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CHI2015 Program OFC3.pdf
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Welcome from the Chairs ...................................................................... 2 CHI 2015 Conference-at-a-Glance ................................................ 4 Monday-Tuesday.................................................................................... 4 Wednesday-Thursday ........................................................................ 6 Conference Committee ........................................................................... 9 General Information .................................................................................11 ACM SIGCHI ........................................................................................11 CHI 2015 Overview .........................................................................11 CHI 2015 Conference Proceedings.........................................12 CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts...................................................12 Simultaneous Translation Support...........................................13 Special Daytime and Evening Events ......................................14 CHI Information and Policies ......................................................15 Asian CHI Symposia ..................................................................................16 Awards ...............................................................................................................................18 CHI Awards..................................................................................................18 CHI Academy..............................................................................................18 Past Honorees ............................................................................................19 ACM/SIGCHI Best of CHI Awards ...............................................19 People’s Choice Best Talk Award ...................................................19 Plenaries and Keynotes......................................................................... 20 Technical Sessions ...................................................................................... 22 Monday .......................................................................................................... 22 Tuesday ...........................................................................................................28 Wednesday .................................................................................................. 36 Thursday ........................................................................................................44 Workshops .........................................................................................................51 Video Showcase .............................................................................................52 Courses ..................................................................................................................53 Student Events .............................................................................................. 54 Doctoral Consortium ........................................................................... 54 Research Competition.......................................................................... 54 Design Competition ................................................................................55 Games Competition ...............................................................................55 Works In Progress ......................................................................................56 First Rotation - Tuesday all day ........................................................56 Second Rotation - Wednesday all day.........................................59 Interactivity ......................................................................................................62 Exhibitors ........................................................................................................................63 Exhibits and Interactivity Map ...................................................... 65 COEX Convention & Exhibition Center Maps .................67 WIFI (please note: case sensitive): network name: CHI2015 user name: chi2015 password: chi2015
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea |
Welcome to CHI 2015
| ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
General Conference Chairs
Bo Begole, Huawei Technologies
CHI 2015
Jinwoo Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
Technical Program Chairs
Kori Inkpen, Microsoft Research
Woontack Woo, KAIST
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea |
8:30 - 10:00
Opening Plenary Keynote (Hall D1) Lou Yonqi - Crossing: HCI, Design and Sustainability
16:30 - 17:50
14:30 - 15:50
11:30 - 12:50
10:00 - 11:30 – Coffee Break (Level 300/400 Foyers) • Student Games Competition (Hall E Foyer) • Video Showcase (Room 401) 401
Papers Non-Rigid Interaction Surfaces
Papers What Do I Hear? Communicating with Sound
Papers Rethinking Evaluation for Today’s HCI
Papers Improving Game Experiences
Papers Facebook Newsfeeds & Friendships
Papers Activism in Wikipedia & Beyond
Papers HMDs & Wearables to Overcome Disabilities
Papers Visualizing Data
Papers Understanding & Evaluating Performance
Papers Music & Art
Papers Supporting Change in Developing Countries
Papers Privacy, Security & Interruptions
Papers Making & Sharing Assistive Technologies
Papers Matching & Facilitating Social Interactions
Papers Crowdsourcing Fans & Friends
Papers Managing Personal Privacy
Papers Health Sensors & Monitoring
Papers Collaborative Tables, Walls & Rooms
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Special Papers SIGCHI Social Interaction Impact Award in 3D Space
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break (Level 300/400 Foyers) Papers Papers Papers Papers Family Makers & How Fast Can Understand Communication Hackers You Type on & Enhancing Your Phone? Learning
18:00 - 19:30 – Conference Reception & Exhibit Grand Opening • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3)
8:30 - 9:20
7:00 - 8:20 – Women’s Breakfast (Room 327ABC) Tuesday Morning Keynote (Hall D1) Donghoon Chang - UX Design in the IoT Era
16:30 - 17:50
14:30 - 15:50
11:30 - 12:50
9:30 - 10:50
9:20 - 9:30 – Break 401
Papers MuscleComputer Interfaces
Papers Phones for More Than Just Talking & Text
Papers Papers Search & Kids Haptic, Recommendations Wearable, Tangible Learning
Papers Motivation & Participation
Papers Sustainability & Recycling
Papers The Value of the Village in Caregiving
Papers I Like What I See - Interface Aesthetics
10:50 - 11:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 1, Doctoral Consortium Posters • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Papers Papers Papers Papers Special Papers Papers Papers Healthcare Bias, Storytelling in Smart Evaluating Foundations New Smartwatch Tangible Engagement & InfoVis Crowdsourcing Smartphone & Trends in Evaluation Interaction Interactions Authentication Adaptation HCI 1 Approaches 12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Special Panel SIGCHI Grip, Move Lifetime & Tilt: Novel Research Interaction Award
Papers Interactive Video & Collaborative Annotations
Papers HCI for the Elderly
Papers The Impact of Crowd Work on Workers
Papers Social Media and Mobile Camera Privacy
Papers DIY Healthcare: Apps & Wearables
Papers Social Embodied Interaction
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 1, Student Design & Student Research Posters • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers Sports Tracking Feeling & Families and Understanding Eco-Green: Design and Understanding Sharing & & Training Communicating Their Use of Crowdwork in Encouraging Collaboration 3D Object & Extending Emotions @ Work Technology Many Domains Energy Touch Fabrication Conservation Interfaces 18:00 - 19:30 • Job Fair & Recruiting Boards (Hall C2/C3)
| ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
Opening Plenary Keynote (Hall D1) Lou Yonqi - Crossing: HCI, Design and Sustainability
10:00 - 11:30 – Coffee Break (Level 300/400 Foyers) • Student Games Competition (Hall E Foyer) • Video Showcase (Room 401) E7
Panel Transfer of HCI Research Innovations
alt.chi Augmentation
Course (C01) Designing Websites for Adults 55+
Course (C02) Cross-Device, Contextdependent UI
318BC Course (C04 ) Body, Whys & Videotape: Somatic Approaches
11:30 - 12:50
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Papers Reflecting Upon Design Reflection
Case Studies Industrial Innovation
Course (C06) Intro to Human-Computer Interaction 2/2
Course (C05) Design for Searching & Finding 2/2
SIG Interactive Childhood
Course (C08) Design for Online Video & Television 1/2
Course (C08) Design for Online Video & Television 2/2
Course (C05) Design for Searching & Finding 1/2
16:30 - 17:50
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break (Level 300/400 Foyers) Papers alt.chi Course (C07) The Value of New User Actionable Things Interfaces Inexpensive Games Research 2/2
Course (C06) Intro to Human-Computer Interaction 1/2
14:30 - 15:50
Course (C07) Actionable Inexpensive Games Research 1/2
18:00 - 19:30 – Conference Reception & Exhibit Grand Opening • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) 7:00 - 8:20 – Women’s Breakfast (Room 327ABC) 8:30 - 9:20
Tuesday Morning Keynote (Hall D1) Donghoon Chang - UX Design in the IoT Era
9:20 - 9:30 – Break E7 307
Course (C09) Designing & Assessing Using Task Models 1/2
Course (C10) Learn to Sketch (Even if You Can’t Draw) 1/2
10:50 - 11:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 1, Doctoral Consortium Posters • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Course (C11) SIG Course (C10) Panel alt.chi Course (C09) Methods for Gender-Inclusive Learn to Sketch You’ve Been HCI Methodology Designing & Child Computer (Even if You Can’t Software Acquired! Assessing Using Interaction 2/2 Draw) 2/2 Task Models 2/2
Course (C13) Course (C14) Methods for HCI Mobile Human-Computer Research 1/2 Interaction 1/2
Course (C16) Sketching User Experiences 1/2
16:30 - 17:50
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 1, Student Design & Student Research Posters • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Course (C15) Course (C16) Papers Special Course (C14) Course (C13) SIG HCI Lessons: Sketching User Critical Design Human Computer Mobile Methods for HCI Start and Run From Earth to Experiences 2/2 Interaction Human-Computer Research 2/2 a SIGCHI Local Outer Space 2/2 Journal 1 Interaction 2/2 Chapter
18:00 - 19:30 • Job Fair & Recruiting Boards (Hall C2/C3)
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea |
Case Studies Education & Work
Course (C12) Practical UX Research Methodologies 2/2
14:30 - 15:50
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Course (C15) Papers HCI Lessons: Innovation in From Earth to Theories & Outer Space 1/2 Products
318BC Course (C12) Practical UX Research Methodologies 1/2
11:30 - 12:50
Papers Case Studies Supporting Art & Life Creativity through UX Design
9:30 - 10:50
Course (C11) Methods for Child Computer Interaction 1/2
8:30 - 9:20
Wednesday Morning Keynote (Hall D1) David Min - Journey to a Better Life
9:20 - 9:30 – Break 01
9:30 - 10:50
E5 Papers Accessibility at Home & on The Go
E6 Papers Telepresence Video, Robots, and Walls
10:50 - 11:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 2 • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers Digital & Tactile Automation Art & Bridging People Materials Notifications and Interactive Performance & Beliefs with Fabrication for Phones & Feedback Social Media Wearables
Special Foundations & Trends in HCI 2
Papers Quantified Self for Humans & Pets
Papers Visualizing Statistics & Graphs
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Special Papers SIGCHI Understanding Lifetime Everyday Use of Practice Mobile Phones Award
Papers Security Feedback & Warnings
Papers Wellness & Wearables
Papers Task Interruption & Resumption
Papers Socio-Political Interactions
Papers Understanding Health through Online Behavior
Papers Natural User Interfaces for InfoVis
8:30 - 9:20
16:30 - 17:50
14:30 - 15:50
Papers HMDs in Augmented & Virtual Reality
E4 Special Enhanced Security with Passwords & CAPTCHAs
11:30 - 12:50
402 Papers Tangible Interaction with Phones
403 Papers Neighborhoods & Disadvantaged Communities
Papers GUI Size, Resolution & Layout
E1/E2 Papers Player Performance & Experience in Games
Papers Kids Social, Emotional & Special Needs
E3 Papers Bridging People & Beliefs with Social Media
Papers HCI for Civic Engagement
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 2 • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers Voting & HCI at Home Using Random Brain & Software Volunteerism Body Parts for Physiological Engineering Input Data use for Tools HCI
Thursday Morning Keynote, ACM-W Athena Lecture (Hall D1) Susan T. Dumais, ACM Fellow - Large-Scale Behavioral Data: Potential and Pitfalls
14:30 - 15:50
11:30 - 12:50
9:30 - 10:50
9:20 - 9:30 – Break 01 401
Papers Augmented & Virtual Reality in the Real World
Papers Gesture Elicitation & Recognition
Papers Programming Environments
Papers Digital Collections, Practice & Legacy
Papers Multilingual Communication
Papers Empowering Users
Papers Accessibility for Vision Impaired Users
Papers Interactive & Multi-Surface Maps
10:50 - 11:30 – Coffee Break • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Papers Papers Papers Papers MOOCS & Understanding Robot Mid-Air e-Learning Gamers Personalities Gestures and Interaction
Papers Bridging Communities
Papers Gender & Technology
Papers Coping & Wellbeing Through HCI
Papers Interacting with Floors & Situated Displays
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Papers Papers Multi-Device Speech & Interaction Auditory Interfaces
Papers Social Media & Citizen Science
Papers Disasters & Humanitarian Events
Papers Home Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Papers Interaction Techniques for Tables & Walls
Papers Email & Social Media at Work
Papers Understanding & Protecting Kids Tech Use
16:30 - 17:50
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break (Level 300/400 Foyers)
Closing Plenary Keynote (Hall D1) PSY - Cultural Crossing from Local to Global through Music:Technology, Media, and Future
| ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
8:30 - 9:20
Wednesday Morning Keynote (Hall D1) David Min - Journey to a Better Life
9:20 - 9:30 – Break 01 Course (C18) Speech-based Interaction 1/2
Panels Experience Design for Games
alt.chi Arts and Phiolosphy
Course (C17) Intro to Creating Musical Interfaces 1/2
10:50 - 11:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 2 • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Course (C18) Panel Special Course (C17) Special Speech-based Transdisciplinary Human Computer Intro to Creating Student Research Interaction 2/2 Design in Interaction Journal Musical Competition Education 2 Interfaces 2/2 Finals
SIG Online Deliberative Processes and Tech
318BC Course (C19) Designing Surveys for HCI Research 1/2 Course (C19) Designing Surveys for HCI Research 2/2
Course (C23) Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design 1/2
Course (C23) Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design 2/2
16:30 - 17:50
14:30 - 15:50
11:30 - 12:50
9:30 - 10:50
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Course (C20) Designing Wearable Interfaces 1/2
Course (C21) Experience Sampling to Collect Deep Data 1/2
Special Student Design Competition Finals
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break • WIP Posters Rotation 2 • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Special Papers Course (C20) Course (C21) Course (C22) Student Game UX Methods 4 Designing Experience Rapid Design Competition Wearable Sampling to Labs - Design-Led Interfaces Collect Deep Data Finals Innovation 2/2 2/2 2/2
SIG Understanding Sports
8:30 - 9:20
Thursday Morning Keynote, ACM-W Athena Lecture (Hall D1) Susan T. Dumais, ACM Fellow - Large-Scale Behavioral Data: Potential and Pitfalls
9:20 - 9:30 – Break 01 E7 307 Panel Mobile Devices Revolutionizing UI
Case Studies Observation & Interaction
Case Studies Special Environments
318BC Course (C26) Introduction to Positive Computing
14:30 - 15:50
12:50 - 14:30 – Lunch Break Papers Papers: Interacting with GUIs
Course (C27) Designing with the Mind in Mind
11:30 - 12:50
10:50 - 11:30 – Coffee Break • Interactivity (Hall C2/C3) Course (C28) Panel alt.chi Benefit from Why Google Mindfulness and Using ISO Cannot Be the Care Standards #1 in Korea?
317BC Course (C24) Vision-Driven: Beyond Tangible Bits
9:30 - 10:50
Course (C25) Interaction Design for Reading Devices
15:50 - 16:30 – Coffee Break (Level 300/400 Foyers)
CHI 2015
16:30 - 17:50
Closing Plenary Keynote (Hall D1) PSY - Cultural Crossing from Local to Global through Music:Technology, Media, and Future
Panels Course (C22) 10 Years of Rapid Design Labs - Design-Led alt.chi Innovation 1/2
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea |
| ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
CONFERENCE COMMITTEE General Conference Chairs
Jinwoo Kim, Yonsei University, Korea Bo Begole, Huawei, USA
Technical Program
Technical Program Chairs Woontack Woo, KAIST, Korea Kori Inkpen, Microsoft Research, USA Papers and Notes Andy Cockburn, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Joanna McGrenere, University of British Columbia, Canada Jun Rekimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan Best of CHI Awards Mark Billinghurst, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Panels Khai Truong, UNC Charlotte, USA Elaine M. Huang, University of Zurich, Switzerland Case Studies Danielle Cooley, USA Joonhwan Lee, Seoul National University, Korea Courses Regina Bernhaupt, Ruwido, Austria Matt Jones, Swansea University, United Kingdom Interactivity Julie Rico Williamson, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Juhyun Eune, Seoul National University, Korea Video Showcase Jinwook Seo, Seoul National University, Korea Rodrigo de Oliveira, YouTube, USA SIGs
Enrico Rukzio, Ulm University, Germany Simone Barbosa, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Doctoral Consortium Si-Jung “Jun” Kim, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA Jaime Teevan, Microsoft Research, USA Susan Fussell, Cornell University, USA Workshops Jürgen Steimle, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research, USA Works in Progress Shamsi Iqbal, Microsoft Research, USA Shaun Lawson, University of Lincoln, UK Shendong Zhao, National University of Singapore, Singapore Student Design Competition Youn-Kyung Lim, KAIST, Korea Anirudha Joshi, IIT Bombay, India Student Research Competition Seungyon “Claire” Lee, Google, USA Derek Reilly, Dalhousie University, Canada Geehyuk Lee, KAIST, Korea Student Game Competition Floyd Muller, RMIT University, Australia Alessandro Canossa, Northeastern University, USA Soojin Jun, Yonsei University, Korea alt.chi Silvia Lindtner, University of California, Irvine, USA Morgan Ames, Intel, USA Henry Duh, UTAS, Australia TOCHI papers Jeff Nichols, IBM, USA Conference Theme/Local Heroes Kyle Hyunsuk Kim, Hongik University, Korea
Student Volunteers Coordinators Jon Haber, University of Calgary, Canada Siroberto Scerbo, Virginia Tech, USA Jieun Wee, Seoul National University, Korea Chair’s Assistants Yoojin Lee, Yonsei University, Korea Nikolas Martelaro, Stanford University, USA Data Management Max Van Kleek, University of Southampton, UK BoYu Gao, Konkuk University, Korea Design Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Splunk, Inc. Jina Wu, Cisco Systems Opening Animation Director Chris Inkyong Whang, Hongik University, Korea Technical Liason Sara Drenner, BI Worldwide, USA Scooter Morris, University of California, San Franscisco, USA Proceedings Deana Brown, Georgia Tech, USA Jaejeung Kim, KAIST, Korea Posters Hyunjoo Song, Seoul National University, Korea Infrastructure Accessibility Jongbae Kim, Yonsei University, Korea Digital Accessibility Jeff Bigham, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Local Hospitality Junho Choi, Yonsei University, Korea Video Previews Stéphane Huot, Inria, France Fanny Chevalier, Inria, France Social Media Max Wilson, University of Nottingham, UK Kwangsu Cho, Yonsei University, Korea Scheduling Christophe Hurter, ENAC, France Juho Kim, MIT, USA Mobile Applications Stephen Oney, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Jason Wiese, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Eiji Hayashi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Célia Martinie, Université Toulouse 3, France Translations Susan Fussell, Cornell University, USA Naomi Yamashita, NTT, Japan Webmaster Juho Kim, MIT, USA Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat, UPLB, Philippines Conference Management Janeé Pelletier, Conference & Logistics Consultants, USA Allison Perrelli, Conference & Logistics Consultants, USA Sponsors, Exhibits & Recruitment Carol Klyver, Foundations of Excellence, USA Registration Yvonne Lopez, Executive Events Inc., USA Brooke Daley, Executive Events Inc., USA PCS Liaison Max van Kleek, University of Southampton, UK Carol Klyver, Foundations of Excellence, USA Scooter Morris, University of California, San Francisco, USA Women’s Breakfast Event Allison Druin, University of Mar yland, USA
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea |
10 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
CHI 2015 is sponsored by ACM’s Special Interest Group on ComputerHuman Interaction (ACM SIGCHI). ACM, the Association for omputing ac iner is an educational and scientific societ uniting the world’s computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue s are resources and address t e field s c allenges ACM strengthens the profession’s collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking. ACM offers its more than 100,000 worldwide members cutting edge technical information through world class journals and magazines, dynamic special interest groups, and globally recognized conferences. Visit for more information about ACM. SIGCHI is the premier international society for professionals, academics, and students who are interested in human-computer interaction (HCI). We provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of HCI t roug our conferences including our flags ip conference publications, web sites, email discussion groups, and other services. We advance education in HCI through courses, workshops, and outreach, and we promote informal access to a wide range of individuals and organizations involved in HCI. Members can be involved in HCI-related activities with others in their region through local SIGCHI chapters. Come to the SIGCHI Town Hall meeting on Wednesday at 12:50 in Room 308 or visit to learn more about SIGCHI.
Membership Information
Please contact ACM’s Member Services Department Online: Tel: Fax: Email: Write:
Level 300
Asian CHI Symposia - Open to Public
Level 300
Workshops provide a valuable opportunity for small communities of people with diverse perspectives to engage in rich one- and two-day discussions about a topic of common interest. Workshop participants are pre-selected based on submitted position papers and a brief description of each workshop appears in the CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts. Some workshops choose to display a poster in the Exhibit Hall E Poster Area. CHI 2015 is offering a series of special symposia for topics pertinent to HCI communities across Asia. These symposia may contain content in English or in a regional language. Participants include both presenters and audience members. The symposia descriptions appear in the CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts.
Choosing sessions to attend 1.
The CHI 2015 technical program showcases presentations of outstanding research in human-computer interaction (HCI), demonstrations of new and innovative technology, discussions of timely and controversial issues, and presentations of the latest developments in HCI design and practice. The CHI technical program includes presentations in multiple formats, recorded in the CHI 2015 Proceedings and Extended Abstracts available from the ACM Digital Library and on the CHI 2015 USB key.
CHI 2015 received over 3200 submissions and accepted over 1000 presentations and events distributed across 15 parallel sessions over four days. With so many presentations happening at once, how do you choose? CHI 2015 offers the following resources to help you make the most of your conference experience:
2. +1-800-342-6626 (USA/Canada) +1-212-626-0500 (International) +1-212-944-1318 [emailprotected] Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. eneral ost ffice P.O. Box 30777 New York, NY 10087-0777, USA
SATURDAY– SUNDAY EVENTS Doctoral Consortium - Invitation Only
Workshops - Invitation Only
This CHI 2015 Conference Program describes the venues and offers at-a-glance summaries of all events in the main technical program, as well as times and locations. The CHI 2015 USB key provided when you register includes the CHI 2015 Conference Proceedings and Extended Abstracts, also available in the ACM Digital Library, and the CHI 2015 Video Previews (see below). Extra USB keys are available for purchase at the Registration Desk. The free CHI 2015 Mobile App contains the full CHI 2015 program as well as a personal interactive schedule to help you keep track of events you would like to see. The CHI 2015 Proceedings and Extended Abstracts as well as Video Previews (below) can be loaded into the Mobile App for easy access. That app can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store and Google Play. A web version can be accessed at: The CHI 2015 Video Previews are 30-second video overviews of most presentations in the main technical program. You can browse Video Previews on the CHI 2015 USB, the CHI 2015 web site and the CHI 2015 Mobile App. CHI 2015 Student Volunteers (SVs) are available to point you in the right direction or answer questions about the program.
Room 308AB
Selected doctoral students present and explore their research topics with senior researchers and other students in a two-day interdisciplinary workshop. Doctoral Consortium posters are displayed in the Commons and brief descriptions appear in the CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts. Doctoral Consortium Mentors: Gregory Abowd, Mark Blythe, Susan Fussell (Co-Chair), Darren Gergle, Jim Hollan, Si-Jung ‘‘Jun’’ Kim (Co-Chair), Alice Oh, Jaime Teevan (Co-Chair)
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 11
The CHI 2015 Conference Proceedings contain Papers and Notes, the most rigorously reviewed and prestigious material in the main technical program. The CHI 2015 Program Committee received 2125 submissions for Papers and Notes. Each was reviewed by one or more Associate Chairs, as well as three or more external reviewers. After a rebuttal phase, the 200+ senior Associate Chairs met in person within specialized subcommittees to discuss and select the accepted papers. The CHI 2015 acceptance rate was 23%.
The CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts record interactive events designed to provoke, intrigue, teach and inspire the CHI audience and capture a history of HCI practice.
The CHI 2015 Papers and Notes document research that makes a lasting and significant contri ution to our no ledge and understanding of human-computer interaction. CHI Conference Proceedings are read and cited worldwide, with a broad impact on the development of HCI principles, theories, techniques, and their practical application.
CHI Papers
Rooms 317A, 317BC, 318BC, E7
One or two 80-minute units List on page 53 Courses provide professional development opportunities for existing and prospective HCI community members. Pre-register to receive t e course notes and an identifier on our adge t at permits entr to t e course ou ma register for an unfilled courses at t e Registration Desk.
Case Studies
Room 308ABC
20-minute presentations
apers present significant contri utions to researc de elopment and practice in all areas of human-computer interaction.
Case Studies describe examples of best practices in human-computer interaction. The goal is to explain methods that deliver reliable, highquality results based on real-world experience and to present the lessons learned.
CHI Notes
20-minute presentations
10-minute presentations Notes are briefer and more focused than CHI Papers but follow the same rigorous review process.
TOCHI Papers 20-minute presentations papers ere pu lis ed it in t e past ear in S journal, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
s flags ip
Room 307ABC
80-minute sessions anels ta e arious formats ut al a s in ol e significant interaction among panelists and audience mem ers around a specified topic The goal is to stimulate thought and discussion on current issues in human-computer interaction.
Room 308ABC
20-minute presentations Entering its tenth year, alt.chi offers an outlet for unusual, controversial, alternati e or t oug t pro o ing or t at does not fit it in t e standard CHI submission process. The format encourages lively audience participation.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Room 318A
80-minute sessions SIGs offer a forum for conference attendees who share similar interests to discuss a specified topic re ious S s a e launc ed ne conferences and publications or generated new CHI activities.
Video Showcase
Room 401
80-minute session List on page 52 The CHI 2015 Video Showcase features engaging videos that offer a variety of perspectives on human-computer interaction, including no el interfaces reflecti e pieces and future en isionments ome and enjoy the videos during Monday morning break (10:00 – 11:30) followed by the Golden Mouse award ceremony. The People’s Choice Video award will be announced at the Closing Plenary.
Hall C2/C3
Hands-on demonstrations List on page 62 Interactivity offers hands-on demonstrations that let you see, hear and touch interactive visions of the future. They take the form of prototypes, demonstrations, artworks, design experiences and inspirational technologies. Interactivity offers an alternative to CHI’s traditional te t format to present ad ances in t e field nteracti it promotes and provokes discussion about the role of technology through hands-on engagement. Come see Interactivity at the CHI 2015 Conference Reception and Exhibits Grand Opening (Monday 18:00 – 19:30, Hall C2/C3) and during coffee breaks.
12 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
Hall C2/C3
Posters List on page 56 or s in rogress present or at an earl stage t at can enefit from one-on-one discussions with colleagues. WIP Posters will be displayed in t o rotations t e first rotation on uesda st pril and t e second on Wednesday (22nd April). Morning and afternoon coffee breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday are designated sessions during which WIP authors will be available at their posters to informally discuss their research with colleagues. These sessions will also feature some structured interactive activities where authors will describe their work. Please come and hear about their ground-breaking work at these times.
Doctoral Consortium
Room 308AB
Posters List on page 54
This year, CHI is planning to provide simultaneous translation from English to Chinese, Japanese and Korean in the main auditorium t roug out t e first and last da of conference co ering t e pening and Closing sessions along with other sessions. Additional translation support such as machine translation and closed captioning will be available for other sessions throughout the conference. Translation Chairs: Susan Fussell, Cornell University, USA Naomi Yamashita, NTT, Japan Translation Support Committee: Bo Begole, Huawei R&D, USA Fanny Chevalier, INRIA, France Henry Duh, University of Tasmania, Australia Stéphane Huo, Université Paris-Sud, France Walter Lasecki, University of Rochester, USA
Doctoral Consortium students are available to discuss their research in the DC Spotlight session Tuesday during morning coffee break (10:50 – 11:30).
Yoojin Lee, Yonsei University, Korea
Student Research Competition
Masayuki Otani, Kyoto University, Japan
Rodrigo de Oliveira, Google, USA
Posters and 80-minute session List on page 54
Eunice Sari, University of Western Australia, Australia
The Student Research Competition (SRC) is a branch of the ACM Student Research Competition. Students’ posters are on display in Hall C2/C3 with author presentations during Tuesday's afternoon break (15:50-16:30). Final presentations are held on Wednesday (11:30 – 12:50, Room 317BC). Winners are announced at the Closing Plenary.
Juergen Steimle, MIT, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Saiph Savage, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, México SakolTeeravarunyou, King Mongkut’s University of Technology,Thailand Bimlesh Wadhwa, National University of Singapore, Singapore Koji Yatani, University of Tokyo, Japan
Student Design Competition Posters and 80-minute session List on page 55 The Student Design Competition (SDC) challenges students to design a product, application, technology, or service that enable people who are a new and completely unexplored user group in any country to appropriate things and technologies around them. Monday 10:00 – Room B is t e losed ur Session Semi finalist posters are displayed in the Hall C2/C3 poster area, and authors will be presenting their work to all attendees during Tuesday's afternoon break (15:50 – e SD ur selects four finalists to present on Wednesday (14:30 – 15:50, Room 317BC). The winner is announced at the Closing Plenary.
Student Game Competition Demonstrations and 80-minute session List on page 55 The Student Game Competition (SGC) challenges students to design games in three categories: Games for a Purpose, Innovative Interface, and Innovative Game Design. Students demonstrate their games on Monday (10:00 – all o er e final presentations and ceremony is held on Wednesday (16:30 – 17:50, Room 317BC). Winners are also announced at the Closing Plenary.
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 13
Hall E Foyer
Monday, 10:00 – 11:30 CHI attendees can try out the games from the Student Games Competition (listed on page 55) during this special morning break.
Women’s Breakfast
Room 327ABC
Tuesday, 7:00 – 8:30 This breakfast offers participants the opportunity to broaden personal professional net or s in t e field of and to engage in discussions on such topics as mentoring networks, work-life balance, diverse success paths, and personal-branding. During this program participants share their stories of success and challenge which can inspire CHI omen o ma e longtime leaders or ne to t e field
ACM SIGCHI Town Hall Lunch
Room 308
Wednesday, 12:50 – 14:30 S officers present ongoing programs and acti ities follo ed an audience Q&A session. Participants interested in shaping SIGCHI’s future are encouraged to attend. An informal lunch is available on a first come first ser ed asis
SPECIAL EVENING EVENTS Conference Reception & Exhibits Grand Opening
Hall C2/C3
Monday, 18:00 – 19:30 Catch up with old friends and meet new ones at the CHI 2015 Conference Reception! Explore almost 50 hands-on demonstrations and performances at the Grand Opening of Exhibits and Interactivity. The reception features Korean themed food choices and live performances. Admission and drinks tickets are included with your conference registration; additional tickets may be purchased at the Registration Desk. Tickets are not available at the door.
Job Fair & Recruiting Boards
Hall C2/C3
Tuesday, 18:00 – 19:30 Recruiters and job candidates are invited to take advantage of the CHI 2015 Job Fair on Tuesday evening. Visit the Recruiting Boards and designated e i it oot s t roug out t e conference to find out more about available positions. CHI 2015 Hero Sponsor Recruiters: Samsung
Booths 1-3
CHI 2015 Champion Sponsor Recruiters: Golfzon
Booths 17 & 18
Booths 21 & 22
CHI 2015 Contributing Sponsor Recruiters: Disney Research
Recruiting Board
Booth 16
CHI 2015 Additional Recruiters: Bentley University
Recruiting Board
Cisco Systems
Recruiting Board
Robert Bosch
Recruiting Board
Recruiting Board
Recruiting Board
Samsung SDS, CX Team Booth 11 SAP
Booths 34 & 35
SMART Technologies
Recruiting Board
Splunk, Inc.
Recruiting Board
Hospitality Receptions
various locations
Wednesday evening Private and public receptions are often hosted by different companies, universities, and other organizations on Wednesday evening. Your badge is your ticket to enter if these are public, so please be sure to wear it.
14 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
GENERAL INFORMATION OPENING HOURS Registration and Merchandise Desk
Register for the CHI 2015 Conference and Workshops at the Registration Desk located on Saturday and Sunday morning in the Level 300 Foyer and for the CHI 2015 Conference and Courses (subject to availability) Sunday afternoon through Thursday in the Hall D1 Foyer of the Convention Center. CHI 2015 Merchandise, including plush toy tigers and T-shirts, will be available for purchase (subject to availability). Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
07:30 – 12:00 07:30 – 10:00 16:00 – 18:00 07:30 – 19:00 07:30 – 19:00 07:30 – 17:30 07:30 – 16:30
Level 300 Foyer Level 300 Foyer Hall D1 Foyer Hall D1 Foyer Hall D1 Foyer Hall D1 Foyer Hall D1 Foyer
The Commons (Exhibit Hall)
Hall C2/C3
all is on e el rd floor of t e on ention and Exhibition Center. Here you can enjoy a beverage and light snack during coffee breaks, talk with colleagues or explore Exhibits, Posters and Interactivity demonstrations and performances. Opens on Monday evening. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
18:00 – 19:30 10:30 – 18:00 10:30 – 17:30 10:30 – 13:30
Opening Reception (18:00 – 19:30 Job Fair)
Regularly scheduled morning and afternoon coffee breaks are complimentary for all registered CHI 2015 attendees: 10:00 – 11:30 15:50 – 16:30 Tuesday-Wednesday 10:50 – 11:30 15:50 – 16:30 Thursday 10:50 – 11:30 15:50 – 16:30
Speaker Ready Room
Level 300&400 Foyers Level 300&400 Foyers Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3 Level 300&400 Foyers
Room 306
Speakers and session chairs may use this room as a central check-in point and speakers may reserve a projector to prepare materials and rehearse their presentations. Sign up early with the staff person, since appointments are on a first come first ser ed asis and onl one projector is available. Sunday-Wednesday Thursday
Media/Press Office
Hall C2/C3
Student Volunteers staff the Information desk during Exhibits hours. e are app to elp ans er our uestions or find someone o can. At other times, stop by the Registration Desk for information.
Student Volunteers
Room 301AB
as ell o er Student olunteers easil identified their bright colored SV t-shirts. Most are graduate students in humancomputer interaction and some are seeking jobs or internships.
Name Badges
Your CHI 2015 name badge serves as your admission pass to conference sessions and events. Please wear your name badge at all times while inside the convention center. Conference management reserves the right to deny admission to anyone not wearing a CHI 2015 name badge.
Internet Café
Hall C2/C3
Enjoy chatting with colleagues during the breaks at the Internet Café, located in the Exhibit Hall. CHI 2015 provides access to power for your mobile devices in addition to wireless access.
Wireless Access
CHI 2015 offers wireless high-speed internet access throughout the convention center including in all meeting rooms. Also, please be considerate of your colleagues and limit your time spent online.
Blogging & Photosharing
Coffee Breaks Monday
08:00 – 17:00 08:00 – 14:00
CHI encourages conference attendees to blog CHI. Please add the category or keyword “CHI 2015” to your blog entries so that ot ers ma find t em easil e encourage p otos aring ser ices such as Flickr, but please add a “CHI 2015” tag to your photos and “#chi2015” to your tweets.
Photography and Recording
Photographing crowd scenes and people interacting with technology is common at CHI and attendees should be aware that their image might be captured. Please use common courtesy when taking photos or video of individuals that are later uploaded to YouTube, Flickr or similar sites and ask permission before posting pictures of identifia le people e use of an t pe of audio or ideo recording device is not permitted during any part of the conference.
Smoking Policy
The COEX Convention and Exhibition Center is a non-smoking facility and smoking is permitted outside only in designated areas.
Room 309
CHI 2015 welcomes members of the media. Please stop by the Media ffice onda t roug ursda to get information on sc eduled Media Events this week, and to learn more about CHI 2015, SIGCHI, and future CHI conferences. CHI 2015 media coordinators will be happy to schedule interviews with select authors at the conference. e edia ffice ours are t e same as t e Registration Des
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 15
CHI 2015 is offering a series of special symposia for topics pertinent to HCI communities across Asia. These symposia may contain content in English or in a regional language. Participants include both presenters and audience members. The symposia descriptions appear in the CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts.
Chinese CHI Symposium: Chinese HCI Society
Room 318AB
Saturday April 18th - Sunday April 19th
Chinese CHI is the Chinese leading forum for research in all areas of Human-Computer Interaction. It attracts an international community of practitioners, researchers, academics and students from a wide range of disciplines including user experience design, software engineering, human factors, information systems, social science and creative industries among other disciplines.
Saturday April 18th
Room 317B
This symposium showcases the latest work from Japan on interactive systems and user interfaces that address under-explored problems and demonstrate unique approaches. In addition to circulating ideas and sharing a vision of future research in human-computer interaction, this symposium aims to foster the social network among young researchers and create a fresh community. Organizers: Jun Kato, National Institute of Advanced, Japan Hiromi Nakamura, The University of Tokyo, Japan Yuta Sugiura, Keio University, Japan
Organizers: Hao-Chuan Wang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Taku Hachisu, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Gary Hsieh, University of Washington, USA
Daisuke Sakamoto, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Xiaojun Bi, Google, USA
Koji Yatani, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Henry Duh, University of Tasmania, Australia
Yoshifumi Kitamura, Tohoku University, Japan
Yihsiu Chen, HTC Creative Labs, USA
Japanese CHI Symposium 1: Emerging Japanese HCI Research Collection
Crossing HCI for Development in Asia Pacific
Sunday April 19th
Room 319
sia acific is ell no n for its ide di ersit in languages and cultures, which subsequently make the ICT landscapes in the region to be unique and diverse in many terms. This symposium provides an excellent opportunity for academia and professionals to showcase the latest HCI for Development (HCI4D) research, case studies, and industrial engagement in sia acific As a part of Asian CHI Symposia (ACHIS) of CHI 2015 conference, we welcome participation from academia and professionals who are interested in t e researc and de elopment of in sia acific Under the big conference theme “CROSSINGS”, we would like to bring cross-exchange of information and transfer of knowledge in this multidisciplinary environment and socioeconomic aspects of research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This symposium is open to everyone interested in HCI and UX. Organizers: Eunice Sari, University of Western Australia, Australia Bimlesh Wadhwa, National University of Singapore, Singapore Adi Tedjasaputra, UX Indonesia, Indonesia Masitah Ghazali, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Anirudha Joshi, IIT Bombay, India
Japanese CHI Symposium 2: Japanese Culture and Kansei
Sunday April 19th
Room 309
Psychologically, «Kansei» is related to emotion and cognition and sociologically is related to culture and history. Historically, the origin of the concept of «Kansei» as a Japanese term goes back to «Aesthesis» by Aristotle and «Aesthetics» concepts by Baumgarten and Kant. When this concept was imported to Japan in Meiji era, about 150 years ago, the concept was translated as «Bigaku» or the science of beauty as well as was translated as «Kansei» or the concept with the connotation including sensitivity, sensibility, emotion and feeling. Hence Kansei is related to the science of beauty in its historical background in Japan. JSKE (Japan Society of Kansei Engineering) started a series of KEER (Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research) conference and ISASE (International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering) in the latter sense of aesthetics. This is a peculiar situation of the Japanese language. Similarly, the term «Kansei» can be interpreted differently from country to country, and from culture to culture. This symposium is organized to discuss the concept of «Kansei» from different cultural perspectives. For example, «kawaii» is now used internationally as can be found in Wikipedia ( wiki/Kawaii) and OED. At the same time, this symposium aims not only to differentiate the differences among various cultures, but also e pects to find out t e common aspects ased on t e fact t at e are all the human beings with the emotional system and the cognitive system. Organizers: Hisao Shiizuka, Fuzzy Logic System Institute, Japan Masaaki Kurosu, The Open University of Japan, Japan Michiko Ohkura, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
16 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
CHI AWARDS LIFETIME RESEARCH AWARD The SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to the study of human-computer interaction.This a ard recogni es t e er est most fundamental and influential researc contributions. It is awarded for a lifetime of innovation and leadership Jim Hollan is Professor of Cognitive Science & Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego, where he co-directs the Design Lab. Following a postdoc in AI at Stanford, Hollan led the UCSD Intelligent Systems Group in the Institute for Cognitive Science and the Future Technologies Group at NPRDC. He left UCSD to become Director of the MCC Human Interface Lab and subsequently established the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Research Group at Bellcore. He then moved to the University of New Mexico as Chair of the Computer Science Department. He returned to UC San Diego in 1997. Hollan’s early work explored graphical interfaces to aid understanding of complex dynamic systems. This work resulted in a series of training systems (e.g., Steamer and Moboard) and one of the first o ect oriented grap ics editors e science t at accompanied t ese de elopment efforts made significant contri utions to understanding direct manipulation interfaces and advancing research on mental models. The next phase of Hollan’s research focused on designing multimodal interfaces to high-functionality systems. He lead the Human Interface Lab at MCC in creating t e uman nterface ool Suite S ic as among t e first prototyping systems to integrate gestures, graphics, sketching, and natural language. Other work begun at MCC on history-enriched digital objects, colla orati e filtering and e ond eing t ere continued en e mo ed to Bellcore, where he initiated a large scale project to explore multiscale information visualization. The resulting system, Pad++, was a precursor to current zoomable interfaces. When he returned to UCSD he focused on developing distributed cognition as a theoretical and methodological base for advancing HCI research. In recent work, Hollan and his students are developing tools (ChronoViz) to aid visualization and analysis of multiple streams of video and other time-based data and exploring techniques to help reestablish the context of interrupted activities.
LIFETIME PRACTICE AWARD The SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to the practice and understanding of humancomputer interaction. This award recognizes the very best and most influential applications of uman computer interaction t is a arded for a lifetime of innovation and leadership. Susan M. Dray has worked to advance human-centered design since 1979, initially in a human factors research group at Honeywell, and later championing usability of corporate systems at American Express. She was one of t e founders of S in Since er consulting firm Dray & Associates, has provided user experience research for a long list of clients to help them create innovative products and services that are useful, usable, and desirable.Through her publications, teaching, mentoring, and many spea ing engagements Susan as contri uted significantl to t e e olution of U researc practice especiall in field researc naturalistic usa ilit evaluation, and international usability and user research. Extensive experience doing research in developing countries led to her involvement in forming a professional community focused on user-centered design for development (UCD4D), applying UCD to technological aspects of economic development. She is currently pursuing this interest as a Fulbright Scholar on the faculty at the Technological University of Panama. Susan is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, recipient of the SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award, member of the CHI Academy and an ACM Distinguished Engineer. She is a long-time Column/Forum editor for Interactions and served as Director of Publications on the Board of the User Experience Professionals Association. Susan holds a doctorate in Psychology from UCLA. Bill Verplank is an interaction designer and educator known for his diagrams and sketches. He studied engineering at Stanford and MIT. At ero e participated in testing and refining and presenting at the Xerox Star. He helped write (and diagram) the SIGCHI Curricula. At Stanford, he learned to teach visual thinking from Bob McKim and helped Terry Winograd create an HCI design course. He was hired by industrial designer Bill Moggridge at ID2 and started “interaction design”. At Interval Research, he developed design methods: “body storming” and “informance design”; and pioneered tangible user-interfaces (TEI) and experimented with haptic force-feedback. When Interval closed in 2000, he joined Max Mathews at Stanford’s CCRMA to develop a course on HCI for computer
CHI 2015
music and a conference (spun off from CHI) called NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression). He was on the steering committee at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) and once or twice a year continues to teach at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID).
LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD The SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award goes to individuals who have contributed to the growth of SIGCHI in a variety of capacities. This award is for extended services to the community at large over a number of years. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon is Professor of Computer Science, Classe Exceptionnelle, at Université Paris-Sud (France) and a senior fellow of Institut Universitaire de France. He has worked in human-computer interaction for 30 years and was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2006. His research interests include fundamental aspects of interaction, novel interaction techniques, computer-supported cooperative work and engineering of interactive systems. He has published over 150 papers and is an ACM Distinguished Speaker. His current research is conducted in the Ex Situ group, a joint lab between Université Paris-Sud, CNRS and Inria, where he heads the 22M€ Digiscope project. Michel is heavily involved in the management of research. He has been vice-president of the computer science department at Université Paris-Sud. He was director of LRI, the laboratory for computer science joint between Université Paris-Sud and CNRS (280 faculty, staff, and Ph.D. students), where he now heads the Human-Centered Computing lab. He participates in the evaluation of many research institutions and research proposals at the French, European and international levels. He currently sits on t e Scientific ommittee of NRS for omputer Science ic el as worked tirelessly to develop HCI in France. He has advised twenty-eight Ph.D. students and has served on more than 100 Ph.D. and French “habilitation” committees. He founded and co-directs two international masters in HCI, and is co-director of the graduate school in computer science. He founded AFIHM, the Francophone association for human-computer interaction, and as its first president ic el as also een acti e in and S for o er 20 years. He has served on the program committees of many conferences, especially CHI and UIST, several times (7) as chair or co-chair. He was chair of UIST 2001, co-chair of IHM 2004, co-chair of ECSCW 2005, and Technical Program Co-chair for CHI 2013 in Paris. He sits on the editorial boards of ACM Books and ACM TOCHI. He has served on the ACM Council and the ACM Publications Board, and on several award and nominating committees of ACM and SIGCHI. He is currently serving on the ACM Europe Council and on U t e ne uropean polic office of Jean Scholtz or ed as a student olunteer at er first conference in 1988. Since then, she has volunteered at many CHI conferences in various positions including: reviewer, session chair, associate reviewer, co-chair of late breaking submissions, co-chair of Technical notes, Co-chair of Organizational Overviews, Co-Industry Liaison, Co-chair of Panels, and Special Area Chair – robotics. She was also the Vice-Chair of Finance of the SIGCHI from 1997–2001. Jean was involved in starting a local SIGCHI in Portland, OR in 1991. CHIFOO (The Computer Human Interaction Forum of Oregon) is still going strong. She also was involved in starting a local Chapter in the District of Columbia in the late 90’s. Jean’s research in the CHI area started with studying transfer of skill in programming languages and identifying the elements needed for tutoring systems to help experienced programmers move to new languages. She continued this work as a faculty member at Portland State University where she developed a master’s degree track in HCI. She spent several years working at Intel where she conducted usability tests and did user requirements for audio and video conferencing systems. She moved to the east coast with her husband and worked at the National Institute of Standards (NIST) and Technology where she helped in developing test environments and metrics for Urban Search and Rescue Robots and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robots. She was also the driving force behind the NIST Industry Usability Reporting (IUSR) Project.This project developed the Common Industry Format (CIF) that enabled companies to request usability data on software being considered for purchase.The CIF became an ANSI/INCITS standard in 2001 and an ISO standard in 2006. Jean also served as a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) where she managed work in Collaborative Systems and the Invisible Computing Initiative.Today Jean is retired from NIST but is a chief scientist in t e isual nal tics roup at t e acific Nort est National a orator in Richland,WA. She works part–time and spends the rest of her time gardening and creating mosaics at her home on the Oregon Coast. COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 17
CHI AWARDS SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD This award is given to individuals who promote the application of human-computer interaction research to pressing social needs. Leysia Palen is an Associate Professor of Computer Science, and Chair and Associate Professor of Information Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is also a Full Adjunct Professor at the University of Agder in Norway. Palen is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego with a BS in Cognitive Science, and of the University of California, Irvine with an MS and PhD in Information and Computer Science. Prof. Palen is a leader in the area of crisis informatics, an area she forged with her graduate students and colleagues at CU-Boulder. She brings her training in human-computer interaction (HCI), computer-supported cooperative work and social computing to bear on understanding and advancing socio-technical issues of societal import. Prof. Palen is the author of over 70 articles and a co-edited book in the areas of human computer interaction, computer supported cooperative work, mobility, and crisis informatics. She was awarded an NSF CAREER in 2006. She is an Associate Editor for the Human Computer Interaction Journal (Taylor and Francis) and for the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Journal (Springer).
