorth Brooks Ikkets tiest otter 237-0512 2N-05 iJ GNR METALLIC4 Floor tickets 794-6829 13t5r01 r711097r Se" 1 ound trip BilFW-Chicago 9-4 to 9-7 $150 735-9377 One-way to Birmingham temaleonilfAug28th 284-2031 OKLA SIDE 01)1'EXAS Tickets For Sale 405-360-5000 tk2TiAet to St Louis for 94 GUNS-N-ROSES 817428-7407 Cowboy season tickets $160 each 460-0375 2 air tickeriA 1 wy to MinnGr Forks ea obo 831-06 (3) Garth Brook tickets SIOB ea oho 292-5U6 O'N'R BR Cyrus 346-1900 pound trig DFW to Ancho rageS0010-19S350 448-9690 ectric-ac4146 4-10 1 PT DFW to DOStOM Valid thru 9-13 5150 282-7871 r-gctigr41-1DSFItCAI7u-2T3V5 Wynona Sig Flogstickits $20 for both 924-8816 tiTegeOciT110-114111' GUNS ROSES 498-0004 LA Round trio leaving Dallas to S140 33-A31 4-40 ycl fine COVAQOQY ticket 00- tions saeW ea 817-735-1015 Al rlina Ikt- Detrolt-DFW way V13 5107 460-8451 COWBOW TICKETS 335-9079 charges ok cowboy Tickets timerLow- er Level parking 265-6311 Concert tickets Metro 239 6887 (moor 356-5636 Cowboy vs BoarsAlk 2 blue Dark coupon S200 581-9546 Rnci trip DFW-Columbve OH Sept 5-9th $100 763-0263 Use ClassilVd Lost Pet your Visa MasterCard American Card to pay for your classified ad A397 Pots Found 13002 AutoTruck Services gar detailing trigkp 550 Vans Boats RV 3 also done -8119 New in town? Had A Repo? We will finance Low down 624-319i WINOWHIELD REPAIR a st convenient repair at ma sonabie rates We come to your location Call 244-9454 B003 AutoTruck Parts Affordable with LCe tray 50'235-75-15 tires WL on he 295-0500 ljrfavsnew rebuig car- Chryslers 46q9r1I' All types Qf alum intokes FordGMChrysier 467-7168 Automotive Paint Stock with mixing equipment Shelves shaker etc $1000 Ammco drvm lathe 5700 Key ma- keys $200- Catalog rocks fferstrades 431-36 Autopickup rear-ends tend transmissions parts units repair 335-7870 Divins Auto Solvage mtr $150-uptransS75-up 536-8646 Webbs 1-20 Auto Salvage Domestic Foreign bngines trans or ony part Give us a call 441-8921 Chevy Chevette '83-84 engine avgniatt-9angaterttl- ons accessories used Toy- ota Corona brake parts front rear new 429-6501 Chevy engines 203 396 454 427 truck 12 bolt Chevelie Pt 7133-2480 wkend Chevy 302 0601 1 101 block 1450 350 040-T fiaLtops shortbiock 5 Fresh outright 992-49 Fomolete or partu '66 kylark 67 Camaro- '76 o5tterhoeZryt ssaMt V2r1169 Rat cielbrock 31830 Intoke14 barrel bailey $225 793 493 Piero arts 4-1853 3 ongcrtgln Ford 302 completeS12591)Ids 57diesel compS250 491-7936 rord 301 C4 trans wilc- cess ullt S600 547-1577 Foreign Amenn 199dY Darts cheap also 196-a6 Toyota's 572-1993 7 -1996 Not Rod parts-tractIon bars 2-4 Intake etc 034-4542 Like New Block not rebuilt 351 Windsor shortbiock 9vtimin9 chain 295-1842 Vposted topside rear for 9S5GMCplckupnorust1500 obo 645-1512 MOB MO tAldpet parts for sale 284-1601 MTR S99 Other ports cheap inst available 572-5262 Parting outer whole 1979 Camaro wT-top body Ah9 willing 19 trade oarts for JSO head 429-4668 624-8012 Parting out 1900 Accord 1984 Nissan Sentra 561-2353 Partin gout '76 Firebird For- mule 400 ono 202- 4266 Parting out 13 Regal call fo parts 740-9710 before 3 om Escort rov9V0 414p2eVrOilPt PAP VS Exc Pert ou85 ord Tgrppo 4 drr tg tirxecctrigkpy arts gd 535-a 4411- Parts 51r a Bring al ler Honda covol Lt a tm Vont It new I Qt petal -qa long block also itgilmos0 I wisnitt kits I rniciltigaerdacorAntisl-DvY r3b14f3- FAS Iv 3PosVi I ransportatio A B003 AutoTruck Par t6)odog00f(08? AAtznite4for Sm 438r5ho 1695 361-3342 Too cash for JaoStraruck bed ebbtrans 47Y-1458 Ta9P21' tYMS 246-8183 WANTED: Hardtop tor 1a90 Call 817- 59-520a after riam WANTED: 10-bolt POSI track 223 gears Rem air Induction air cleaner Rally pack gauges for 71-72 Olds 265-4085 We Buy Wrecked Chevy GMC trucks '73 '87 almost