CHI ACADEMY The CHI Academy is an honorary group of individuals who have made su stantial contri utions to t e field of uman computer interaction ese are t e principal leaders of t e field ose efforts a e s aped the disciplines and/or industry, and led the research and/or innovation in human-computer interaction. Stephen Brewster is a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. He got his PhD in auditory interfaces at the University of York. After a period spent working in Finland and Norway, he has worked in Glasgow since 1995. His research focuses on multimodal HCI, or using multiple sensory modalities and control mechanisms (particularly hearing, touch and gesture) to create a rich, natural interaction between human and computer. His work has a strong experimental focus, applying perceptual research to practical situations. A long term focus has been on mobile interaction and how we can design better user interfaces for users who are on the move. He pioneered the study of non-speech audio and haptic interaction for mobile devices with work starting in the 1990’s. According to Google Scholar, he has 375 publications. He has served as an Associate Chair, Sub-Committee Chair and Papers Chair, and has chaired the Interactivity, Doctoral Consortium and Student Design Competition tracks at CHI. Andy Cockburn is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, where he directs the Human Computer Interaction Lab. Andy’s research focuses on designing, evaluating and modelling user interfaces that exploit underlying human factors. His contributions include many interface designs that use human spatial memor to support e pertise de elopment in asic tas s suc as file retrieval, command invocation, window switching, and scrolling. With his colleagues and students he has published more than 150 papers, with several receiving best paper and honourable mention awards. Dr.Cockburn serves on the Editorial Board of ACM ToCHI, and he was papers co-chair for CHI 2014 and 2015. Anind K. Dey is the Charles M. Geschke Chair, and Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He has spent much of career doing research at the intersection of human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing and machine learning, with a particular focus on context-aware computing. He has authored over 100 papers on these topics and serves on the editorial board of several journals. Before joining the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, Anind was a Senior Researcher at Intel Labs in Berkeley. Anind received his PhD in computer science from Georgia Tech, along with a Masters of Science in both Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering. He received his Bachelors of Applied Science in Computer Engineering from Simon Fraser University. 18 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Ernest Edmonds is a Research Professor specializing in creative technologies and interactive art systems and is based at the University of Technology, Sydney and at De Montfort University Leicester. His publications include nearly 300 books and papers, including some of t e first articles a out interacti e art iterati e design met ods (1974), user interface architectures (1982) and the support of creativity (1989). He founded HCI research centres including Loughborough University Computer Human Interaction Research Centre and the Creativity and Cognition Studios at the University of Technology, Sydney. In 1993, he founded the Creativity & Cognition conference series, a SIGCHI sponsored event since 1999, and was a founding member of the Steering Committee of the ACM SIGART/SIGCHI Intelligent User Interface Conferences. He is well known for his pioneering use of computers in art and has exhibited artwork in many countries. The Victoria and Albert Museum London collects his art and archives. He is currently an active member of the Art.CHI community and will be the Arts Exhibit Chair at CHI2016. Scott MacKenzie is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at York University, Toronto. His research is in human-computer interaction with an emphasis on human performance measurement and modeling, experimental methods and evaluation, interaction devices and techniques, Fitts’ law, text entry, touch-based and sensor-based input, language modeling, mobile computing, and accessible computing. He earned a PhD in Education from the University of Toronto in 1991. Sharon Oviatt is internationally known for her work on humancentered, multimodal, mobile, and educational interfaces, as well as interface design and evaluation. She has published over 150 articles in a multidisciplinary range of venues. She was recipient of the inaugural ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award for innovative, long-lasting, and influential contri utions to defining t e field of multimodal and multimedia interaction, interfaces, and systems. She also was recipient of an NSF Special Creativity Award for pioneering research on mobile multimodal interfaces. Sharon was one of the founders of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, and has served as eneral or rogram air fi e times S e is an ssociate ditor of t e main ournals and edited oo collections in t e field of uman centered interfaces. Sharon currently serves as President and Director of Incaa Designs Nonprofit or most of er career s e as een in academics where she has been as a professor of Computer Science, Psychology, and also Linguistics. She received her PhD in Experimental Psychology at University of Toronto. In 2013, Sharon published The Design of Future Educational Interfaces (Routledge Press). Her latest book, The Paradigm Shift to Multimodality in Contemporary Computer Interfaces (co-authored with Phil Cohen) will be published in 2015. Catherine Plaisant is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, and Associate Director of Research of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab. She earned a PhD in industrial engineering in France. She enjoys working everyday with PhD students and nurturing the supportive environment of the Maryland HCIL community. Inspiration and fun have come from working closely with epidemiologists, engineers, librarians, geographers, intelligence analysts and teachers. Or was it when throwing ideas or polishing interfaces with physicians, literary scholars, social workers, families or persons with disabilities? Early pioneering work focused on touchscreen interfaces, search and browsing, then information visualization became a central theme of research, as well as evaluation strategies. Recent projects include novel designs for electronic health record systems and visual analytics environments for the analysis of temporal event sequences. She co-authored with Ben Shneiderman the 4th and 5th Editions of Designing the User Interface. She launched the Information Visualization and Visual Analytics Challenges, and has served on the editorial boards of Information Visualization and Interacting with Computers, and as guest editor of multiple special issues. Most happy outdoors, enjoying life with friends and family.
CHI 2015
PAST HONOREES PAST HONOREES SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Steve Whittaker George G. Robertson Dan Olsen Terry Winograd Lucy Suchman
SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Gillian Crampton Smith Jakob Nielsen Joy Mountford Larry Tesler Karen Holtzblatt
SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998
Sara Kiesler Bill Buxton James D. Foley Gary M. Olson, Judith S. Olson Tom Landauer Thomas P. Moran John M. Carroll Donald A. Norman Ben Shneiderman Stuart K. Card Douglas Engelbart
SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award 2014 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
Wendy Mackay, Tom Hewett Joseph A. Konstan i e t ood e in Sc ofield Arnie Lund, Jim Miller Mary Czerwinski Clare-Marie Karat, Steven Pemberton John Karat, Marian Williams Richard I. Anderson Susan M. Dray Sara Bly, John ‘Scooter’ Morris, Don Patterson, Gary Perlman, Marilyn Mantei Tremaine Robin Jeffries, Gene Lynch Lorraine Borman Dan R. Olsen Jr. Austin Henderson
SIGCHI Social Impact Award 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Richard E. Ladner Sara J. Czaja Batya Friedman Alan Newell, Clayton Lewis Allison Druin, Ben Bederson Helen Petrie Vicki Hanson Gregory Abowd, Gary Marsden Ted Henter Gregg Vanderheiden
CHI Academy Members Class of 2014 John C. Tang, Jeff A. Johnson, Susan Dray, Jodi L. Forlizzi, Keith Edwards, Ken Hinckley, Richard H. R. Harper, Gary Marsden Class of 2013 Patrick Baudisch, Victoria Bellotti, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza, Alan Dix, Rebecca E. Grinter, Eric Horvitz, Bonnie Nardi, Thomas S. Tullis
CHI 2015
Class of 2012 Ben Bederson, Steve Benford, Hugh Dubberly, Carl Gutwin, Joy Mountford, Alan Newell, Yvonne Rogers Class of 2011 Ravin Balakrishnan, Steven Feiner, Joseph Konstan, James Landay, Jenny Preece, Abigail (Abi) Sellen, Dennis Wixon Class of 2010 Susanne Bødker, Mary Czerwinski, Austin Henderson, David Kieras, Arnie Lund, Larry Tesler, Shumin Zhai Class of 2009 Mark Ackerman, Bill Gaver, Clayton Lewis, Wendy E. Mackay, Aaron Marcus, Elizabeth Mynatt, Tom Rodden Class of 2008 Gregory Abowd, Paul Dourish, Wendy Kellogg, Randy Pausch, Mary Beth Rosson, Steve Whittaker Class of 2007 Joëlle Coutaz, Karen Holtzblatt, Gerhard Fischer, Robert J. K. Jacob, Jun Rekimoto, Chris Schmandt Class of 2006 Scott Hudson, Hiroshi Ishii, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Jakob Nielsen, Peter Pirolli, George Robertson Class of 2005 Ron Baecker, Susan Dumais, John Gould, Saul Greenberg, Bonnie E. John, Andrew Monk Class of 2004 George Furnas, Jonathan Grudin, Brad Myers, William Newman, Dan R. Olsen Jr., Brian Shackel, Terry Winograd Class of 2003 Thomas Green, James D. Hollan, Robert E. Kraut, Gary M. Olson, Peter G. Polson Class of 2002 William A. S. Buxton, John M. Carroll, Douglas C. Engelbart, Sara Kiesler, Thomas K. Landauer, Lucy A. Suchman Class of 2001 Stuart K. Card, James D. Foley, Morten Kyng, Thomas P. Moran, Judith S. Olson, Ben Shneiderman
The SIGCHI “Best of CHI” awards honor exceptional papers published at the CHI conference. The top 5% of submissions are chosen by the associate chairs to receive an award. Among these, the associate chairs and a separate Best Papers Committee select the very best 1% of submissions to receive a Best Paper award. The CHI Associate Chairs nominated 5% of the Paper and Notes submissions. 84 papers and notes received Honorable Mention, designated by a medallion logo. The separate Best Papers committee selected the top 1% of total submissions. 21 Papers and Notes received a Best Paper award, designated by a trophy logo. Mark Billinghurst (Chair), University of Canterburgy, New Zealand; Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan; Mark Blythe, University of Northumbria; N. Sadat Shami, IBM; Caroline Appert, CNRS & Univ. Paris Sud; Alexander De Luca, University of Munich
PEOPLE'S CHOICE BEST TALK AWARD The People’s Choice Best Talk Awards are meant to celebrate the very best of in-conference presentations. Did a presenter go the extra mile to make their talk genuinely interesting and informative? Did a speaker make you stop and think about something new? Did a presentation make an otherwise dull topic come alive? Nominate the speaker for a People’s Choice Best Talk Award! It takes only a moment, and helps to reward those who spend the extra time to make help make the conference truly memorable and extraordinary. You may cast as many votes as you wish, provided they don’t occupy the same time slot (overlapping sessions are ok). Please, do not wait until the end of the conference to choose a single ‘best’. Think of your votes as nominations for awards made to the best that the conference has to offer. Vote using the CHI 2015 mobile application or the voting site: Your Voter ID is on the back of your name badge. Winners of the People’s Choice Best Talk Awards will be announced at the CHI 2015 closing plenary! COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 19
Crossing: HCI, Design and Sustainability Lou Yongqi Monday 20 April, 9:00
Hall D1
Two great inventions that opened the era of human-computer interaction design—desktop and mouse—are now disappearing. Computers are becoming smaller and smaller, smarter and smarter. Everyone is now surrounded by many visible and invisible computers, which are all highly connected through the Internet ubiquitously. A new orld of artificial intelligence is emerging en t e intelligence of human-being is expanded to his/her surroundings, condensed into a new kind of Intelligent life, the relationship between human-being and the rest of t e orld as een redefined o to cross t e oundaries and to enable the sustainable interaction between nature (the 1st system), uman eings t e nd s stem artificial orld t e rd s stem and the cyber world (the 4th system), becomes an interesting proposition and merits new design. But before that, it’s necessary to rethink the anthropocentric view and even design itself.The most attractive feature of design is optimistic. What makes a human being human, lies in that one is not leading a ind of life ic merel as needs to e fulfilled but can also use his/her subjective initiative to control and conduct his/ her behavior for a certain common value.Today sustainability is not only a value of ethics, but a value of surviving. How to use and encourage a new kind of HCI design, to generate sustainable behaviors and social changes, further, to redesign the commensalism of the four systems mentioned above will be the main focus of my talk. Biography
Prof. Dr. Lou Yongqi is Dean of the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai. He is a full professor at Tongji, Visiting Professor at the School of Art, Design, and Architecture at Aalto University in Finland, and Visiting Professor at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano in Italy. Lou has been the pioneer in China for design-driven innovation education that connects design, business, and technology. He advances these issues through his leadership of two institutions at Tongji University: the College of Design and Innovation, and the Sino-Finnish Centre. He also furthers this agenda through international collaboration. ou is a leading figure in sustaina le interdisciplinar design education researc and practice ou as t e first designer in ina to connect social innovation and sustainable design thinking with rural development. This is the subject of his latest book, Design Harvests: An Acupunctural Design Approach Toward Sustainability. Lou’s design works include the United Nations Pavilion of World Expo 2010, the LiangPing New Jindai Sustainable School funded by the China-US Center for Sustainable Development, and the TsingTao Horticultural Expo 2014. Lou is Vice President of CUMULUS, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design, and Media. He is Founding Executive Editor of She Ji — the Journal of Design, Innovation, and Economics published by Tongji University and in cooperation with Elsevier. In 2014, the President of Finland honoured Lou with the Order of the Lion of Finland as a Knight, First Class.
20 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
UX Design in the loT Era Donghoon Chang Tuesday 21 April, 9:00
Hall D1
The current advancement of IoT technology has accelerated the era of hyper-connectivity in our lives. This has vastly driven convergence among different fields along it t e e pansion of our t oug ts and behaviors. However, to provide meaningful experiences, these relational expansions and unprecedented possibilities opened up by IoT need to be founded on core human values. Furthermore, harmonious integration between technology and design is also essential. Today, I would like to talk about what must be done in order to foster the IoT as a human-centered innovation and how UX design can realize the well balanced and harmonious IoT environment. Biography Donghoon Chang is Executive VP, Head of Design Strategy Team and UX Center in Corporate Design Center, Samsung Electronics. Since joining Samsung in 2006, he has played a critical role in establishing the company’s design vision for the future which has gradually shifted from a focus on style and convenience to a holistic user experience design and has developed mid to long-term design strategies, including ‘Design 3.0’ which envisions design that delivers new meaning and delight to people and contributes to society by creating sustainable and innovative value. Chang received two MFA degrees from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, USA) and Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea). He worked for IBM Korea and Time &s; Space Tech inc. as a communications specialist and art director respectively. Before joining Samsung, he was a professor at EWHA Womans University (Seoul, Korea) where he taught visual design, information design as well as user experience design. He was selected as ‘the 2nd most creative people in the world’ by Fast Company in 2013.
Journey to a Better Life David Min Wednesday 22 April, 9:00
Hall D1
New technologies and devices are coming out every day along with the rapid growth of the internet and enhancement of hardware performance. These trends are connected and tangled with each other. This era of Smart rings us great enefits and con enience ut t ere are still many technical hurdles and interface obstacles to be crossed. Now we are able to access massive amount of data, but at the expense of privacy and security. How can we untie this knot? We all strive for the same goal to ma e people s li es etter no matter o e define our role in life. In this talk, we will present what we do in LG Electronics to address this goal within the aspects of software engineering and UX design, and also discuss what we should care about when delivering innovative products to the world.
CHI 2015
Biography David Min is a Senior Research Fellow at LG Electronics and is head of the Software Center. He is known for spearheading one of the most successful SmartTV platforms in the industry, providing a superior user experience and an open API for 3rd party developers. David studied computer science and statistics at Seoul National University for BS degree and computer science at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology for MS degree. After four years work at Samsung Co. as an IT system analyst, he went to the USA to enroll in the computer science PhD program at the University of Illinois at Ur ana ampaign fter finis ing is ad anced studies at U U e worked for many years at various companies in computer, software, and consumer electronics industries, including Digital Equipment Corp. (now HP), Microsoft, Samsung Electronics. David joined LG Electronics in 2006.
ACM-W Athena Lecture: Large-Scale Behavioral Data: Potential and Pitfalls Susan Dumais Thursday 23 April, 9:00
Hall D1
Over the last decade, the rise of web services has made it possible to gat er traces of uman e a ior in situ at a scale and fidelit pre iousl unimaginable. Large-scale behavioral data enables researchers and practitioners to detect adverse drug reactions and interactions, to understand how information diffuses through social networks, how people browse and search for information, how individual learning strategies are related to educational outcome, etc. Using examples from search, I will highlight how observational logs provide a rich new lens onto the diversity of searchers, tasks, and interactivity that characterize information systems today, and how experimental logs have revolutionized the way in which web-based systems are designed and evaluated. Although logs provide a great deal of information about what people are doing, they provide little insight about why they are doing so or et er t e are satisfied omplementar met ods from observations, laboratory studies and panels are necessary to provide a more complete understanding of and support for search which is increasingly a core fabric of people’s everyday lives.The CHI community should lead the way in shaping best practices and policy in behavioral log studies. Biography Susan Dumais, ACM Fellow, a Distinguished Scientist at Microsoft and Deputy Managing Director of the Microsoft Research Lab in Redmond. Prior to joining Microsoft Research, she was at Bell Labs and Bellcore, where she worked on Latent Semantic Analysis, techniques for combining search and navigation, and
CHI 2015
organizational impacts of new technology. Her current research focuses on user modeling and personalization, context and search and temporal dynamics of information. She has worked closely with several Microsoft groups (Bing, Windows Desktop Search, SharePoint, and ffice nline elp on searc related inno ations Susan as pu lis ed idel in t e fields of information science uman computer interaction and cognitive science, and holds several patents on novel retrieval algorithms and interfaces. Susan is also an adjunct professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. She is PastChair of ACM’s Special Interest Group in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), and serves on several editorial boards, technical program committees, and government panels. She was elected to the CHI Academy in 2005, an ACM Fellow in 2006, received the SIGIR Gerard Salton Award for Lifetime Achievement 2009, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2011, and received the ACM Athena Lecturer Award, and Tony Kent Strix Award in 2014.
Cultural Crossing from Local to Global through Music: Technology, Media, and Future PSY Thursday 23 April, 16:30 Hall D1 Many people think that the global success of the song Gangnam Style has contributed to the tremendous success of the Korean Wave. Being in front of experts in technology and human interactions, I’d like to share my thinking and story about questions like the following: What was the effect of global social media such as YouTube on the global crossing of local culture? How do I plan and utilize the new way of interacting with audience across national and cultural boundaries? Reflecting on t e great success of angnam St le at as t e main trigger to the big bang of the spread of the Korean wave? As both a musician and an entrepreneur, what do I think is the new process from the ideation of a new song to a global distribution, publicity, and performance of that song? For the creativity that can be appreciated by global audience, how do I think about the technology and media of the future, in terms of creative works? I am looking forward to sharing my experience and opinion here at CHI 2015. Biography Jai Sang Park, better known as PSY, is a singer-songwriter, record producer, rapper and entrepreneur. He is best known for producing t e first ideo on ou u e to a e exceeded 1 billion views. , Gangnam Style is still the most viewed video at over 2.14 billion views, breaking the software counter on the online service. His provocative and irreverent lyrics and style have led to dozens of music awards across the globe. PSY is a recipient of Korea’s Ministry of Culture’s Okgwan Order of Cultural Merit. PSY studied at Boston University and Berklee College of Music. In addition to music performances, he has given speeches at Harvard and Oxford Universities. PSY speaks about creative processes and impact of social media on our modern cross-cultural society.
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 21
MONDAY 11:30 – 12:50
Opening Plenary Keynote 8:30 – 10:00 Lou Yonqi Hall D1 Crossing: HCI, Design and Sustainability
10:00 – 11:30 Video Showcase Presentation Preview games from Student Games Competition
Room 401 Hall E Foyer
10:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break Level 300/400 Foyers
Papers: Non-Rigid Interaction Surfaces
Papers: Rethinking Evaluation for Today's HCI CHAIR: WENDY E. MACKAY
bioLogic: Natto Cells as Nanoactuators for Shape Changing Interfaces
Remote Paper Prototype Testing
Lining Yao, Jifei Ou, Chin-Yi Cheng, Helene Steiner, Wen Wang, Guanyun Wang, Hiroshi Ishii
Control of Non-Solid Diffusers by Electrostatic Charging Deepak R. Sahoo, Diego Martinez Plasencia, Sriram Subramanian
Investigation of Material Properties for Thermal ImagingBased Interaction Yomna Abdelrahman, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Niels Henze, Albrecht Schmidt
ShapeClip: Towards Rapid Prototyping with Shape-Changing Displays for Designers John Hardy, Christian Weichel, Faisal Taher, John Vidler, Jason Alexander
FluxPaper: Reinventing Paper with Dynamic Actuation Powered by Magnetic Flux Masa Ogata, Masaaki Fukumoto
Papers: What do I hear? Communicating with Sound CHAIR: IAN OAKLEY
TabLETS Get Physical: Non-Visual Text Entry on Tablet Devices João Guerreiro, André Rodrigues, Kyle Montague, Tiago Guerreiro, Hugo Nicolau, Daniel Gonçalves
VocalSketch: Vocally Imitating Audio Concepts Mark Cartwright, Bryan Pardo
An Evaluation of Multidimensional Controllers for Sound Design Tasks Robert Tubb, Simon Dixon
AnnoTone: Record-time Audio Watermarking for Context-aware Video Editing Ryohei Suzuki, Daisuke Sakamoto, Takeo Igarashi
ploring esture Sonification to Support Reflecti e Craft Practice
Kevin Chen, Haoqi Zhang
Controlling In-The-Wild Evaluation Studies Sandy Claes, Niels Wouters, Karin Slegers, Andrew Vande Moere
Evaluation Probes Anna Luusua, Johanna Ylipulli, Marko Jurmu, Henrika Pihlajaniemi, Piia Markkanen, Timo Ojala
Real orld ffinit Diagramming ractices Bridging t e Paper–Digital Gap Gunnar Harboe, Elaine M. Huang
Situational Ethics: Re-thinking Approaches to Formal Ethics Requirements for Human-Computer Interaction Cosmin Munteanu, Heather Molyneaux, Wendy Moncur, Mario Romero, Susan O'Donnell, John Vines
E1/E2 Papers: Improving Game Experiences CHAIR: LENNART E. NACKE
The Royal Corgi: Exploring Social Gaze Interaction for Immersive Gameplay Melodie Vidal, Remi Bismuth, Andreas Bulling, Hans Gellersen
Exploring 3D User Interface Technologies for Improving the Gaming Experience Arun Kulshreshth, Joseph LaViola Jr.
Quantifying and Mitigating the Negative Effects of Local Latencies on Aiming in 3D Shooter Games Zenja Ivkovic, Ian Stavness, Carl Gutwin, Steven Sutcliffe
First Person vs.Third Person Perspective in Digital Games: Do Player Preferences Affect Immersion? Alena Denisova, Paul Cairns
VIZMO Game Browser: Accessing Video Games by Visual Style and Mood Jin Ha Lee, Sungsoo (Ray) Hong, Hyerim Cho,Yea-Seul Kim
Thomas Smith, Simon J Bowen, Bettina Nissen, Jonathan Hook, Arno Verhoeven, John Bowers, Peter Wright, Patrick Olivier
22 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
MONDAY 11:30 – 12:50 E3
Papers: Facebook Newsfeeds & Friendships
“I Always Assumed That I Wasn’t Really That Close to [Her]”: Reasoning About Invisible Algorithms in the News Feed
MatrixWave: Visual Comparison of Event Sequence Data Jian Zhao, Zhicheng Liu, Mira Dontcheva, Aaron Hertzmann, Alan Wilson
The Effects of Representation and Juxtaposition on Graphical Perception of Matrix Visualization
News Feed: What's in it for Me?
Xiaotong Liu, Han-Wei Shen
Paul Lapides, Apoorve Chokshi, Sheelagh Carpendale, Saul Greenberg
g-Miner: Interactive Visual Group Mining on Multivariate Graphs
Understanding User Beliefs About Algorithmic Curation in the Facebook News Feed
Nan Cao,Yu-Ru Lin, Liangyue Li, Hanghang Tong
Trajectory Bundling for Animated Transitions
Emilee Rader, Rebecca Gray
Modelling What Friendship Patterns on Facebook Reveal about Personality and Social Capital
Fan Du, Nan Cao, Jian Zhao,Yu-Ru Lin
Panel: Transfer of HCI Research Innovations
Yong Liu, Jayant Venkatanathan, Jorge A. Goncalves, Evangelos Karapanos, Vassilis Kostakos
Technology Transfer of HCI Research Innovations: Challenges and Opportunities
Papers: Activism in Wikipedia & Beyond
Parmit K. Chilana, Mary P. Czerwinski, Tovi Grossman, Chris Harrison, Ranjitha Kumar, Tapan S. Parikh, Shumin Zhai
308 Cross-language Wikipedia Editing of Okinawa, Japan
alt.chi: Augmentation CHAIR: AARON QUIGLEY
Scott A. Hale
Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles Erik Borra, Esther Weltevrede, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, David Laniado, Giovanni Magni, Michele Mauri, Richard Rogers, Tommaso Venturini
The Heart Work of Wikipedia: Gendered, Emotional Labor in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopedia Amanda Menking, Ingrid Erickson
Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information Shilad W. Sen, Heather Ford, David R. Musicant, Mark Graham, Oliver S. Keyes, Brent Hecht
How Activists Are Both Born and Made: An Analysis of Users on Shih-Wen Huang, Minhyang (Mia) Suh, Benjamin Mako Hill, Gary Hsieh
Papers: HMDs & Wearables to Overcome Disabilities CHAIR: SHAUN K. KANE
ChameleonMask: Embodied Physical and Social Telepresence Using Human Surrogates Kana Misawa, Jun Rekimoto
Consider the Moon. Human-Computer Bricolage of Extended Objects Cosima Rughinis, Razvan Rughinis
The Broken Dream of Pervasive Sentient Ambient Calm Invisible Ubiquitous Computing Matthew P. Aylett, Aaron Quigley
ormal nal sis of t e S User Experience
Definition of
Alexander Mirnig, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Daniela Wurhofer, Thomas Meneweger, Manfred Tscheligi
317A C01: Designing Websites for Adults 55+ 1/1 Designing Websites for Adults 55+: Toward Universal Design Jeff A. Johnson
Personalized, Wearable Control of a Head-mounted Display for Users with Upper Body Motor Impairments Meethu Malu, Leah Findlater
Designing Conversation Cues on a Head-Mounted Display to Support Persons with Aphasia Kristin Williams, Karyn Moffatt, Denise McCall, Leah Findlater
Head-Mounted Display Visualizations to Support Sound Awareness for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Dhruv Jain, Leah Findlater, Jamie Gilkeson, Benjamin Holland, Ramani Duraiswami, Dmitry Zotkin, Christian Vogler, Jon Froehlich
Using Interactive Machine Learning to Support Interface Development Through Workshops with Disabled People Simon Katan, Mick Grierson, Rebecca Fiebrink
Tongue-in-Cheek: Using Wireless Signals to Enable Non-Intrusive and Flexible Facial Gestures Detection
317BC C02: Cross-Device, Context-dependent UI 1/1 Design and Adaptation for Cross-Device, Context-dependent User Interfaces Fabio Paternò
318BC C04: Body,Whys & Videotape: Somatic Approaches 1/1 Body, Whys & Videotape: Somatic Approaches to Experience in HCI Thecla Schiphorst, Lian Loke
12:50 – 14:30 Lunch Break Restaurants, bars & cafés available nearby
Mayank Goel, Chen Zhao, Ruth Vinisha, Shwetak N. Patel
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 23
Motahhare Eslami, Aimee N. Rickman, Kristen Vaccaro, Amirhossein Aleyasen, Andy Vuong, Karrie G. Karahalios, Kevin Hamilton, Christian Sandvig
Papers: Visualizing Data
MONDAY 14:30 – 15:50 401
Special: SIGCHI Social Impact Award
Papers: Supporting Change in Developing Countries CHAIR: ANIRUDHA JOSHI
SIGCHI Social Impact Award Talk Leysia Palen
Sangeet Swara: A Community-Moderated Voice Forum in Rural India
Papers: Interaction in 3D Space
Aditya Vashistha, Edward Cutrell, Gaetano Borriello, William Thies
Mobile Phones for Maternal Health in Rural India Neha Kumar, Richard J Anderson
Physical Loci: Leveraging Spatial, Object and Semantic Memory for Command Selection
Residual Mobilities: Infrastructural Displacement and Post-Colonial Computing in Bangladesh
Simon T. Perrault, Eric Lecolinet,Yoann Pascal Bourse, Shengdong Zhao, Yves Guiard
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Nusrat Jahan Mim, Steven J. Jackson
LeviPath: Modular Acoustic Levitation for 3D Path Visualisations
Más Tecnologia, Más Cambio? Investigating an Educational Technology Project in Rural Peru
Themis Omirou, Asier Marzo, Sue Ann Seah, Sriram Subramanian
Emeline Therias, Jon Bird, Paul Marshall
Twist and Learn: Interface Learning in 3DOF Exploration of 3D Scatterplots
Mark Shovman, James Bown, Andrea Szymkowiak, Kenneth C. Scott-Brown
THING: Introducing a Tablet-based Interaction Technique for controlling 3D Hand Models
Playing the Legal Card: Using Ideation Cards to Raise Data Protection Issues within the Design Process
Merwan Achibet, Géry Casiez, Anatole Lécuyer, Maud Marchal
Ewa Luger, Lachlan Urquhart, Tom Rodden, Michael Golembewski
The Roly-Poly Mouse: Designing a Rolling Input Device Unifying 2D and 3D Interaction
ro dsourced
Open Book: A Socially-inspired Cloaking Technique that Uses Lexical Abstraction to Transform Messages
Papers: Understanding & Evaluating Performance
Eric Gilbert
Sensors Know When to Interrupt You In the Car: Detecting Driver Interruptibility Through Monitoring of Peripheral Interactions
ModelTracker: Redesigning Performance Analysis Tools for Machine Learning Saleema Amershi, Max Chickering, Steven M. Drucker, Bongshin Lee, Patrice Simard, Jina Suh
ploration of Securit
Qatrunnada Ismail, Tousif Ahmed, Apu Kapadia, Michael Reiter
Gary Perelman, Marcos Serrano, Mathieu Raynal, Celia Picard, Mustapha Derras, Emmanuel Dubois
Papers: Privacy, Security & Interruptions
SeungJun Kim, Jaemin Chun, Anind K. Dey
Papers: Making & Sharing Assistive Technologies
o ood is Sur e ool to onnect lassifier Evaluation to Acceptability of Accuracy
Matthew Kay, Shwetak N. Patel, Julie A. Kientz
Being Seen: Co-Interpreting Parkinson’s Patient’s Movement Ability in Deep Brain Stimulation Programming
Examining the Peak-End Effects of Subjective Experience Andy Cockburn, Philip Quinn, Carl Gutwin
Survival Analysis: Objective assessment of Wait Time in HCI Siddhartha Asthana, Pushpendra Singh, Parul Gupta
E1/E2 Papers: Music & Art
Helena M. Mentis, Rita Shewbridge, Sharon Powell, Paul Fishman, Lisa Shulman
Designing for and with People with Parkinson’s: A Focus on Exergaming
Roisin McNaney, Madeline Balaam, Amey Holden, Guy Schofield, Daniel Jackson, Mary Webster, brook galna, gillian barry, Dadirayi Mhiripiri, lynn rochester, Patrick Olivier
Deformable Interfaces for Performing Music
LApp: A Speech Loudness Application for People with Parkinson’s on Google Glass
Giovanni Maria Troiano, Esben W. Pedersen, Kasper Hornbæk
Sculpting a Mobile Musical Soundtrack Adrian Hazzard, Steve Benford, Gary Burnett
Walking by Drawing Daniela K. Rosner, Allison Chambliss, Jeremy Friedland, Hidekazu Saegusa
ArtMaps: Interpreting the Spatial Footprints of Artworks Tim Coughlan, Laura Carletti, Gabriella Giannachi, Steve Benford, Derek McAuley, Dominic Price, Cristina Locatelli, Rebecca Sinker, John Stack
24 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Roisin McNaney, Ivan Poliakov, John Vines, Madeline Balaam, Pengfei Zhang, Patrick Olivier
The Virtual Meditative Walk: Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Pain Management Diane Gromala, Xin Tong, Amber Choo, Mehdi Karamnejad, Chris D. Shaw
Sharing is Caring: Assistive Technology Designs on Thingiverse Erin Buehler, Stacy Branham, Abdullah Ali, Jeremy J. Chang, Megan Kelly Hofmann, Amy Hurst, Shaun K. Kane
CHI 2015
MONDAY 14:30 – 15:50 E6
Papers: Matching & Facilitating Social Interactions CHAIR: JOFISH KAYE
Case Studies: Industrial Innovation CHAIR: DONGWHAN KIM
Understanding the Role of Community in Online Dating
Reflecting on
indo Displa s
Lida Theodorou, Patrick G. T. Healey
Making Social Matching Context-Aware - Design Concepts and Open Challenges
Industry Is Changing, And So Must We
The Known Stranger: Supporting Conversations between Strangers with Personalized Topic Suggestions
Umer Farooq, Joseph T. Munko
BodyGuard: A Case Study of Telecare Product Innovation and Development
Tien T. Nguyen, Duyen T. Nguyen, Shamsi T. Iqbal, Eyal Ofek
Andrea Taylor, Lorna Bernard, Hugh Pizey, Craig Whittet, Samantha Davies, David Hammond, Julian Edge
Augmenting Social Interactions: Realtime Behavioural Feedback using Social Signal Processing Techniques
Volvo Single View of Vehicle: Building a Big Data Service from Scratch in the Automotive Industry
Ionut Damian, Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Tobias Baur, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten, Elisabeth Andre
Paweł Woźniak, Robert Valton, Morten Fjeld
C07: Actionable Inexpensive Games Research 1/2 Actionable Inexpensive Games User Research Lennart E. Nacke, Steve Engels, Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Pa ers
e ec in
n esi n e ec i n
Understanding Long-Term Interactions with a Slow Technology: An Investigation of Experiences with FutureMe
317A C06: Intro to Human-Computer Interaction 1/2 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Jonathan Lazar, Simone D. J. Barbosa
317BC C05: Design for Searching & Finding 1/2 Design for Searching & Finding Daniel Russell, Jaime Teevan, Meredith Ringel Morris, Marti Hearst, Ed H. Chi
318A SIG: Interactive Childhood
William Odom
CCI SIG: Interactive Childhood - Crossing Cultures and Continents
Reflecti e nformatics onceptual Dimensions for Designing ec nologies of Reflection
Janet C. Read, Juan Pablo Hourcade, Allison Druin, Panos Markopoulos, Tilde Bekker, Ole Sejer Iversen
Eric P. S. Baumer
Stock Lamp: An Engagement-Versatile Visualization Design Yuzuru Tanahashi, Kwan-Liu Ma
318BC C08: Design for Online Video & Television 1/2 Interaction Design for Online Video and Television David Geerts, Pablo Cesar
Real-Time Representation Versus Response Elicitation in Biosensor Data Mark Matthews, Jaime Snyder, Lindsay Reynolds, Jacqueline T. Chien, Adam Shih, Jonathan W. Lee, Geri Gay
15:50 – 16:30 Coffee Break Level 300/400 Foyers
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 25
Christina Masden, W. Keith Edwards
Julia M. Mayer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Quentin Jones
MONDAY 16:30 – 17:50 401
Papers: Makers & Hackers
E1/E2 Papers: Family Communication
Tutorial Authorship and Hybrid Designers: The Joy (and Frustration) of DIY Tutorials
Couples’ Communication Channels: What, When & Why? Henriette Cramer, Maia L. Jacobs
Ron Wakkary, Markus Lorenz Schilling, Matthew A. Dalton, Sabrina Hauser, Audrey Desjardins, Xiao Zhang, Henry W. J. Lin
The Messaging Kettle: Prototyping Connection over a Distance between Adult Children and Older Parents
Hybrid Practice in the Kalahari: Design Collaboration through Digital Tools and Hunter-Gatherer Craft
Margot Brereton, Alessandro Soro, Kate Vaisutis, Paul Roe
The Effect of Signal Expense and Dependability on Family Communication in Rural and Northern Canada
Jennifer Jacobs, Amit Zoran
The Proper Care and Feeding of Hackerspaces: Care Ethics and Cultures of Making
Roberta M. Melvin, Andrea Bunt, Erick Oduor, Carman Neustaedter
Texting while Parenting: How Adults Use Mobile Phones while Caring for Children at the Playground
Austin L. Toombs, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell
Patterns of Physical Design Remixing in Online Maker Communities
Alexis Hiniker, Kiley Sobel, Hyewon Suh,Yi-Chen Sung, Charlotte P. Lee, Julie A. Kientz
Lora Oehlberg, Wesley Willett, Wendy E. Mackay
Exploring Time-Dependent Concerns about Pregnancy and Childbirth from Search Logs
Papers: How Fast Can you Type on your Phone?
Adam Fourney, Ryen W. White, Eric Horvitz
Effects of Language Modeling and its Personalization on Touchscreen Typing Performance Andrew Fowler, Kurt Partridge, Ciprian Chelba, Xiaojun Bi, Tom Ouyang, Shumin Zhai
Run Spot Run: Capturing and Tagging Footage of a Race by Crowds of Spectators
VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input
Martin D. Flintham, Raphael Velt, Max L. Wilson, Edward J. Anstead, Steve Benford, Anthony Brown, Timothy Pearce, Dominic Price, James Sprinks
Keith Vertanen, Haythem Memmi, Justin Emge, Shyam Reyal, Per Ola Kristensson
Crowdsourcing Synchronous Spectator Support: (go on, go on, you’re the best)n-1
Text Entry on Tiny QWERTY Soft Keyboards Luis A. Leiva, Alireza Sahami, Alejandro Catala, Niels Henze, Albrecht Schmidt
Franco Curmi, Maria Angela Ferrario, Jon Whittle, Florian Mueller
Bootlegger: Turning Fans into Film Crew
Performance and User Experience of Touchscreen and Gesture Keyboards in a Lab Setting and in the Wild
Guy Schofield, Tom Bartindale, Peter Wright
Papers: Understand & Enhancing Learning
In-group Questions and Out-group Answers: Crowdsourcing Daily Living Advice for Individuals with Autism
Hwajung Hong, Eric Gilbert, Gregory D. Abowd, Rosa I. Arriaga
Shyam Reyal, Shumin Zhai, Per Ola Kristensson
Papers: Crowdsourcing Fans & Friends
E4 Using Time-Anchored Peer Comments to Enhance Social Interaction in Online Educational Videos Yi-Chieh Lee, Wen-Chieh Lin, Fu-Yin Cherng, Hao-Chuan Wang, Ching-Ying Sung, Jung-Tai King
Designing a Physical Aid to Support Active Reading on Tablets Andrea Bianchi, So-Ryang Ban, Ian Oakley
Motivation as a Lens to Understand Online Learners: Towards Data-Driven Design with the OLEI Scale
Papers: Managing Personal Privacy CHAIR: SAMEER PATIL
Your Location has been Shared 5,398 Times! A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging Hazim Almuhimedi, Florian Schaub, Norman Sadeh, Idris Adjerid, Alessandro Acquisti, Joshua Gluck, Lorrie Cranor,Yuvraj Agarwal
Can an Algorithm Know the “Real You”?: Understanding People’s Reactions to Hyper-personal Analytics Systems
René F. Kizilcec, Emily Schneider
Jeffrey Warshaw, Tara Matthews, Steve Whittaker, Chris Kau, Mateo Bengualid, Barton A. Smith
Large-Scale Educational Campaigns
Privacy Tipping Points in Smartphones Privacy Preferences
Yun-En Liu, Christy Ballweber, Eleanor O’Rourke, Eric Butler, Phonraphee Thummaphan, Zoran Popović
Fuming Shih, Ilaria Liccardi, Daniel Weitzner
VeilMe: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Privacy onfiguration of Using ersonalit raits Yang Wang, Liang Gou, Anbang Xu, Michelle X. Zhou, Huahai Yang, Hernan Badenes
26 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
MONDAY 16:30 – 17:50 E5
Papers: Health Sensors & Monitoring
No News is Good News: Remote Monitoring of mplanta le ardio erter Defi rillator atients
The Challenges of Using Biodata in Promotional Filmmaking
On Vintage Values: The Experience of Secondhand Fashion Reacquisition
Smart Homes that Monitor Breathing and Heart Rate Fadel Adib, Hongzi Mao, Zachary Kabelac, Dina Katabi, Robert C. Miller
Anne E. Bowser, Oliver L. Haimson, Edward F. Melcer, Elizabeth F. Churchill
Balancing Accuracy and Fun: Designing Camera Based Mobile Games for Implicit Heart Rate Monitoring
Your Money’s No Good Here: The Elimination of Cash Payment on London Buses
Teng Han, Xiang Xiao, Lanfei Shi, John Canny, Jingtao Wang
Gary Pritchard, John Vines, Patrick Olivier
Measuring Photoplethysmogram-Based Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index to Assess Cognitive Load and Stress Yongqiang Lyu, Xiaomin Luo, Jun Zhou, Chun Yu, Congcong Miao, Tong Wang,Yuanchun Shi, Ken-ichi Kameyama
Papers: Collaborative Tables,Walls & Rooms CHAIR: HARALD REITERER
Fluid Grouping: Quantifying Group Engagement around Interactive Tabletop Exhibits in the Wild Florian Block, James Hammerman, Michael Horn, Amy Spiegel, Jonathan Christiansen, Brenda Phillips, Judy Diamond, E. Margaret Evans, Chia Shen
Up Close and Personal: Collaborative Work on a High-Resolution Multitouch Wall Display Mikkel R. Jakobsen, Kasper Hornbæk
Junius Gunaratne, Oded Nov
alt.chi: New User Interfaces CHAIR: TOVI GROSSMAN
Emergent Interfaces: Constructive Assembly of Identical Units Alexandru Dancu, Stig Anton Nielsen, Kening Zhu, Ayça Ünlüer, Max Witt, Catherine Hedler, Hanna Frank, Axel Pelling, Christian Carlsson, Morten Fjeld
Your Paper is Dead! Bringing Life to Research Articles with Animated Figures Tovi Grossman, Fanny Chevalier, Rubaiat Habib Kazi
Flexible Ecologies And Incongruent Locations
“I Woke Up as a Newspaper”: Designing-in Interaction Analytics
Paul K. Luff, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Christian Heath
Michael Evans, Lianne Kerlin, Caroline Jay
Mapping out Work in a Mixed Reality Project Room
Not all Days are Equal: Investigating The Meaning In The Digital Calendar
Derek Reilly, Andy Echenique, Andy Wu, Anthony Tang, W. Keith Edwards
Informing and Improving Retirement Saving Performance using Behavioral Economics Theory-driven User Interfaces
C07: Actionable Inexpensive Games Research 2/2 Actionable Inexpensive Games User Research Lennart E. Nacke, Steve Engels, Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Daniel Buzzo, Nicolo Merendino
317A C06: Intro to Human-Computer Interaction 2/2 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Jonathan Lazar, Simone D. J. Barbosa
317BC C05: Design for Searching & Finding 2/2 Design for Searching & Finding Daniel Russell, Jaime Teevan, Meredith Ringel Morris, Marti Hearst, Ed H. Chi
318BC C08: Design for Online Video & Television 2/2 Interaction Design for Online Video and Television David Geerts, Pablo Cesar
18:00 – 19:30
CHI 2015
Conference Reception and Exhibit Grand Opening Interactivity List on page 62
Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 27
Stuart Reeves, Sarah E. Martindale, Paul Tennent, Steve Benford, Joe Marshall, Brendan Walker
Mikael B. Skov, Pauline G. Johansen, Charlotte S. Skov, Astrid Lauberg
Papers: The Value of Things
TUESDAY 9:30 – 10:50 7:00 – 8:20
Women’s Breakfast
Room 327ABC
Tuesday Morning Keynote 8:30 – 9:20 Donghoon Chang Hall D1 UX Design in the IoT Era 401
Papers: Muscle-Computer Interfaces
Understanding Gesture Expressivity through Muscle Sensing
Blended Recommending: Integrating Interactive Information Filtering and Algorithmic Recommender Techniques Benedikt Loepp, Katja Herrmanny, Juergen Ziegler
Informing the Design of Novel Input Methods with Muscle Coactivation Clustering
A Large-Scale Study of User Image Search Behavior on the Web
Myroslav Bachynskyi, Gregorio Palmas, Antti Oulasvirta, Tino Weinkauf
Jaimie Y. Park, Neil O’Hare, Rossano Schifanella, Alejandro Jaimes, Chin-Wan Chung
Advancing Muscle-Computer Interfaces with High-Density Electromyography
DynamicMaps: Similarity-based Browsing through a Massive Set of Images
Christoph Amma, Thomas Krings, Jonas Böer, Tanja Schultz
Papers: Search & Recommendations
Baptiste Caramiaux, Marco Donnarumma, Atau Tanaka
Proprioceptive Interaction
Yanir Kleiman, Joel Lanir, Dov Danon,Yasmin Felberbaum, Daniel Cohen-Or
Pedro Lopes, Alexandra Ion, Willi Mueller, Daniel Hoffmann, Patrik Jonell, Patrick Baudisch
9:20 – 9:30 Break
S.O.S.: Does Your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Need Help?