any cond 282-4266 12 holt rear end not a posl set of 5 Corvette alley wheels misc 67 7 Camaro parts Camaro 1972 Chevelle parts Call 444-5778 1972 FordIbirdinterior parts 4604barrelmotorC6trans rear end gr like new electric bucket seats 246-7860 1976 Nova needs work buf running $350 540-4825 1977 11rgion new inspection $400 1978 Ogd 9e 4dow Van $600 861-0797 1970 280Z wrecked front end $500 817-646-2296 1979 Camaro good motor tires parts car 834-4181 1979 FORD DUMP TRUCK 1481116f3kac681 maitfloSr50506will! 1980 BMW 3201 front dam- aged bodyman maker make offer 236-213 1981 728 good motor head- tseread na8S-Ir osr t5Te890 1982 Mazda GLC wrecked for parts $200 obo 921-0396 1982 1 Ton 4 spcitrans 'Dell housing clutch TO bearing etc complete car test drive $300 obo 237-Y749 1983 Escort front end all or part 9216787 926-1078 1983 small Ford anger good motor sell all or part make offer 626-2330 454 Heads SKOP ea Pr double humps 428-7746 260 Volvo engine parts 834-5421 Chevy CP t44'5 hear )50 Chevy transmission $75 246-5664 351 Ford Cleveland 4V 282-4266 Wran9ler fires 16 radials S100 443-0301 409000dFcoorndd cgoor60 for 12x15 Gumbo Mudders white spoke jectiLydheel4 1t48H571S7r1S73g106 427 Chev fiblock chrome '64 Chevelle 3601 South Or '49 Chevy Pickup frame with Camaro clip 5225 237-2038 6817-556-0523 9 Cameros plus parts $2500 '69-72 Chevy r's parts '66-67 Che5-vy 1 body parts 48 438 '71 135 161 t653 '6? 12 heads S6 others 6 35 773 Monte Carlo parting out 350autotransS100 451-6165 '74 GM(PU parts '69 Pontiac 455 79 Chevy041 '48 Che- vy 60 engines oronado 403 parts 236-1643 '82 Cutla5s runs greet needs front end t500 446-1342 '84 (hevy 4108 lugr413Q0 4 16' 5 lug whis Slug 534-5764 '91 350 set-up for cart) S695 367-3342 8004 AutoTruck Accessories Campersheli sky blue $125 Cali leave message 568-1146 itro t-n-1 45-Wra Custom tomer for newer Cho- riberglas topper for 14-70 $75 274-5148 ror Salt Keystone Rims ug for 14-151n heels lock- iyo nuts S2irdt efltiifor- 44T-1437" taoodyepriroyal P-235 on hevy ally S225 on ct a um 425 tIresfone 231 on Ford chrome $425 498- 144 days 485-4878 eves Late model heyy Ford Suburban sea 922-4621 Leer Camolpheit LWRilke new cot 75 asking $450 obo 131-3043 troeV86 Stereo or4st 3c noboards eftkI stalled Best prices 6 6-881e A393 Items Lost Lost lady's heart shaped ring on Aug th Reward offered This ng Is of great sentimental r618 tPlease return Write to 0 ox820176FIWorthT)( Aug 16 CALF Old Wether- ord Rd Chappell reek Chappell 443- 795 A394 Items Found FoundebikeNEArlInAto Calltoldentitydays26S-Y2S1 Found Buil HKeller area to Identify 4550672 A396 Pets Lost Lost Westside i intersec- on of calmont cherry Ln Small Black huahua big ears answers to name of aK Reward 244-389tr 244-7502 LOST CATTrophyClubgraY black tabby with white on chest face stomach legs neutured declawed last seen 89 WARD Cali 430-4525 Lost 82392 Sam Houston HS area An: male wht Husky mix I Iblue IMP' -had recentljurgeryunder left front leg eeds veteri- nary care 277- 790 lye mssg Lost 14 vr oictiemale Aust SheornixtromTCUareablue eyes white wiblack spots no collar Drecently clipped REWAR 924-5143 Lost In Boat Club Rd area orangewhite neutured male cat Very short hair some PECAAR VA-he bri3 LOST: dog color of collie and telt' like lab answers to Boots" 768-6319 A EWA offer red for return of Toy Yorkshire blackten answers Selle MUST FIND 577-0077 8 4-9832 2 Male Siberian Huskies red white 4mo ouPPY black white adult HaltomCityarea 336-00 4 or 834-8616 ost Tab Cat by St rirkgrar go andol Mil near Post Office Reward 548-9767 A Lost Or Found Pet? Petfinders (500-666-LOST) Wkdays 10-4pm Non-profit Lost Male Female Boston I grargeyra la21" 55t AMAZON PARROT Lost July 20 Green bird red headyellowcheeks 744-1814 Lost fem blondCockerSitter beige collar red flea McCart-Cleburne 346-1338 White male cat Meadow' brook area stomach shaven from recerdsurgery451-6433 Rottweller PuppiT lost Ig est FtW I with pin collar green collar 44-3303 Lost white male Toy Poi name Dostin REWA Overton Woods 738-9997 Lost 2 Boston TerrIttra gle i Be 3 k4)9r1q7 off 2 Reward Lost black female Cocker Spaniel Eagle Qum lain Lake area 237-785 REWARD Cockatiel gray with orange cheeks 732-4078 dog West Hills 244-2194 LH IrrtA Lost bilick Cocker Spaniel aroundTrall Lake Dr 794-4801 Reward small wt long hair terrier mix on 870 265-3154 Rik male Lab mlxbtuecollar 1Nedgewood area 292-1547 LOST Male wow' tabby Cat Southiake 481-2203 kt sm I eaatOD ZP-vaV2 Lost: FtW SheottAalemute reward 1-677-3836 area -1Y yew A397 Pets Found Malt lAint 913-4rnaecil Jnter tt fir Prafrrit 214 1-6302 Haltom City -1 Please gell ity 534-YYBY Brittany ttnlels 1 male 1 male In rkansast Browning -176 FOUNfiii Benbrek area 426ticker roaanteinr491! tm reddish brown female dog found Matlock Arbrook area blind in 1 eve 561-2159 roundmale SheltleDFWRescue Program 214-2211102 round Cockatial Fri nigbf Lake Arl 483-4260 A380 HuntingFishing bay Dove lint) sun- flowers tanks hrs from Metroplex 91541 4-1474 excellent Dove lease 120 I fAsi5J laywrattre tanks $110 each Big garage cabinet $25 249-1025 bay Hunting Grain fields thick brush camp house we- ter electricity 915-372-3246 ear Poud Deer Lease In allahan ounty 675 acres $4ac 915- 54-1472 after 9pm' Zear round dove quoit tur- CaoylePu9alt0418e-Mal rath beer feeder baskets protect feeders from cows squirrels coons 370-8316 ova hunting lease Brown county 801) acres Call 15-752-7279 after dark BOW HU6PTINY-- 3 days S259 abin Octl- Novi 9)5-347-6 9 bove hunting Good wheat sunflower fields Call after 7pm 817-639-2381 ove Hunting S1Sday mild tanks 75 miles southwest Dublin 817-445-3581 Space with sunflowers for weekend Hunters Information 915-885-2532 Bow huntingonly Deer lease BrownwoqdBrady 467-0206 bus 265-1262 EgyoeHrug-yR anger Mve7a5lirt bove hunt of Graham tanks Sunflowers 549-1863 Deer feeder 8 ft legs 24 hr timers $165 461-7897 aft 5 ove atllo WI)24Sate-2 2t 444-7 beer 836 stands: towerground DOVE HUNTING Day lease Soringtown area 444-0305 Deluxe auto deer a turkey feeder S185 274-2227277-9894 Automatic Deer Feeders $135 817-594-4262 novel BosqueCo175 Season pass 817-8893410 slack plastic blinds10 159 towersfeeders Day 281-6261 DEER FEEDERS 624-7297 or 626-2967 Deer blind wifeerider $225 30 06 wscope $240 292-0019 $45 te11741 eve 431-1839 IiIntoZolnphyr611401ertse Palo Have a need 4 Hunters WO' Yr imbleCty6thyr654-3353 pri1ar93r65rSOri YOUnil Dove learnow5200acres hunters need long-term lease 7327924 4 men looking for deer lease 312 hrs FW Dale 4859768 Dove hunting Vernon area $45weekend 517 645-1272 160Ac dove ise 'Young Co SAM-season wheat 549-3875 iPER FISHING Lake Tommie 0031193-0516 i81914tOlear' Ray Roberts Guide Service competitive rates 1334-4450 2 SEASON DOVE LEASE Call after 5 817-559-2466 tove Lease sunflower wet- shade $75-season 237-1749 Leases for oil seasons bow gun 214-235-2753 A381 ResortsTravel BARE BONES LPECIAle 30 days 5 a if-621-2313 Bluebonnet Nudist Park NM Niohl- 4271-VdOceYlin TIME SHARA00 h-2881 Airline Tickets $100 off Free 4itctrtitTAnttV1412rms -lot "rings Condo on lake bedr sleeps 6 WK Aug 23 83 2525 kkm time TheVillades so PaintilMe7 resorts NUDIST PAR Scenic etrea 1-8 7-365-y571 CANCUN bwh rpni condos 0001 maid 713-852-8038 tklIreckenridge condo 811 obo 817-448-9331 ItrrVvt3 Mr1151r0rCh8P-IM 8 Padre Island cQn000 2 2 000i and spa 1-817-326 2620 TQo to Is Cold or ortenceoppmts 2 7- 50 PT Aransos 3 bd4n roma beach condo 737-72 3.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.