Papers: Phones for more than Just Talking & Text CHAIR: NAOMI YAMASHITA
Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke
E1/E2 Papers: Kids Haptic,Wearable,Tangible Learning CHAIR: KORI INKPEN
AudioScope: Smartphones as Directional Microphones in Mobile Audio Augmented Reality Systems Florian Heller, Jan Borchers
FeelSleeve: Haptic Feedback to Enhance Early Reading
ScanShot: Detecting Document Capture Moments and Correcting Device Orientation
Nesra Yannier, Ali Israr, Jill Fain Lehman, Roberta L. Klatzky
Jeungmin Oh, Woohyeok Choi, Joohyun Kim, Uichin Lee
BodyVis: A New Approach to Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization
Mechanics of Camera Work in Mobile Video Collaboration
Leyla Norooz, Matthew Louis Mauriello, Anita Jorgensen, Brenna McNally, Jon E. Froehlich
Brennan Jones, Anna Witcraft, Scott Bateman, Carman Neustaedter, Anthony Tang
Exploring Expressive Augmented Reality: The FingAR Puppet System for Social Pretend Play
User Interfaces for Smart Things - A Generative Approach with Semantic Interaction Descriptions
Zhen Bai, Alan F. Blackwell, George Coulouris
Learning from Mixed-Reality Games: Is Shaking a Tablet as Effective as Physical Observation?
Simon Mayer, Andreas Tschofen, Anind K. Dey, Friedemann Mattern
Reducing the Stress of Coordination: Sharing Travel Time Information Between Contacts on Mobile Phones Frank R. Bentley,Ying-Yu Chen, Christian Holz
You Can’t Smoke Here: Towards Support for Space Usage Rules in Location-aware Technologies Pavel Andreevich Samsonov, Xun Tang, Johannes Schöning, Werner Kuhn, Brent Hecht
Nesra Yannier, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Scott E. Hudson
Papers: Motivation & Participation CHAIR: MEREDITH R. MORRIS
Gauging Receptiveness to Social Microvolunteering Erin L. Brady, Meredith Ringel Morris, Jeffrey P. Bigham
o ile amification for ro dsourcing Data ollection Leveraging the Freemium Model Kristen Dergousoff, Regan Mandryk
Unequal Time for Unequal Value: Implications of Differing Motivations for Participation in Timebanking Patrick C. Shih, Victoria Bellotti, Kyungsik Han, John M. Carroll
A Muddle of Models of Motivation For Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems Victoria Bellotti, Alexander Ambard, Daniel Turner, Christina Gossmann, Kamila Demkova, John M. Carroll
28 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
TUESDAY 9:30 – 10:50 E4
Papers: Sustainability & Recycling CHAIR:
C11: Methods for Child Computer Interaction 1/2 Research Methods for Child Computer Interaction Janet C. Read, Shuli Gilutz
Analysis of Recycling Capabilities of Individuals and Crowds to Encourage and Educate People to SeparateTheir Garbage Playfully
Pascal Lessel, Maximilian Altmeyer, Antonio Krüger
and at did e t ro out through the Food Waste Diary
ro ing on Reflection
Using Metrics of Curation to Evaluate Information-Based Ideation
Eva Ganglbauer, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Florian Güldenpfennig
Andruid Kerne, Andrew Webb, Steven M. Smith, Rhema Linder, Nic Lupfer,Yin Qu, Jonathan Moeller, Sashikanth Damaraju
Energy Babble: Mixing Environmentally-Oriented Internet Content to Engage Community Groups
GEM-NI: A System for Creating and Managing Alternatives In Generative Design
William Gaver, Mike Michael, Tobie Kerridge, Alex Wilkie, Andy Boucher, Liliana Ovalle, Matthew Plummer Fernandez
Loutfouz Zaman, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Christian Neugebauer, Rob Woodbury, Maher Elkhaldi, Naghmi Shireen, Michael Terry
Beyond the Individual: The Contextual Wheel of Practice as a Research Framework for Sustainable HCI
Motif: Supporting Novice Creativity through Expert Patterns Joy Kim, Mira Dontcheva, Wilmot Li, Michael S. Bernstein, Daniela Steinsapir
Johanne Mose Entwistle, Mia Kruse Rasmussen, Nervo Verdezoto, Robert S. Brewer, Mads Schaarup Andersen
Papers: Supporting Creativity through UX Design
DesignScape: Design with Interactive Layout Suggestions Peter O’Donovan, Aseem Agarwala, Aaron Hertzmann
Papers: The Value of the Village in Caregiving
Effects of Public Commitments and Accountability in a Technology-Supported Physical Activity Intervention Sean A. Munson, Erin Krupka, Caroline Richardson, Paul Resnick
Karin Slegers, Sanne Ruelens, Jorick Vissers, Pieter Duysburgh
Case Studies: Art & Life CHAIR: FRISINA CHRIS
Rare World: Towards Technology for Rare Diseases Haley MacLeod, Kim Oakes, Danika Geisler, Kay Connelly, Katie Siek
Health Vlogs as Social Support for Chronic Illness Management Jina Huh, Leslie S. Liu, Tina Neogi, Kori M. Inkpen, Wanda Pratt
Looking for Respite and Support: Technological Opportunities for Spousal Caregivers
Kimiko Ryokai, Noriko Misra,Yoshinori Hara
TRANSFORM: Embodiment of “Radical Atoms” at Milano Design Week
Matthieu Tixier, Myriam Lewkowicz
Hiroshi Ishii, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Amit Zoran, Philipp Schoessler, Jared Counts
Barriers and Negative Nudges: Exploring Challenges in Food Journaling
Moving on its Own: How do Audience Interacts with an Autonomous Moving Artwork
Felicia Cordeiro, Daniel A. Epstein, Edison Thomaz, Elizabeth Bales, Arvind K. Jagannathan, Gregory D. Abowd, James Fogarty
Artistic Distance: Body Movements as Launching Points For Art Inquiry
Papers: I Like What I See - Interface Aesthetics CHAIR: SIMON J. BOWEN
Florent Levillain, Sébastien Lefort, Elisabetta Zibetti
Colormaps that Improve Perception of High-Resolution Ocean Data Francesca Samsel, Mark Petersen, Terece Geld, Greg Abram, Joanne Wendelberger, James Ahrens
317A C09: Designing & Assessing Task Models 1/2
Computation of Interface Aesthetics Aliaksei Miniukovich, Antonella De Angeli
Designing and Assessing Interactive Systems Using Task Models
Patina Engraver: Visualizing Activity Logs as Patina in Fashionable Trackers
Philippe Palanque, Célia Martinie
Moon-Hwan Lee, Seijin Cha, Tek-Jin Nam
Real-time Guidance Camera Interface to Enhance Photo Aesthetic Quality Yan Xu, Joshua Ratcliff, James Scovell, Gheric Speiginer, Ronald Azuma
Infographic Aesthetics: Designing for the First Impression Lane Harrison, Katharina Reinecke, Remco Chang
ISOTYPE Visualization – Working Memory, Performance, and Engagement with Pictographs
317BC C10: Learn to Sketch (Even if You Can’t Draw) 1/2 Learn to Sketch (Even if You Can’t Draw): Hands-on Sketching Course Stephanie Foehrenbach
318BC C12: Practical UX Research Methodologies 1/2 Practical UX Research Methodologies Sarah E. Garcia
Steve Haroz, Robert Kosara, Steven Franconeri
WIP Posters Rotation 1 Doctoral Consortium Posters Interactivity CHI 2015
List on page 56 List on page 54 List on page 62
Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3
10:50 – 11:30 Coffee Break Hall C2/C3
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 29
Using Game Principles in UX Research: A Board Game for Eliciting Future User Needs
TUESDAY 11:30 – 12:50 401
Papers: Smartwatch Interaction
E1/E2 Special: Foundations & Trends in HCI 1
n estigating t e nformation ransfer fficienc of a Watch-back Tactile Display
A Survey of Augmented Reality
Jaeyeon Lee, Jaehyun Han, Geehyuk Lee
Augmented Reality Expert Panel Discussion
SplitBoard: A Simple Split Soft Keyboard for Wristwatch-sized Touch Screens
Mark Billinghurst, Adrian Clark, Gun Lee
Mark Billinghurst, Woontack Woo, Thad Starner, Shahram Izadi
Jonggi Hong, Seongkook Heo, Poika Isokoski, Geehyuk Lee
Papers: Evaluating Crowdsourcing CHAIR:
Beats: Tapping Gestures for Smart Watches
Ian Oakley, DoYoung Lee, MD. Rasel Islam, Augusto Esteves
Comparing Person- and Process-centric Strategies for Obtaining Quality Data on Amazon Mechanical Turk
WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping Smartwatch-Centric Cross-Device Applications
Tanushree Mitra, C.J. Hutto, Eric Gilbert
Steven Houben, Nicolai Marquardt
Crowdsourced Feedback With Imagery Rather Than Text: Would Designers Use It?
It’s About Time: Smartwatches as Public Displays Jennifer Pearson, Simon Robinson, Matt Jones
David A. Robb, Stefano Padilla, Britta Kalkreuter, Mike J. Chantler
Papers: Tangible Interactions
Measuring Crowdsourcing Effort with Error-Time Curves
Justin Cheng, Jaime Teevan, Michael S. Bernstein
The Effects of Sequence and Delay on Crowd Work
TUIkit: Evaluating Physical and Functional Experiences of Tangible User Interface Prototypes Jorick Vissers, David Geerts
Crowd Size, Diversity and Performance
Lamello: Passive Acoustic Sensing for Tangible Input Components
Lionel Robert, Daniel M. Romero
Valkyrie Savage, Andrew Head, Björn Hartmann, Dan B. Goldman, Gautham Mysore, Wilmot Li
WonderLens: Optical Lenses and Mirrors for Tangible Interactions on Printed Paper Rong-Hao Liang, Chao Shen,Yu-Chien Chan, Guan-Ting Chou, Liwei Chan, De-Nian Yang, Mike Y. Chen, Bing-Yu Chen
Papers: Smart Smartphone Authentication CHAIR:
I Know What You Did Last Week! Do You? Dynamic Security Questions for Fallback Authentication on Smartphones Alina Hang, Alexander De Luca, Heinrich Hussmann
FugaciousFilm: Exploring Attentive Interaction with Ephemeral Material
Improving Accuracy, Applicability and Usability of Keystroke Biometrics on Mobile Touchscreen Devices
Hyosun Kwon, Shashank Jaiswal, Steve Benford, Sue Ann Seah, Peter Bennett, Boriana Koleva, Holger Schnädelbach
Daniel Buschek, Alexander De Luca, Florian Alt
D rinting neumatic De ice ontrols it Activation Force Capabilities
Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alexander De Luca, Bruno Brunkow, Heinrich Hussmann
aria le
Marynel Vázquez, Eric Brockmeyer, Ruta Desai, Chris Harrison, Scott E. Hudson
Walter S. Lasecki, Jeffrey M. Rzeszotarski, Adam Marcus, Jeffrey P. Bigham
Papers: New Evaluation Approaches CHAIR: DAVID ENGLAND
Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap: Lessons and Challenges of Applying the Attachment Framework for Sustainable HCI Design Christian Remy, Silke Gegenbauer, Elaine M. Huang
The Transfer of Learning as HCI Similarity: Towards an Objective Assessment of the Sensory-Motor Basis of Naturalness François Bérard, Amélie Rochet-Capellan
SwiPIN - Fast and Secure PIN-Entry on Smartphones
Glass Unlock: Enhancing Security of Smartphone Unlocking through Leveraging a Private Near-eye Display Christian Winkler, Jan Gugenheimer, Alexander De Luca, Gabriel Haas, Philipp Speidel, David Dobbelstein, Enrico Rukzio
eel i e m a ing Selfies ll Da o ards Understanding Biometric Authentication on Smartphones Alexander De Luca, Alina Hang, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Heinrich Hussmann
Interrupt Now or Inform Later?: Comparing Immediate and Delayed Privacy Feedback Sameer Patil, Roberto Hoyle, Roman Schlegel, Apu Kapadia, Adam J. Lee
Formalizing Agreement Analysis for Elicitation Studies: New easures Significance est and ool it Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Jacob O. Wobbrock
Exploring the Effect of Pre-operational Priming Intervention on Number Entry Errors Yunqiu Li, Patrick Oladimeji, Harold Thimbleby
30 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
TUESDAY 11:30 – 12:50 E5
Papers: Healthcare Bias, Engagement & Adaptation
alt.chi: HCI Methodology
From Care Plans to Care Coordination: Opportunities for Computer Support of Teamwork in Complex Healthcare
HCI as an Inter-Discipline
Ofra Amir, Barbara J. Grosz, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Sonja M. Swenson, Lee M. Sanders
Technological and Organizational Adaptation of EMR Implementation in an Emergency Department Sun Young Park,Yunan Chen, Scott Rudkin
Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System Trevor Perrier, Nicola Dell, Brian DeRenzi, Richard Anderson, John Kinuthia, Jennifer Unger, Grace John-Stewart
It Is All About Perspective: An Exploration of Mitigating Selective Exposure with Aspect Indicators Q. Vera Liao, Wai-Tat Fu, Sri Shilpa Mamidi
Papers: Storytelling in InfoVis
Storytelling in Information Visualizations: Does it Engage Users to Explore Data? Jeremy Boy, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Francoise Detienne
Understanding Data Videos: Looking at Narrative Visualization through the Cinematography Lens Fereshteh Amini, Nathalie Henry Riche, Christophe Hurter, Bongshin Lee, Pourang Irani
How Deceptive are Deceptive Visualizations?: An Empirical Analysis of Common Distortion Techniques
The User Experience Designer’s Charlatan Test: A First Step towards UX Sanity Checking Jonathan S. Arnowitz
Design + Ethnography + Futures: Surrendering in uncertainty Yoko Akama, Sarah Pink, Annie Fergusson
Deep Cover HCI: Value, Ethics, and Practice Julie R. Williamson, Daniel Sundén
317A C09: Designing & Assessing Task Models 2/2 Designing and Assessing Interactive Systems Using Task Models Philippe Palanque, Célia Martinie
317BC C10: Learn to Sketch (Even if You Can’t Draw) 2/2 Learn to Sketch (Even if You Can’t Draw): Hands-on Sketching Course Stephanie Foehrenbach
318A SIG: Gender-Inclusive Software SIG: Gender-Inclusive Software: What We Know About Building It Margaret M. Burnett, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Michael J. Lee
318BC C12: Practical UX Research Methodologies 2/2 Practical UX Research Methodologies Sarah E. Garcia
Anshul Vikram Pandey, Katharina Rall, Margaret L. Satterthwaite, Oded Nov, Enrico Bertini
STRATOS: Using Visualization to Support Decisions in Strategic Software Release Planning Bon Adriel Aseniero, Tiffany Wun, David Ledo, Guenther Ruhe, Anthony Tang, Sheelagh Carpendale
C11: Methods for Child Computer Interaction 2/2 Research Methods for Child Computer Interaction Janet C. Read, Shuli Gilutz
Panel: You’ve Been Acquired! You’ve Been Acquired! Iram W. Mirza, Meng Chee
CHI 2015
12:50 – 14:30 Lunch Break Restaurants, bars & cafés available nearby
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 31
Alan F. Blackwell
TUESDAY 14:30 – 15:50 401
Special: SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award
E1/E2 Papers: HCI for the Elderly
SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award Talk James Hollan
An Age Old Problem: Examining the Discourses of Ageing in HCI and Strategies for Future Research
Papers: Grip, Move & Tilt: Novel Interaction
John Vines, Gary Pritchard, Peter C. Wright, Patrick Olivier, Katie Brittain
Long-Term Use of Motion-Based Video Games in Care Home Settings
Supporting Subtlety with Deceptive Devices and Illusory Interactions
Kathrin M. Gerling, Regan L. Mandryk, Conor Linehan
CoFaçade: A Customizable Assistive Approach for Elders and Their Helpers
Fraser Anderson, Tovi Grossman, Daniel Wigdor, George Fitzmaurice
Understanding Users’Touch Behavior on Large Mobile Touch-Screens and Assisted Targeting by Tilting Gesture
Jason Chen Zhao, Richard C. Davis, Pin Sym Foong, Shengdong Zhao
“My hand doesn’t listen to me!”: Adoption and Evaluation of a Communication Technology for the ‘Oldest Old’
Youli Chang, Sehi L’Yi, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
One-Handed Bend Interactions with Deformable Smartphones
Audrey Girouard, Jessica Lo, Md Riyadh, Farshad Daliri, Alexander Keith Eady, Jerome Pasquero
Barbara Barbosa Neves, Rachel L. Franz, Cosmin Munteanu, Ronald Baecker
Grip Change as an Information Side Channel for Mobile Touch Interaction Matei Negulescu, Joanna McGrenere
Working with Machines: The Impact of Algorithmic and Data-Driven Management on Human Workers
An Experimental Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal Dynamic Peephole Navigation
Papers: The Impact of Crowd Work on Workers
Min Kyung Lee, Daniel Kusbit, Evan Metsky, Laura Dabbish
Jens Müller, Roman Rädle, Hans-Christian Jetter, Harald Reiterer
TurkBench: Rendering the Market for Turkers
Papers: Interactive Video & Collaborative Annotations
Benjamin V. Hanrahan, Jutta K. Willamowski, Saiganesh Swaminathan, David B. Martin
Exploring the Role of Activity Trace Design on Evaluations of Online Worker Quality
RIMES: Embedding Interactive Multimedia Exercises in Lecture Videos
Jennifer Marlow, Laura A. Dabbish, Jodi L. Forlizzi
We Are Dynamo: Overcoming Stalling and Friction in Collective Action for Crowd Workers
Juho Kim, Elena L. Glassman, Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Meredith Ringel Morris
Niloufar Salehi, Lilly C. Irani, Michael S. Bernstein, Ali Alkhatib, Eva Ogbe, Kristy Milland, Clickhappier
A Framework for Automatically Generating Interactive Instructional Scaffolding
Understanding Malicious Behavior in Crowdsourcing Platforms: The Case of Online Surveys
Eleanor O’Rourke, Erik Andersen, Sumit Gulwani, Zoran Popovic
Mudslide: A Spatially Anchored Census of Student Confusion for Online Lecture Videos Elena L. Glassman, Juho Kim, Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Meredith Ringel Morris
Ujwal Gadiraju, Ricardo Kawase, Stefan Dietze, Gianluca Demartini
Papers: Social Media and Mobile Camera Privacy CHAIR: PAM BRIGGS
Making Software Tutorial Video Responsive Cuong Nguyen, Feng Liu
Gaze-Based Annotations for Reading Comprehension Shiwei Cheng, Zhiqiang Sun, Lingyun Sun, Kirsten Yee, Anind K. Dey
“I Saw Images I Didn’t Even Know I Had” Understanding User Perceptions of Cloud Storage Privacy Jason W. Clark, Peter Edwin Snyder, Damon McCoy, Chris Kanich
Sensitive Lifelogs: A Privacy Analysis of Photos from Wearable Cameras Roberto Hoyle, Robert Templeman, Denise Anthony, David Crandall, Apu Kapadia
Somebody’s Watching Me? Assessing the Effectiveness of Webcam Indicator Lights Rebecca S. Portnoff, Linda N. Lee, Serge Egelman, Pratyush Mishra, Derek Leung, David Wagner
From Third to Surveilled Place: The Mobile in Irish Pubs Norman Makoto Su, Lulu Wang
Is This Thing On? Crowdsourcing Privacy Indicators for Ubiquitous Sensing Platforms Serge Egelman, Raghudeep Kannavara, Richard Chow
32 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
TUESDAY 14:30 – 15:50 E5
Papers: DIY Healthcare: Apps & Wearables
Case Studies: Education & Work
Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone
Connective MOOC for K-12 Teacher Professional Development in Native American Pueblo Schools
Logan Kendall, Dan Morris, Desney Tan
Josephine Kilde, Lorenzo Gonzales
Concealing or Revealing Mobile Medical Devices? Designing for Onstage and Offstage Presentation
Rapid Usability Assessment of an Enterprise Application in an Agile Environment with CogTool
Aisling Ann O’Kane,Yvonne Rogers, Ann E. Blandford
Anil Shankar, Honray Lin, Hans-Frederick Brown, Colson Rice
Understanding Individual Differences for Tailored Smoking Cessation Apps
Testing the Effectiveness of iPad Math Game: Lessons Learned from Running a Multi-Classroom Study
Jeni Paay, Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov, Lars Lichon, Stephan Rasmussen
Kristen Pilner Blair, Jay Pfaffman, Maria Cutumisu, Nicole Hallinen, Daniel Schwartz
FeedFinder: A Location-Mapping Mobile Application for Breastfeeding Women
Historical Research Using Email Archives
Madeline Balaam, Rob Comber, Selina Sutton, Ed Jenkins, Andy Garbett
Sudheendra Hangal, Vihari Piratla, Chaiyasit Manovit, Peter Chan, Monica S. Lam, Glynn Edwards
317A C14: Mobile Human-Computer Interaction 1/2
Papers: Social Embodied Interaction CHAIR: GINA VENOLIA
Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
Using an Interactive Avatar’s Facial Expressiveness to Increase Persuasiveness and Socialness Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth J. Carter, Sara Kiesler, Jessica K. Hodgins
Study on Gaze Direction Perception of Face Image Displayed on Rotatable Flat Display Ikkaku Kawaguchi, Hideaki Kuzuoka,Yusuke Suzuki
DynamicDuo: Co-presenting with Virtual Agents Ha Trinh, Lazlo Ring, Timothy Bickmore
317BC C13: Methods for HCI Research 1/2 Methods for Human-Computer Interaction Research Sandy J J Gould, Duncan P. Brumby, Anna L. Cox, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, ettie Hoonhout, avid amas, fie aw
318BC C16: Sketching User Experiences 1/2 Sketching User Experiences: The Hands-on Course Nicolai Marquardt, Saul Greenberg
My Self and You: Tension in Bodily Sharing of Experience Helena M. Mentis, Jarmo Laaksolahti, Kristina Höök
C15: HCI Lessons: From Earth to Outer Space 1/2 HCI Lessons: From Earth to Outer Space... and Back Guy André Boy, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Soyeon Yi
Papers: Innovation in Theories & Products CHAIR: VOLKER WULF
From User-Centered to Adoption-Centered Design: A Case Study of an HCI Research Innovation Becoming a Product Parmit K. Chilana, Andrew J. Ko, Jacob Wobbrock
Creating Sustainable Cyberinfrastructures David P. Randall, E.Ilana Diamant, Charlotte P. Lee
Standards and/as Innovation: Protocols, Creativity, and Interactive Systems Development in Ecology Steven J. Jackson, Sarah Barbrow
Does Distance Still Matter? Revisiting the CSCW Fundamentals on Distributed Collaboration Pernille Bjorn, Morten Esbensen, Rasmus Eskild Jensen, Stina Matthiessen
WIP Posters Rotation 1 Student Design Posters Student Research Posters Interactivity CHI 2015
List on page 56 List on page 55 List on page 54 List on page 62
Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3
15:50 – 16:30 Coffee Break Hall C2/C3
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 33
Niels Henze, Enrico Rukzio
TUESDAY 16:30 – 17:50 401
Papers: Design and 3D Object Fabrication
E1/E2 Papers: Families and Their Use of Technology
Tactum: A Skin-Centric Approach to Digital Design and Fabrication
Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online
Madeline Gannon, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice
Tawfi Ammari, Priya umar, li
a ered a ric D rinter for Soft nteracti e
Understanding and Supporting Fathers and Fatherhood on Social Media Sites
Huaishu Peng, Jennifer Mankoff, Scott E. Hudson, James McCann
Tawfi Ammari, Sarita Schoenebeck
latener o idelit a rication of D ects Su stituting D rint it aser ut lates
Family Rituals and the Potential For Interaction Design: A Study of Christmas
ustin Beyer, Serafima Gurevich, Ste anie Mueller, Hsiang Ting hen, Patrick Baudisch
D oil
ands on pproac to Digital D
Daniela Petrelli, Ann Light
odels Design
Look, My Baby Is Using an iPad! An Analysis of YouTube Videos of Infants and Toddlers Using Tablets
Huaishu Peng, Amit Zoran, François V. Guimbretière
Juan Pablo Hourcade, Sarah L. Mascher, David C. Wu, Luiza Pantoja
Papers: Understanding & Extending Touch Interfaces CHAIR: THEOPHANIS TSANDILAS
ampe, Sarita Schoenebeck
Papers: Understanding Crowdwork in Many Domains CHAIR: UICHIN LEE
Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation Myroslav Bachynskyi, Gregorio Palmas, Antti Oulasvirta, Jürgen Steimle, Tino Weinkauf
How Much Faster is Fast Enough? User Perception of Latency & Latency Improvements in Direct and Indirect Touch Jonathan Deber, Ricardo Jota, Clifton Forlines, Daniel Wigdor
The Effect of Edge Targets on Touch Performance Daniel Avrahami
FlickBoard: Enabling Trackpad Interaction with Automatic Mode Switching on a Capacitive-sensing Keyboard Ying-Chao Tung, Ta Yang Cheng, Neng-Hao Yu, Chiuan Wang, Mike Y. Chen
ExtensionSticker: A Proposal for a Striped Pattern Sticker to Extend Touch Interfaces and its Assessment
Apparition: Crowdsourced User Interfaces That Come To Life As You Sketch Them Walter S. Lasecki, Juho Kim, Nick Rafter, Onkur Sen, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Michael S. Bernstein
Zensors: Adaptive, Rapidly Deployable, Human-Intelligent Sensor Feeds Gierad Laput, Walter S. Lasecki, Jason Wiese, Robert Xiao, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Chris Harrison
Exploring Privacy and Accuracy Trade-Offs in Crowdsourced Behavioral Video Coding Walter S. Lasecki, Mitchell Gordon, Winnie Leung, Ellen Lim, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Steven P. Dow
Crowdsourcing Stereotypes: Linguistic Bias in Metadata Generated via GWAP Jahna Otterbacher
Kunihiro Kato, Homei Miyashita
Papers: Sharing & Collaboration @ Work CHAIR: STEVEN M. DRUCKER
MUBox: Multi-User Aware Personal Cloud Storage Michael Nebeling, Matthias Geel, Oleksiy Syrotkin, Moira Norrie
DocuViz: Visualizing Collaborative Writing Dakuo Wang, Judith S. Olson, Jingwen Zhang, Trung Nguyen, Gary M. Olson
Communication through Boundary Objects in Distributed Agile Teams Johan Kaj Blomkvist, Johan Persson, Johan Aberg
How to Drive a London Bus: Measuring Performance in a Mobile and Remote Workplace Gary W. Pritchard, Pam Briggs, John Vines, Patrick Olivier
34 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
TUESDAY 16:30 – 17:50 E4
Papers: Eco-Green: Encouraging Energy Conservation
C15: HCI Lessons: From Earth to Outer Space 2/2 HCI Lessons: From Earth to Outer Space... and Back Guy André Boy, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Soyeon Yi
Tiree Energy Pulse: Exploring Renewable Energy Forecasts on the Edge of the Grid.
Will Simm, Maria Angela Ferrario, Adrian Friday, Peter Newman, Stephen Forshaw, Mike Hazas, Alan Dix
panding and Refining Design and riticalit in
Designing Persuasive Technology to Manage Peak Electricity Demand in Ontario Homes
James Pierce, Phoebe J. Sengers, Tad Hirsch, Tom Jenkins, William W. Gaver, Carl DiSalvo
Valerie Sugarman, Edward Lank
Immodest Proposals: Research Through Design and Knowledge
Eco-Forecasting for Domestic Electricity Use Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov, Jeni Paay, Dennis Lund, Tue Madsen, Michael Nielsen
Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell, Lone Koefoed Hansen
Making Multiple Uses of the Obscura 1C Digital Camera: Reflecting on t e Design roduction ac aging and Distribution of a Counterfunctional Device
Beyond Eco-Feedback: Adding Online Manual and Automated Controls to Promote Workplace Sustainability Ray Yun, Azizan Aziz, Peter Scupelli, Bertrand Lasternas, Chenlu Zhang, Vivian Loftness
James Pierce, Eric Paulos
Pause Moment Experience in SNS Communication
Understanding the Role of Thermography in Energy Auditing: Current Practices and the Potential for Automated Solutions
Jae-eul Bae,Youn-kyung Lim, Jin-bae Bang, Myung-suk Kim
Papers: Sports Tracking & Training
Special: Human Computer Interaction Journal 1 CHAIR: SHARON OVIATT
Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games Mads Møller Jensen, Majken K. Rasmussen, Florian Mueller, Kaj “Floyd” Grønbæk
Wendy Moncur, Judith Masthoff, Ehud Reiter,Yvonne Freer, Hien Nguyen
Flow is Not Enough: Understanding the Needs of Advanced Amateur Runners to Design Motivation Technology
User Experience of On-Screen Interaction Techniques: An Experimental Investigation of Clicking, Sliding, Zooming, Hovering, Dragging, and Flipping
ristina M naving, Paweł W Woźniak, Morten Fjeld, Sta an
Bj rk
Jogging with a Quadcopter
S. Shyam Sundar, Saraswathi Bellur, Jeeyun Oh, Qian Xu, Haiyan Jia
all op
Florian Mueller, Matthew Muirhead
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Xiaojun Bi, Seok-Hyung Bae, Ravin Balakrishnan
ClimbSense - Automatic Climbing Route Recognition using Wrist-worn Inertia Measurement Units
317A C14: Mobile Human-Computer Interaction 2/2 Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
Felix Kosmalla, Florian Daiber, Antonio Krüger
Providing Adaptive Health Updates Across the Personal Social Network
Papers: Feeling & Communicating Emotions
Niels Henze, Enrico Rukzio
317BC C13: Methods for HCI Research 2/2
Methods for Human-Computer Interaction Research Towards Multimodal Affective Feedback - Interaction between Visual and Haptic Modalities Akshita Akshita, Harini Alagarai Sampath, Bipin Indurkhya, Eunhwa Lee, Yudong Bae
Emotions Mediated Through Mid-Air Haptics Marianna Obrist, Sriram Subramanian, Elia Gatti, Benjamin Long, Thomas Carter
In the Heat of the Moment: Subjective Interpretations of Thermal Feedback During Interaction
Sandy J J Gould, Duncan P. Brumby, Anna L. Cox, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, ettie Hoonhout, avid amas, fie aw
318A SIG: Start and Run a SIGCHI Local Chapter How and Why to Start and Run a SIGCHI Local Chapter Tuomo Kujala
318BC C16: Sketching User Experiences 2/2 Sketching User Experiences: The Hands-on Course Nicolai Marquardt, Saul Greenberg
Graham Wilson, Gavin Davidson, Stephen Brewster
EnviroPulse: Providing Feedback about the Expected Affective Valence of the Environment Deltcho Valtchanov, Mark Hancock
o CHI 2015
Recruiting Boards
Hall C2/C3 COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 35
Matthew Louis Mauriello, Leyla Norooz, Jon E. Froehlich
Papers: Critical Design
WEDNESDAY 9:30 – 10:50
Wednesday Morning Keynote 8:30 – 9:20 David Min Hall D1 Journey to a Better Life 401
Papers: HMDs in Augmented & Virtual Reality
9:20 – 9:30 Break
Eye-Wearable Technology for Machine Maintenance: Effects of Display Position and Hands-free Operation
Displayed Uncertainty Improves Driving Experience and Behavior: The Case of Range Anxiety in an Electric Car
Xianjun Sam Zheng, Cedric Foucault, Patrik Matos da Silva, Siddharth Dasari, Tao Yang, Stuart Goose
Malte F. Jung, David Sirkin, Turgut M. Gür, Martin Steinert
Designing Information for Remediating Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making
Belt: An Unobtrusive Touch Input Device for Head-worn Displays
Yunfeng Zhang, Rachel K. E. Bellamy, Wendy A. Kellogg
David Dobbelstein, Philipp Hock, Enrico Rukzio
Quick Affective Judgments: Validation of a Method for Primed Product Comparisons
Content Destabilization for Head-Mounted Displays Felix Lauber, Sophia Cook, Andreas Butz
Jussi P. P. Jokinen, Johanna Maria Silvennoinen, Piia M. Perälä, Pertti O. Saariluoma
A Dose of Reality: Overcoming Usability Challenges in VR Head-Mounted Displays
Effects of Ad Quality & Content-Relevance on Perceived Content Quality.
Mark McGill, Daniel Boland, Roderick Murray-Smith, Stephen A. Brewster
Accuracy of Pedometry on a Head-mounted Display Ilias Apostolopoulos, Dan Coming, Eelke Folmer
Henriette Cramer
E1/E2 Papers: Player Performance & Experience in Games CHAIR: JAN D. SMEDDINCK
Level-Ups: Motorized Stilts that Simulate Stair Steps in Virtual Reality Dominik Schmidt, Rob Kovacs, Vikram Mehta, Udayan Umapathi, Sven Köhler, Lung-Pan Cheng, Patrick Baudisch
The Goal of Scoring: Exploring the Role of Game Performance in Educational Games
Papers: Tangible Interaction with Phones
Casper Harteveld, Steven C. Sutherland
Papers: UI Impact on Performance & Decisions
Moving Beyond Fun: Evaluating Serious Experience in Digital Games Ioanna Iacovides, Anna L. Cox
Acoustruments: Passive, Acoustically-Driven, Interactive Controls for Handheld Devices
Now You Can Compete With Anyone: Balancing Players of Different Skill Levels in a First-Person Shooter Game
Gierad Laput, Eric Brockmeyer, Scott E. Hudson, Chris Harrison
Rodrigo Vicencio-Moreira, Regan L. Mandryk, Carl Gutwin
HaptiCase: Back-of-Device Tactile Landmarks for Eyes-Free Absolute Indirect Touch
All about that Base: Differing Player Experiences in Video Game Genres and the Unique Case of MOBA Games
Christian Corsten, Christian Cherek, Thorsten Karrer, Jan Borchers
The Trial of Bendi in a Coffeehouse: Use of a Shape-Changing Device for a Tactile-Visual Phone Conversation Young-Woo Park, Joohee Park, Tek-Jin Nam
Spec rans ersatile aterial lassification for nteraction with Textureless, Specular and Transparent Surfaces Munehiko Sato, Shigeo Yoshida, Alex Olwal, Boxin Shi, Atsushi Hiyama, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose, Ramesh Raskar
Daniel Johnson, Lennart E. Nacke, Peta A. Wyeth
Papers: Neighborhoods & Disadvantaged Communities CHAIR: KATHARINA REINECKE
Exploring Learning Ecologies among People Experiencing Homelessness Angelika Strohmayer, Rob Comber, Madeline Balaam
The Promise of the Sharing Economy among Disadvantaged Communities Tawanna R. Dillahunt, Amelia R. Malone
Practice-based Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City Quarter Living Lab Claudia Müller, Dominik Hornung, Theodor Hamm, Volker Wulf
This Digital Life: A Neighborhood-Based Study of Adolescents’ Lives Online Jessica A. Pater, Andrew D. Miller, Elizabeth D. Mynatt
36 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
WEDNESDAY 9:30 – 10:50 E4
Papers: Enhanced Security with Passwords & CAPTCHAs
C18: Speech-based Interaction 1/2 Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities
Towards Making Random Passwords Memorable: Leveraging Users’ Cognitive Ability Through Multiple Cues
Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn
Mahdi Nasrullah Al-Ameen, Matthew Wright, Shannon Scielzo
Papers: Experience Design for Games CHAIR: FLORIAN MUELLER
ActivPass: Your Daily Activity is Your Password Sourav Kumar Dandapat, Swadhin Pradhan, Bivas Mitra, Romit Roy Choudhury, Niloy Ganguly
Automatic Game Progression Design through Analysis of Solution Features
Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines
Eric Butler, Erik Andersen, Adam M. Smith, Sumit Gulwani, Zoran Popovic
Hendrik Meutzner, Santosh Gupta, Dorothea Kolossa
Pass the Ball: Enforced Turn-Taking in Activity Tracking
Easy to Draw, but Hard to Trace? On of the Observability of Grid-based (Un)lock Patterns
The Data Driven Lives of Wargaming Miniatures
John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers
Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alexander De Luca, Philipp Janssen, Heinrich Hussmann
Dimitrios Paris Darzentas, Michael A. Brown, Martin Flintham, Steve Benford
On the Effectiveness of Pattern Lock Strength Meters – Measuring the Strength of Real World Pattern Locks
Provenance for the People: An HCI Perspective on the W3C PROV Standard through an Online Game Khaled Bachour, Richard Wetzel, Martin Flintham, Trung Dong Huynh, Tom Rodden, Luc Moreau
Youngbae Song, Geumhwan Cho, Seongyeol Oh, Hyoungshick Kim, Jun Ho Huh
Papers: Accessibility at Home & on The Go
alt.chi: Arts and Phiolosphy
RegionSpeak: Quick Comprehensive Spatial Descriptions of Complex Images for Blind Users
Reimagining Digital Fabrication as Performance Art
Yu Zhong, Walter S. Lasecki, Erin Brady, Jeffrey P. Bigham
Behind The Scenes at HCI’s Turn To The Arts
An Assisted Photography Framework to Help Visually Impaired Users Properly Aim a Camera
Rachel Jacobs, Steve Benford, Ewa A. Luger
Marynel Vázquez, Aaron Steinfeld
Roy Shilkrot, Jochen Huber, Wong Meng Ee, Pattie Maes, Suranga Chandima Nanayakkara
Collaborative Accessibility: How Blind and Sighted Companions Co-Create Accessible Home Spaces Stacy M. Branham, Shaun K. Kane
Papers: Telepresence Video, Robots, and Walls CHAIR: JOHN TANG
Laura Devendorf, Daniela K. Rosner
ouc f e e Does ser ation Reflect aptic Metaphors In Art Drawing? Suk Kyoung Choi, Steve DiPaola
Games Against Health: A Player-Centered Design Philosophy Conor Linehan, Sabine Harrer, Ben J. Kirman, Shaun W. Lawson, Marcus Carter
317A C17: Intro to Creating Musical Interfaces 1/2 Introduction to Creating Musical Interfaces Michael J. Lyons, Sidney S. Fels
318BC C19: Designing Surveys for HCI Research 1/2
ImmerseBoard: Immersive Telepresence Experience using a Digital Whiteboard
Designing Surveys for HCI Research Hendrik Müller, Aaron Sedley
Keita Higuchi,Yinpeng Chen, Philip A. Chou, Zhengyou Zhang, Zicheng Liu
Can You See Me Now? How Field of View Affects Collaboration in Robotic Telepresence Steven J. Johnson, Irene Rae, Bilge Mutlu, Leila A. Takayama
Sharing Domestic Life through Long-Term Video Connections Carman Neustaedter, Carolyn Pang, Azadeh Forghani, Erick Oduor, Serena Hillman, Tejinder K. Judge, Michael Massimi, Saul Greenberg
Accuracy of Deictic Gestures to Support Telepresence on Wall-sized Displays Ignacio Avellino, Cédric Fleury, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
WIP Posters Rotation 2 Interactivity CHI 2015
List on page 59 List on page 62
Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3
10:50 – 11:30 Coffee Break Hall C2/C3
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 37
FingerReader: A Wearable Device to Explore Printed Text on the Go
WEDNESDAY 11:30 – 12:50 401
Papers: Digital & Materials Fabrication
E1/E2 Papers: Art & Performance
Foundations of Materials Experience: An Approach for HCI
What if HCI Becomes a Fashion Driven Discipline?
Elisa Giaccardi, Elvin Karana
Yue Pan, Erik Stolterman
PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach for Embedding Electronics in Paper Designs
The Smartphone Project - An Augmented Dance Performance
Raf Ramakers, Kashyap Todi, Kris Luyten
Leif Oppermann, Clemens Putschli, Constantin Brosda, Oleksandr Lobunets, Fabien Prioville
Data-Things: Digital Fabrication Situated within Participatory Data Translation Activities
I’d Hide You: Performing Live Broadcasting in Public Stuart Reeves, Christian Greiffenhagen, Martin Flintham, Steve Benford, Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr, Nicholas Tandavantij
Bettina Nissen, John Bowers
Being t e ac ine Reconfiguring genc and ontrol in Hybrid Fabrication
Making the Invisible Visible: Design to Support the Documentation of Participatory Arts Experiences
Laura Devendorf, Kimiko Ryokai
Pa ers ac i e
ifica i ns f r P nes
Jonathan Hook, Rachel Clarke, John McCarthy, Kate Anderson, Jane Dudman, Peter Wright
eara es
Trap it! : A Playful Human-Biology Interaction for a Museum Installation Seung Ah Lee, Engin Bumbacher, Alice M. Chung, Nate Cira, Byron Walker, Ji Young Park, Barry Starr, Paulo Blikstein, Ingmar H. Riedel-Kruse
OmniVib: Towards Cross-body Spatiotemporal Vibrotactile Notifications for o ile ones Jessalyn Alvina, Simon T. Perrault, Thijs Roumen, Shengdong Zhao, Maryam Azh, Morten Fjeld
NotiRing omparati e Stud of Notification for Wearable Interactive Rings
Thijs Roumen, Simon T. Perrault, Shengdong Zhao
Modeling Ideology and Predicting Policy Change with Social Media: Case of Same-Sex Marriage
Skin Drag Displays: Dragging a Physical Tactor across the User’s Skin Produces a Stronger Tactile Stimulus than Vibrotactile
Amy X. Zhang, Scott Counts
“Is it Weird to Still Be a Virgin?:” Anonymous, Locally Targeted Questions on Facebook Confession Boards
Alexandra Ion, Edward Jay Wang, Patrick Baudisch
Cruise Control for Pedestrians: Controlling Walking Direction using Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Papers: Bridging People & Beliefs with Social Media CHAIR: N. SADAT SHAMI
Jeremy Birnholtz, Nicholas Aaron Ross Merola, Arindam Paul
Max Pfeiffer, Tim Dünte, Stefan Schneegass, Florian Alt, Michael Rohs
Social Media Dynamics of Global Co-presence During the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Affordance++: Allowing Objects to Communicate Dynamic Use
Jae Won Kim, Dongwoo Kim, Brian Keegan, Joon Hee Kim, Suin Kim, Alice Oh
Pedro Lopes, Patrik Jonell, Patrick Baudisch
Bridges into the Unknown: Personalizing Connections to Little-known Countries
Papers: Automation and Interactive Feedback
Yelena Mejova, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Ingmar Weber
E4 “Automation Surprise” in Aviation: Real-Time Solutions Frederic Dehais, Vsevolod Peysakhovich, Sébastien Scannella, Jennifer Fongue, Thibault Gateau
Special: Foundations & Trends in HCI 2 CHAIR: YVONNE ROGERS
Choice Architecture for Human-Computer Interaction
The Role of Environmental Predictability and Costs in Relying on Automation
Anthony Jameson, Bettina Berendt, Silvia Gabrielli, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Fabiana Vernero, Katharina Reinecke
Steven C. Sutherland, Casper Harteveld, Michael E.Young
Designing for Healthy Lifestyles: Design Considerations for Mobile Technologies to Encourage Consumer Health and Wellness
An Architecture for Generating Interactive Feedback in Probabilistic User Interfaces Julia Schwarz, Jennifer Mankoff, Scott E. Hudson
Sunny Consolvo, Predrag V. Klasnja, David W. McDonald, James A. Landay
IDSense: A Human Object Interaction Detection System Based on Passive UHF RFID Hanchuan Li, Can Ye, Alanson P. Sample
38 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
WEDNESDAY 11:30 – 12:50 Pa ers
an ified e f f r
Pe s
Change of Heart: Emotion Tracking to Promote Behavior Change Victoria Hollis, Artie Konrad, Steve Whittaker
Beyond Self-Tracking and Reminders: Designing Smartphone Apps That Support Habit Formation Katarzyna Stawarz, Anna L. Cox, Ann Blandford
Problematising Upstream Technology through Speculative Design e ase of Quantified ats and Dogs Shaun Lawson, Ben Kirman, Conor Linehan, Tom Feltwell, Lisa Hopkins
Re-Centering Multispecies Practices: A Canine Interface for Cancer Detection Dogs Clara Mancini, Rob Harris, Brendan Aengenheister, Claire Guest
Papers: Visualizing Statistics & Graphs CHAIR: BENJAMIN BACH
Panel: Transdisciplinary Design in Education Transdisciplinary Interaction Design in Design Education Eli Blevis, Ilpo K. Koskinen, KunPyo Lee, Susanne Bødker, Lin-Lin Chen, Youn-kyung Lim, Huaxin Wei, Ron Wakkary
Special: Human Computer Interaction Journal 2 CHAIR: SCOTT R. KLEMMER
What Designers Talk About When They Talk About Context Jared S. Bauer, Mark W. Newman, Julie A. Kientz
Multi-sited Design: An Analytical Lens for Transnational HCI Amanda M. Williams, Silvia Lindtner, ken t. anderson, Paul Dourish
A Design Thinking Rationality Framework: Framing and Solving Design Problems in Early Concept Generation Jieun Kim, Hokyoung Ryu
A Situated Approach of Roles and Participation in Open Source Software Communities Flore Barcellini, Francoise Detienne, Jean-marie Burkhardt
317A C17: Intro to Creating Musical Interfaces 2/2 (s|qu)eries: Visual Regular Expressions for Querying and Exploring Event Sequences Emanuel Zgraggen, Steven M. Drucker, Danyel Fisher, Robert DeLine
Statsplorer: Guiding Novices in Statistical Analysis Chat Wacharamanotham, Krishna Subramanian, Sarah Theres Völkel, Jan Borchers
Investigating the Direct Manipulation of Ranking Tables for Time Navigation Romain Vuillemot, Charles Perin
Dynamic Opacity Optimization for Scatter Plots Justin Matejka, Fraser Anderson, George Fitzmaurice
Eric D. Ragan, John R. Goodall, Albert Tung
Michael J. Lyons, Sidney S. Fels
317BC Special: Student Research Competition Finals Student Research Competition Thad Starner, Regan L. Mandryk, Tilde Bekker, John Tang, Xiangshi Ren
318A SIG: Online Deliberative Processes and Tech Design for Online Deliberative Processes and Technologies: Towards a Multidisciplinary Research Agenda Weiyu Zhang, Lu Xiao, Anna Przybylska, Anna De Liddo, Gregorio Convertino, Todd Davies, Mark Klein
318BC C19: Designing Surveys for HCI Research 2/2 Designing Surveys for HCI Research Hendrik Müller, Aaron Sedley
C18: Speech-based Interaction 2/2 Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn
12:50 – 14:30 Lunch Break Restaurants, bars & cafés available nearby
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 39
Evaluating How Level of Detail of Visual History Affects Process Memory
Introduction to Creating Musical Interfaces
WEDNESDAY 14:30 – 15:50 401
Special: SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award
E1/E2 Papers: Kids Social, Emotional & Special Needs
SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award Talk Susan Dray
Designing Social and Emotional Skills Training: The Challenges and Opportunities for Technology Support
Papers: Understanding Everyday Use of Mobile Phones
Petr Slovák, Ran Gilad-Bachrach, Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Designing Autism Research for Maximum Impact Elizabeth J. Carter, Jennifer Hyde
Demand in My Pocket: Mobile Devices and the Data Connectivity Marshalled in Support of Everyday Practice
Networked Empowerment on Facebook Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs
Carolynne Lord, Mike Hazas, Adrian K. Clear, Oliver Bates, Rosalind Whittam, Janine Morley, Adrian Friday
Tawfi Ammari, Sarita Schoenebeck
An In-Situ Study of Mobile App & Mobile Search Interactions
Toward 3D-Printed Movable Tactile Pictures for Children with Visual Impairments
Juan Pablo Carrascal, Karen Church
Jeeeun Kim, Tom Yeh
The Composition and Use of Modern Mobile Phonebooks
Multimodal Analysis in Participatory Design with Children: A Primary School Case Study
Frank R. Bentley,Ying-Yu Chen
To Call or to Recall? That’s the Research Question
Jan Derboven, Maarten Van Mechelen, Karin Slegers
Juan Pablo Carrascal, Rodrigo de Oliveira, Mauro Cherubini
Effects of Display Size and Resolution on User Behavior and Insight Acquisition in Visual Exploration Khairi Reda, Andrew E. Johnson, Michael E. Papka, Jason Leigh
Subjective and Objective Effects of Tablet’s Pixel Density Lars Lischke, Sven Mayer, Katrin Wolf, Alireza Sahami, Niels Henze
Push-Edge and Slide-Edge: Scrolling by Pushing Against the Viewport Edge Sylvain Malacria, Jonathan Aceituno, Philip Quinn, Géry Casiez, Andy Cockburn, Nicolas Roussel
The Fun-Serious Ambiguity in Educational Game
Papers: GUI Size, Resolution & Layout
Investigating Visual Feedforward for Target Expansion Techniques Maxime Guillon, François Leitner, Laurence Nigay
GACA: Group-Aware Command-based Arrangement of Graphic Elements Pengfei Xu, Hongbo Fu, Chiew-Lan Tai, Takeo Igarashi
40 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Jan Derboven, Bieke Zaman, Jorick Vissers, David Geerts, Dirk De Grooff
Papers: HCI for Civic Engagement CHAIR: JOHN VINES
HCI, Civic Engagement & Trust Mike Harding, Bran nowles, Nigel avies, Mark Rouncefield
Factful: Engaging Taxpayers in the Public Discussion of a Government Budget Juho Kim, Eun-Young Ko, Jonghyuk Jung, Chang Won Lee, Nam Wook Kim, Jihee Kim
Contesting the City: Enacting the Political Through Digitally Supported Urban Walks Clara Crivellaro, Rob Comber, Martyn Dade-Robertson, Simon J. Bowen, Peter Wright, Patrick Olivier
Data-in-Place: Thinking through the Relations Between Data and Community Alex S. Taylor, Siân E. Lindley, Tim Regan, David Sweeney, Vasillis Vlachokyriakos, Lillie Grainger, Jessica Lingel
CHI 2015
WEDNESDAY 14:30 – 15:50 E4
Papers: Security Feedback & Warnings
Scaling the Security Wall: Developing a Security Behavior Intentions Scale (SeBIS)
SwitchBack: Using Focus and Saccade Tracking to Guide Users’ Attention for Mobile Task Resumption
Serge Egelman, Eyal Peer
Alexander Mariakakis, Mayank Goel, Md Tanvir Islam Aumi, Shwetak N. Patel, Jacob O. Wobbrock
How Polymorphic Warnings Reduce Habituation in the Brain—Insights from an fMRI Study
EyeBookmark: Assisting Recovery from Interruption during Reading
Bonnie Brinton Anderson, C. Brock Kirwan, David Eargle, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Seth Howard, Anthony Vance
Jaemin Jo, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo
Improving SSL Warnings: Comprehension and Adherence
The Effects of Chronic Multitasking on Analytical Writing
Adrienne Porter Felt, Alex Ainslie, Robert W. Reeder, Sunny Consolvo, Somas Thyagaraja, Alan Bettes, Helen Harris, Jeff Grimes
Danielle M. Lottridge, Christine Rosakranse, Catherine S. Oh, Sean J. Westwood, Katherine A. Baldoni, Abrey S. Mann, Clifford I. Nass
A Spoonful of Sugar? The Impact of Guidance and Feedback on Password-Creation Behavior
What Makes Interruptions Disruptive? A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption
Richard Shay, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Alain Forget, Saranga Komanduri, Michelle L. Mazurek, William Melicher, Sean M. Segreti, Blase Ur
Papers: Task Interruption & Resumption
Jelmer P. Borst, Niels A. Taatgen, Hedderik van Rijn
Papers: Wellness & Wearables
Interruptibility of Software Developers and its Prediction Using Psycho-Physiological Sensors
Manuela Züger, Thomas Fritz
C22: Rapid Design Labs - Design-Led Innovation 1/2
Snot, Sweat, Pain, Mud, and Snow - Performance and Experience in the Use of Sports Watches
Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation
Jakob Tholander, Stina Nylander
Jim E. Nieters, Carola Fellenz Thompson
onte tual nfluences on t e Use and Non Use of Digital Technology While Exercising at the Gym
ears of alt c i Reflections and
Misha Patel, Aisling Ann O’Kane
TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity Rohit Ashok Khot, Jeewon Lee, Deepti Aggarwal, Larissa Hjorth, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Maria Basia, Ophelia Deroy, Merle Fairhurst, Nicolai Marquardt, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze
Morgan G. Ames, Silvia Lindtner, Barry Brown, Daniela K. Rosner, Sidney S. Fels, Roel Vertegaal
C20: Designing Wearable Interfaces 1/2 The Glass Class: Designing Wearable Interfaces Mark Billinghurst, Dr. Thad Starner
317A C21: Experience Sampling to Collect Deep Data 1/2 Using Experience Sampling Methodology to Collect Deep Data About Your Users Kathy K. Baxter, Anna Avrekh, Bob Evans
317BC Special: Student Design Competition Finals Student Design Competition Elisa Giaccardi, Will Odom, Zhiyong Fu, Jung-Joo Lee
318BC C23: Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design 1/2 Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design Jeff A. Johnson
WIP Posters Rotation 2 Interactivity CHI 2015
List on page 59 List on page 62
Hall C2/C3 Hall C2/C3
15:50 – 16:30 Coffee Break Hall C2/C3
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 41
As Light as your Footsteps: Altering Walking Sounds to Change Perceived Body Weight, Emotional State and Gait
Panel: 10 Years of alt.chi
WEDNESDAY 16:30 – 17:50 401
Papers: Using Random Body Parts for Input
E1/E2 Papers: HCI at Home
iSkin: Flexible, Stretchable and Visually Customizable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing
Investigating Genres and Perspectives in HCI Research on the Home
Martin Weigel, Tong Lu, Gilles Bailly, Antti Oulasvirta, Carmel Majidi, Jürgen Steimle
Audrey Desjardins, Ron Wakkary, William Odom
Building Change: Constructive Design of Smart Domestic Environments for Goal Achievement
Cyclops: Wearable and Single-Piece Full-Body Gesture Input Devices
Ryan Brotman, Winslow Burleson, Jodi Forlizzi, William Heywood, Jisoo Lee
Liwei Chan, Chi-Hao Hsieh,Yi-Ling Chen, Shuo Yang, Da-Yuan Huang, Rong-Hao Liang, Bing-Yu Chen
uCap: An Internet Data Management Tool for the Home Marshini Chetty, Hyojoon Kim, Srikanth Sundaresan, Sam Burnett, Nick Feamster, W. Keith Edwards
Bod print Biometric User dentification on o ile De ices Using the Capacitive Touchscreen to Scan Body Parts
Mediating Attention for Second Screen Companion Content
Christian Holz, Senaka Buthpitiya, Marius Knaust
NailO: Fingernails as an Input Surface Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Artem Dementyev, Joseph A. Paradiso, Chris Schmandt
Exploring Subtle Foot Plantar-based Gestures with Sock-placed Pressure Sensors
Timothy Neate, Matt Jones, Michael Evans
Papers: Voting & Volunteerism CHAIR: ANDRES MONROY-HERNANDEZ
Koumei Fukahori, Daisuke Sakamoto, Takeo Igarashi
Social Media Effectiveness for Public Engagement: Example of Small Nonprofits
Papers: Brain & Physiological Data use for HCI CHAIR: JACOB ROBERT
Youyang Hou, Cliff Lampe
Exploring Barriers to the Adoption of Mobile Technologies for Volunteer Data Collection Campaigns
lassification ccurac from t e erspecti e of t e User Real-Time Interaction with Physiological Computing
Sunyoung Kim, Jennifer Mankoff, Eric Paulos
Stephen H. Fairclough, Alexander J. Karran, Kiel Gilleade
“Everyone Is Talking about It!”: A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations
Measurable Decision Making with GSR and Pupillary Analysis for Intelligent User Interface
Lisa Koeman, Vaiva Kalnikaite,Yvonne Rogers
Jianlong Zhou, Jinjun Sun, Fang Chen,Yang Wang, Ronnie Taib, Ahmad Khawaji, Zhidong Li
Design Challenges in Supporting Distributed Knowledge: An Examination of Organizing Elections
Designing Implicit Interfaces for Physiological Computing: Guidelines and Lessons Learned using fNIRS Erin Treacy Solovey, Daniel A. Afergan, Evan M. Peck, Samuel W. Hincks, Robert J.K. Jacob
Examining the Reliability of Using fNIRS in Realistic HCI Settings for Spatial and Verbal Tasks Horia A. Maior, Matthew Pike, Sarah Sharples, Max L. Wilson
Papers: Software Engineering Tools CHAIR: FENG TIAN
StructJumper: A Tool to Help Blind Programmers Navigate and Understand the Structure of Code Catherine M. Baker, Lauren R. Milne, Richard E. Ladner
OverCode: Visualizing Variation in Student Solutions to Programming Problems at Scale Elena L. Glassman, Jeremy Scott, Rishabh Singh, Philip J. Guo, Robert C. Miller
An Interactive System for Data Structure Development Jibin Ou, Martin Vechev, Otmar Hilliges
Nina Boulus-Rødje, Pernille Bjorn
Papers: Socio-Political Interactions CHAIR: LIANG GOU
The Politics of Measurement and Action Kathleen H. Pine, Max Liboiron
Beyond Participatory Production: Digitally Supporting Grassroots Documentary avid Philip Green, Simon Bowen, hristopher Newell, Guy Schofield, Tom Bartindale, Clara Crivellaro, Alia Sheikh, Peter C. Wright, Patrick Olivier
Designing Political Deliberation Environments to Support Interactions in the Public Sphere Bryan Semaan, Heather Faucett, Scott P. Robertson, Misa Maruyama, Sara Douglas
Debating Poverty Porn on Twitter: Social Media as a Place for Everyday Socio-Political Talk Phil Brooker, John Vines, Selina Sutton, Julie Barnett, Tom Feltwell, Shaun Lawson
Polymorphic Blocks: Formalism-Inspired UI for Structured Connectors Sorin Lerner, Stephen R. Foster, William G. Griswold
42 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
WEDNESDAY 16:30 – 17:50 E5
Papers: Understanding Health through Online Behavior
Recognizing Depression from Twitter Activity Sho Tsugawa,Yusuke Kikuchi, Fumio Kishino, Kosuke Nakajima, Yuichi Itoh, Hiroyuki Ohsaki
Rapid Design Labs—A Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation Jim E. Nieters, Carola Fellenz Thompson
Two-Level Personas for Nested Design Spaces
Sofiane Abbar, elena Mejova, ngmar Weber
Anke Dittmar, Maximilian Hensch
Rethinking the Mobile Food Journal: Exploring Opportunities for Lightweight Photo-Based Capture
The Work of Mad Men that Makes the Methods of Math Men Work: Practically Occasioned Segment Design
Felicia Cordeiro, Elizabeth Bales, Erin Cherry, James Fogarty
Michael F. Clarke
Collective Sensemaking in Online Health Forums
Flow of Competence in UX Design Practice
Lena Mamykina, Drashko Nakikj, Noemie Elhadad
Colin M. Gray, Austin L. Toombs, Shad D. Gross
Papers: Natural User Interfaces for InfoVis
Opportunities and Challenges for Data Physicalization Yvonne Jansen, Pierre Dragicevic, Petra Isenberg, Jason Alexander, Abhijit Karnik, Johan Kildal, Sriram Subramanian, Kasper Hornbæk
Exploring Interactions with Physically Dynamic Bar Charts
You Tweet What You Eat: Studying Food Consumption Through Twitter
C22: Rapid Design Labs - Design-Led Innovation 2/2
Eric P. S. Baumer
C20: Designing Wearable Interfaces 2/2 The Glass Class: Designing Wearable Interfaces Mark Billinghurst, Dr. Thad Starner
317A C21: Experience Sampling to Collect Deep Data 2/2
Faisal Taher, John Hardy, Abhijit Karnik, Christian Weichel,Yvonne Jansen, Kasper Hornbæk, Jason Alexander
Using Experience Sampling Methodology to Collect Deep Data About Your Users
Evaluating the Memorability of Physical Visualizations
Kathy K. Baxter, Anna Avrekh, Bob Evans
Simon Stusak, Jeannette Schwarz, Andreas Butz
Personality as a Predictor of User Strategy: How Locus of Control Affects Search Strategies on Tree Visualizations Alvitta Ottley, Huahai Yang, Remco Chang
Theophanis Tsandilas, Anastasia Bezerianos, Thibaut Jacob
Student Game Competition Casper Harteveld, Peter Lee, Seth Cooper
318A SIG: Understanding Sports Understanding Sports-HCI by Going Jogging at CH Florian Mueller, Joe Marshall, Rohit Ashok Khot, Stina Nylander, Jakob Tholander
318BC C23: Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design 2/2 Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design Jeff A. Johnson
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 43
SketchSliders: Sketching Widgets for Visual Exploration on Wall Displays
317BC Special: Student Game Competition Finals
THURSDAY 9:30 – 10:50 Thursday Morning Keynote, ACM-W Athena Lecture 8:30 – 9:20 Susan T. Dumais, ACM Fellow Hall D1 Large-Scale Behavioral Data: Potential and Pitfalls 401
Papers: Augmented & Virtual Reality in the Real World
Papers: Programming Environments
Substitutional Reality: Using the Physical Environment to Design Virtual Reality Experiences
onstructing onceptual no ledge rtefacts Activity Patterns in the Ontology Authoring Process
Adalberto L. Simeone, Eduardo Velloso, Hans Gellersen
Markel Vigo, Caroline Jay, Robert Stevens
The Semantic Paintbrush: Interactive 3D Mapping and Recognition in Large Outdoor Spaces
Helping Users Bootstrap Ontologies: An Empirical Investigation Yuhao Zhang, Tania Tudorache, Matthew Horridge, Mark A. Musen
Ondrej Miksik, Vibhav Vineet, Morten Lidegaard, Ram Prasaath, Matthias Niessner, Stuart Golodetz, Stephen L. Hicks, Patrick Perez, Shahram Izadi, Philip HS Torr
Spreads eet
odel for andling Streaming Data
Kerry Shih-Ping Chang, Brad A. Myers
User Defined ame nput for Smart lasses in u lic Space
e t li e ntegrated Design n ironment for inetic pograp
Ying-Chao Tung, Chun-Yen Hsu, Han-Yu Wang, Silvia Chyou, Jhe-Wei Lin, PEI-JUNG WU, Andries Valstar, Mike Y. Chen
Jun Kato, Tomoyasu Nakano, Masataka Goto
Retargeting Technical Documentation to Augmented Reality
Mikko Rajanen, Netta Iivari
Peter Mohr, Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Donoser, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen
9:20 – 9:30 Break
o er mpo erment and
pen Source Usa ilit
E1/E2 Papers: Digital Collections, Practice & Legacy CHAIR: WILL ODOM
Papers: Gesture Elicitation & Recognition CHAIR: NIELS HENZE
Digital Collections and Digital Collecting Practices Rebecca D. Watkins, Abigail Sellen, Siân E. Lindley
Using Soft onstraints to Reduce egac and erformance Bias in esture licitation Studies
edium ccess and are asting ects
Jaime Ruiz, Daniel Vogel
Unistro e esture Recognition Approximation and Alignment
at inds of
ol line
Jane Gruning, Julia Bullard, Melissa Ocepek
estures for ast ode
Doménique van Gennip, Elise van den Hoven, Panos Markopoulos
uratorial gents o S stems S ape ur Understanding of ersonal and amilial Digital nformation
Hao Lu,Yang Li
Rebecca Gulotta, Alex Sciuto, Aisling G. Kelliher, Jodi L. Forlizzi
ptimi ing ouc screen e oards for esture ping Brian A. Smith, Xiaojun Bi, Shumin Zhai
Papers: Multilingual Communication R
Design and aluation of a Self orrecting esture nterface ased on rror otentials from Felix Putze, Christoph Amma, Tanja Schultz
Things That Make Us Reminisce: Everyday Memory Cues as pportunities for nteraction Design
Vittorio Fuccella, Gennaro Costagliola
esture n na ling l a s n ouc o ile ccess from t e De ice Stand
mpro ing ultilingual olla oration Displa ing o Non-native Speakers Use Automated Transcripts and Bilingual Dictionaries Ge Gao, Naomi Yamashita, Ari MJ Hautasaari, Susan R. Fussell
ffect of ac ine ranslation in nterlingual on ersation essons from a ormati e Stud Kotaro Hara, Shamsi T. Iqbal
Supporting t e odern ol glot ultilingual Searc nterfaces
omparison of
Ben Steichen, Luanne Freund
nteraction ools for reser ing an
ld anguage
Beryl Plimmer, Liang He, Tariq Zaman, Kasun Karunanayaka, Alvin W.Yeo, Garen Jengan, Rachel Blagojevic, Ellen Yi-Luen Do
44 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
THURSDAY 9:30 – 10:50 E4
Papers: Empowering Users
C25: Interaction Design for Reading Devices 1/1 nteraction Design for Reading De ices and pps Jennifer Pearson, Simon Robinson
Quantif ing t e reati it Support of Digital ools t roug the Creativity Support Index
Erin Cherry, Celine Latulipe
o ile De ices are Re olutioni ing User nteraction
Hwanyong Lee, Victor Erukhimov, Neil Trevett, Alon Oh-bach, Tom Olson
i ed nitiati e pproac es to lo al diting in Slide are Darren Edge, Sumit Gulwani, Natasa Milic-Frayling, Mohammad Raza, Reza Adhitya Saputra, Chao Wang, Koji Yatani
Case Studies: Observation & Interaction R
“For Telling” the Present: Using the Delphi Method to Understand ersonal nformation anagement ractices
e t inger ractical allenges in t e Design of a Multitouch Audio Appliance
William Jones, Robert Capra, Anne Diekema, Jaime Teevan, Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Jesse David Dinneen, Bradley Hemminger
Wolfgang Beer, Christian Salomon, Mario Winterer, Karl Putzhammer, Bernhard Schauer, Thomas Rechberger
n t e enefits of pro iding ersioning support for end users: An empirical study
oto Based ser ation t e e a ior of t e user
Sandeep Kaur Kuttal, Anita Sarma, Gregg Rothermel
Panel: Mobile Devices Revolutionizing UI
et od
o to uic l o ser e
Papers: Accessibility for Vision Impaired Users
HeeJeong Son, Hyunsoo Kim, Hyojung Kim
Representation Strategies Adopted by Participants in a opulation Stereot pe unt ase Stud for con Design Avijit Sengupta, Klarissa T.T. Chang, Maffee Peng-Hui Wan, Wen Yong Chua
ri ac oncerns and Be a iors of eople it Visual Impairments
en alue is reater t an System in Uganda
Tousif Ahmed, Roberto Hoyle, Kay Connelly, David Crandall, Apu Kapadia
317BC C24: Vision-Driven: Beyond Tangible Bits 1/1 ision Dri en Be ond angi le Bits o ards Radical toms
olour D mpro ing olour dentification for eople it Impaired Colour Vision David R. Flatla, Alan R. Andrade, Ross D. Teviotdale, Dylan L. Knowles, Craig Stewart
icropa ment
Rasmus Prentow, Rasmus Steiniche, Simone D. Johansen, Jeni Paay, Ivan Aaen, Jesper Kjeldskov
articipator Design of erapeutic ideo ames for oung eople it Neurological ision mpairment Jonathan Waddington, Conor Linehan, Kathrin Gerling, Kieran Hicks, Timothy L. Hodgson
Hiroshi Ishii, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Lining Yao, Jifei Ou
318BC C26: Introduction to Positive Computing 1/1
olorBless ugmenting isual nformation for olor lind eople it Binocular uster ffect
Introduction to Positive Computing – Technology that fosters ell eing Rafael A. Calvo, Dorian Peters
Soon Hau Chua, Haimo Zhang, Muhammad Hammad, Shengdong Zhao, Sahil Goyal, Karan Singh
Papers: Interactive & Multi-Surface Maps CHAIR: BRENT HECHT
erra uide Design and aluation of a ulti Surface n ironment for errain isi ilit nal sis Matthew Oskamp, Christophe Bortolaso, Robin Harrap, T.C. Nicholas Graham
ig t eig t Relief S earing for n anced errain erception on Interactive Maps Wesley Willett, Bernhard Jenny, Tobias Isenberg, Pierre Dragicevic
aluation of nteracti e
ap omparison ec ni ues
María-Jesús Lobo, Emmanuel Pietriga, Caroline Appert
Ethermap - Real-time Collaborative Map Editing Thore Fechner, Dennis Wilhelm, Christian Kray
Interactivity CHI 2015
List on page 62
Hall C2/C3
10:50 – 11:30 Coffee Break Hall C2/C3 COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 45
THURSDAY 11:30 – 12:50 401
Papers: Robot Personalities R
oo uc umanness for uman Ro ot nteraction Exposure to Highly Humanlike Robots Elicits Aversive Responding in Observers
ro iding dapti e Support in an nteracti e Simulation for Learning: An Experimental Evaluation Samad Kardan, Cristina Conati
Megan Strait, Lara Vujovic, Victoria Floerke, Matthias Scheutz, Heather Urry
oo i e e atc ing Ro ot ersonalit Increase Motivation
nteracti e loud perimentation for Biolog An Online Education Case Study
ia a e to
Zahid Hossain, Xiaofan Jin, Engin W. Bumbacher, Alice M. Chung, Stephen Koo, Jordan D. Shapiro, Cynthia Y. Truong, Sean Choi, Nathan D. Orloff, Paulo Blikstein, Ingmar H. Riedel-Kruse
Sean Andrist, Bilge Mutlu, Adriana Tapus
e Social mpact of a Ro ot o Industrial Settings
ining emories Designing a latform to Support Social Media Based Writing
or er in
Allison Sauppé, Bilge Mutlu
John Sadauskas, Daragh Byrne, Robert K. Atkinson
Ro ots anca es and omputer ames Designing Serious ames for Ro ot mitation earning
ait earning e eraging Language Education
Benjamin Walther-Franks, Jan David Smeddinck, Peter Szmidt, Andrei Haidu, Michael Beetz, Rainer Malaka
Papers: MOOCS & e-Learning
Papers: Mid-Air Gestures and Interaction R
ait ime for Second
Carrie J. Cai, Philip J. Guo, James Glass, Robert C. Miller
E1/E2 Papers: Understanding Gamers CHAIR: TONI-JAN KEITH MONSERRAT
asters of ontrol Be a ioral atterns of Simultaneous Unit roup anipulation in Star raft
ccurate Ro ust and le i le Real time and rac ing Toby Sharp, Cem Keskin, Duncan Robertson, Jonathan Taylor, Jamie Shotton, David Kim, Christoph Rhemann, Ido Leichter, Alon Vinnikov,Yichen Wei, Daniel Freedman, Pushmeet Kohli, Eyal Krupka, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Shahram Izadi
Eddie Q.Yan, Jeff Huang, Gifford K. Cheung
n estigating t e De terit of Mid-Air Text Entry
Daniel Johnson, Peta Wyeth, Madison Clark, Christopher Watling
ooperati e ame la it atars and gents Differences in Brain cti it and t e perience of la
ulti inger nput for
amining ame
orld opolog
ersonali ation
Srinath Sridhar, Anna Maria Feit, Christian Theobalt, Antti Oulasvirta
Sauvik Das, Alexander E. Zook, Mark O. Riedl
Myopoint: Pointing and Clicking Using Forearm Mounted Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensors
Chris Preist, Robert Jones
e Use of ames as
Faizan Haque, Mathieu Nancel, Daniel Vogel
Haewoon Kwak, Jeremy Blackburn, Seungyeop Han
Jie Song, Fabrizio Pece, Gábor Sörös, Marion Koelle, Otmar Hilliges
Anusha Withana, Roshan Peiris, Nipuna Samarasekara, Suranga Nanayakkara
oti ation in ducation
Exploring Cyberbullying and Other Toxic Behavior in Team ompetition nline ames
oint stimation of D and osition and estures from onocular ideo for o ile nteraction Sense na ling S allo Dept esture Recognition for reater nput pressi it on Smart eara les
Papers: Bridging Communities CHAIR: EDWARD CUTRELL
omputer na led ro ect Spaces onnecting it alestinian Refugees across amp Boundaries George Yerousis, Konstantin Aal, Thomas von Rekowski, David William Randall, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf
ransnationalism ndigenous no ledge and ec nolog nsig ts from t e en an Diaspora
Kagonya Awori, Wally Smith, Frank Vetere
Collective Intelligence in Computer-Mediated Collaboration merges in Different onte ts and ultures David Engel, Anita Williams Woolley, Ishani Aggarwal, Christopher F. Chabris, Masamichi Takahashi, Keiichi Nemoto, Carolin Kaiser,Young Ji Kim, Thomas W. Malone
ommunities as la as and opic Boards
Michael J. Brzozowski, Phil Adams, Ed H. Chi
46 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
THURSDAY 11:30 – 12:50 E4
Papers: Gender & Technology R
enefi fr
O andards /
ou ould Benefit from Using S
Nigel Bevan
ender and enure Di ersit in it u
Bogdan Vasilescu, Daryl Posnett, Baishakhi Ray, Mark G.J. van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
ffline Strangers nline riends Bridging lassroom ender Segregation it ats pp Preeti Mudliar, Nimmi Rangaswamy
nline nspiration and
ploration for dentit Rein ention
Oliver L. Haimson, Anne E. Bowser, Edward F. Melcer, Elizabeth F. Churchill
Une ual Representation and ender Stereot pes in mage Searc Results for ccupations Matthew Kay, Cynthia Matuszek, Sean A. Munson
Papers: Coping & Wellbeing Through HCI CHAIR: JINA HUH
inding t e dapti e S eet Spot Balancing ompliance and Achievement in Automated Stress Reduction Artie Konrad, Victoria Bellotti, Nicole Crenshaw, Simon Tucker, Les Nelson, Honglu Du, Peter Pirolli, Steve Whittaker
So erDiar one ased Support S stem for ssisting Reco er from lco ol Dependence Chuang-wen You, Kuo-Cheng Wang, Ming-Chyi Huang, Yen-Chang Chen, Cheng-Lin Lin, Po-Shiun Ho, Hao-Chuan Wang, Polly Huang, Hao-Hua Chu
Panel: Why Google Cannot Be the # 1 in Korea? oogle annot Be t e in orea n Searc for ritical Success actors from ocal User perience Jinsoo Kim, Sungwon Beck, Sungeon Kim, Kihyun Jung
alt.chi: Mindfulness and Care CHAIR: SILVIA LINDTNER
Being Reasona le anifesto for t e nclusion of Disa led eople in S onferences Reuben Kirkham, John Vines, Patrick Olivier
Crossing Cultural and Theoretical Borders: o ards indfulness t roug a igarette and a orii ate Yoko Akama, Ann Light
ommunication in t e Diverse Players
anging D adic nteraction of
Mark Rice, Hong Huei Tay, Jamie NG, Ranieri Koh
Captchat: A Messaging Tool to Frustrate U i uitous Sur eillance Paul Dunphy, Johannes Schöning, James Nicholson, Patrick Olivier
317BC C27: Designing with the Mind in Mind 1/1 Designing it t e ind in U Design uidelines
e s c ological Basis for
Jeff A. Johnson
Solutionism t e ame Design ictions for ositi e ging Mark Blythe, Jamie Steane, Jenny Roe, Caroline Oliver
Design onsiderations for atient ortal doption o ncome lder dults Celine Latulipe, Amy Gatto, Ha T. Nguyen, David P. Miller, Sara A. Quandt, Alain G. Bertoni, Alden Smith, Thomas A. Arcury
Papers: Interacting with Floors & Situated Displays R
Base ase
n nteracti e ocus
onte t aser loor
Jörg Müller, Dieter Eberle, Constantin Schmidt
rgonomic nteraction for ouc
Dominik Schmidt, Johannes Frohnhofen, Sven Knebel, Florian Meinel, Mariya Perchyk, Julian Risch, Jonathan Striebel, Julia Wachtel, Patrick Baudisch
12:50 – 14:30 Lunch Break Restaurants, bars & cafés available nearby
Displa Blindness oo ing gain at t e isi ilit of Situated Displays using Eye-tracking Nicholas S. Dalton, Emily Collins, Paul Marshall
Detecting User ntention at u lic Displa s from Foot Positions Bernd Huber, Joong Ho Lee, Ji-Hyung Park
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 47
THURSDAY 14:30 – 15:50 401
Papers: Multi-Device Interaction R
E1/E2 Papers: Understanding & Protecting Kids Tech Use
Diar Stud on om ining ultiple nformation De ices in Everyday Activities and Tasks
reser ation
eneration i e
omparati e
aracteristics in nstagram
Jin Yea Jang, Kyungsik Han, Patrick C. Shih, Dongwon Lee
Pei-Yu Chi,Yang Li
n estigating ig Sc ool Students erceptions of Digital Badges in ftersc ool earning
n and
Katie Davis, Eve Klein
Jens Grubert, Matthias Heinisch, Aaron Quigley, Dieter Schmalstieg
Papers: Speech & Auditory Interfaces
Papers: Social Media & Citizen Science R
igg ac rotot ping Using isting arge Scale Social omputing S stems o rotot pe Ne nes
orm ollo s Sound Designing nteractions from Sonic Memories
Catherine Grevet, Eric Gilbert
Baptiste Caramiaux, Alessandro Altavilla, Scott G. Pobiner, Atau Tanaka
Situated Social Media Use: A Methodological Approach to ocating Social edia ractices and ra ectories
periments it t e
Thomas Hillman, Alexandra Weilenmann
Donald McMillan, Antoine Loriette, Barry Brown
Brea t Do n
Ne Resource for nclusi e
omparison of
acro and
icrotas s
Justin Cheng, Jaime Teevan, Shamsi T. Iqbal, Michael S. Bernstein
Designing for iti en Data nal sis ross Sectional ase Stud of a ulti Domain iti en Science latform
Maria K. Wolters, Jonathan Kilgour, Sarah E. MacPherson, Myroslava Dzikovska, Johanna D. Moore
Ramine Tinati, Max Van Kleek, Elena Simperl, Markus Luczak-Rösch, Robert Simpson, Nigel Shadbolt
mpirical idence for a Diminis ed Sense of genc in Speec nterfaces Hannah Limerick, James W. Moore, David Coyle
o Beep or Not to Beep omparing stract ersus Language-Based Multimodal Driver Displays
Stacey Kuznetsov, Carrie Doonan, Nathan Wilson, Swarna Mohan, Scott E. Hudson, Eric Paulos
Ioannis Politis, Stephen A. Brewster, Frank Pollick
ri ac
Pamela J. Wisniewski, Haiyan Jia, Na Wang, Saijing Zheng, Heng Xu, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll
Weave: Scripting Cross-Device Wearable Interaction
e D N orpus oice nterface Design
Resilience itigates t e Negati e ffects of dolescent Internet Addiction and Online Risk Exposure
Roman Rädle, Hans-Christian Jetter, Mario Schreiner, Zhihao Lu, Harald Reiterer,Yvonne Rogers
Repurposing on ersation Continuous Speech Stream
Karen Renaud, Joseph Maguire
Spatiall a are or spatiall agnostic licitation and aluation of User Defined ross De ice nteractions
Regulating ccess to dult ontent
Tero Jokela, Jarno Ojala, Thomas Olsson
ulti i ulti idelit nteraction it Displa s Around the Body
s is o e ll Do t Butler ies and m iguit Through a Broader Lens
Papers: Email & Social Media at Work
Megan French, Madeline E. Smith, Jeremy Birnholtz, Jeff T. Hancock
E4 ost in mail
io ings pen Source Biolog ools as latforms for rid no ledge roduction and Scientific articipation
Papers: Disasters & Humanitarian Events CHAIR: TAWANNA R. DILLAHUNT
ulling Users Do n a at of nteraction
Benjamin V. Hanrahan, Manuel A. Perez-Quinones
Balancing Boundaries: Using Multiple Devices to Manage or ife Balance
ro d onitor o ile ro d Sensing for ssessing sical and Digital cti ities of iti ens during mergencies
Rowanne Fleck, Anna L. Cox, Rosalyn A V Robison
Thomas Ludwig, Christian Reuter, Tim Siebigteroth, Volkmar Pipek
or ing rofessional Differences in mail and Boundary Management Practices
Design of a ross latform Social edia Application to Support Volunteer Moderators in Disasters Christian Reuter, Thomas Ludwig, Marc-André Kaufhold, Volkmar Pipek
Marta E. Cecchinato, Anna L. Cox, Jon Bird
nferring mplo ee ngagement from Social
N. Sadat Shami, Michael Muller, Aditya Pal, Mikhil Masli, Werner Geyer
ailing ists em and o
re e Still ere an e i em
at s
Amy X. Zhang, Mark S. Ackerman, David R. Karger
Building a Birds e ie Disaster Response
olla orati e
or in
Joel E. Fischer, Stuart Reeves, Tom Rodden, Steve Reece, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, David Jones
Success & Scale in a Data-Producing Organization: e Socio ec nical olution of penStreet ap in Response to Humanitarian Events Leysia Palen, Robert Soden, T. Jennings Anderson, Mario Barrenechea
48 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
THURSDAY 14:30 – 15:50 E5
Papers: Home Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation R
sio ome ec ni ues for
ploring isual uidance and eed ac siot erap ercises
Mathieu Nancel, Daniel Vogel, Edward Lank
lutc ing s Not Necessaril t e nem
Richard Tang, Xing-Dong Yang, Scott Bateman, Joaquim Jorge, Anthony Tang
isual rouping in
Color Portraits : From Color Picking to Interacting it olor
Daniel Tetteroo, Paul Vreugdenhil, Ivor Grisel, Marc Michielsen, Els Kuppens, Diana Vanmulken, Panos Markopoulos
Ghita Jalal, Nolwenn Maudet, Wendy E. Mackay
ergames for siot erap and Re a ilitation edium term Situated Stud of oti ational Aspects and Impact on Functional Reach
e mergence of nteracti e Be a ior odel of Rational enu Searc Xiuli Chen, Gilles Bailly, Duncan P. Brumby, Antti Oulasvirta, Andrew Howes
Jan David Smeddinck, Marc Herrlich, Rainer Malaka
Selecti e Undo Support for ainting pplications
Resilience Ex Machina: Learning a Complex Medical Device for aemodial sis Self reatment
Brad A. Myers, Ashley Lai, Tam Minh Le,YoungSeok Yoon, Andrew R. Faulring, Joel R. Brandt
Paul Noble
Understanding Design radeoffs for ealt A Mixed-Methods Approach
ec nologies
Katie O’Leary, Jordan Eschler, Logan Kendall, Lisa M. Vizer, James D. Ralston, Wanda Pratt
Papers: Interaction Techniques for Tables & Walls CHAIR: TOM BARTINDALE
raff n le ating angi le Bloc for Spatial Tabletop Interaction Chang Min Kim, Tek-Jin Nam
odeling Distant ointing for ompensating Systematic Displacements Sven Mayer, Katrin Wolf, Stefan Schneegass, Niels Henze
s o ing mpro ing Some ffects of ocomotion in Wall-Display Interaction Mikkel R. Jakobsen, Kasper Hornbæk
a e RS ntegrating a e and Rotate-Scale-Translate Tasks
enu nterfaces
Duncan P. Brumby, Susan Zhuang
essons earnt from Deplo ing an nd User De elopment latform for sical Re a ilitation
Papers: Interacting with GUIs
Case Studies: Special Environments CHAIR: FRANCESCA SAMSEL
oice or esture in t e
perating Room
Helena M. Mentis, Kenton P. O’Hara, Gerardo Gonzalez, Abigail Sellen, Robert Corish, Antonio Criminisi, Rikin Trivedi, Pierre Theodore
an ndroids Be Salespeople in t e Real
Miki Watanabe, Kohei Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro
n utloo for ontent U in Augmented Content
e mergence of
Sung Woo Kim, Eun Hye Park,Yae Eun Lee, Jong Sung Lee, Da Hee Lee, Eun Jin Kim
consensual and non am iguous set of gestures to interact it U in infantr men Florent Taralle, Alexis Paljic, Sotiris Manitsaris, Jordane Grenier, Christophe Guettier
ultitouc for Remote
Jayson Turner, Jason Alexander, Andreas Bulling, Hans Gellersen
Designing for
plorator Searc on ouc De ices
Khalil Klouche, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Diogo Cabral, Salvatore Andolina, Andrea Bellucci, Giulio Jacucci
15:50 – 16:30 Coffee Break Level 300/400 Foyers
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 49
Closing Plenary Keynote 16:30 – 17:50 PSY Hall D1 Cultural Crossing from Local to Global through Music: Technology, Media, and Future
50 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS CHI 2015 workshops take place on Level 300 at the Convention Center. Workshops are accessible only to pre-registered attendees. Saturday 18 April – Sunday 19 April (2 days) W01 Art.CHI
David England, Linda Candy, Celine Latulipe,Thecla Schiphorst, Ernest a Edmonds,Younghui Kim, Sean Clark, Andruid Kerne
W02 Designing Alternative Systems for local Communities
Vasillis Vlachokyriakos, Rob Comber, Clara Crivellaro, Nick Taylor, Stacey Kuznetsov, Andrea Kavanaugh, Christopher A. Le Dantec, Joon Kim
Saturday 18 April (1 day) W03 Between the Lines: Reevaluating the nline ffline Binar
Room 310AB 311
Konstantinos Kazakos, David Kirk, Abigail Durrant, David Chatting, Paulina Yurman, Jo-Anne Bichard, Jaemin Paik
Room 312
W18 Developing Skills for Social and Emotional Wellbeing
W19 Ecological Perspectives in HCI: Promise, Problems, and Potential
W20 End-User Development in the Internet of Things Era
W21 Everyday Telepresence: Emerging Practices and Future Research
Petr Slovák, Greg Wadley, David Coyle, Anja Thieme, Naomi Yamashita, Reeva M Lederman, Stefan schutt, Mia Doces
Eli Blevis, Susanne Bødker, John Flach, Jodi Forlizzi, Heekyoung Jung, Victor Kaptelinin, Bonnie Nardi, Antonio Rizzo
Room 312
Sarah Vieweg, Oliver L. Haimson, Michael Massimi, Kenton O’Hara, Elizabeth F. Churchill
W04 Beyond Personal Informatics: Designing for Experiences with Data
Sunday 19 April (1 day) W17 Design-Led Inquiry for Mobile Lives
Daniel Tetteroo, Panos Markopoulos, Stefano Valtolina, Fabio Paternò, Volkmar Pipek, Margaret Burnett
Irene Rae, Bilge Mutlu, Gary M. Olson, Judith S. Olson, Leila A.Takayama, Gina Venolia
W22 Experiencing Autonomous Vehicles: Crossing the Boundaries between a Drive and a Ride
W05 Collaborating with Intelligent Machines: Interfaces for Creative Sound W06 Crossing Domains: Diverse Perspectives on Players
W23 Exploring the Challenges of Making Data Physical
W07 Crossing HCI and Health: Advancing Health and Wellness Technology Research in Home and Community Settings
W24 Gamifying Research: Strategies, Opportunities, Challenges, Ethics
W25 How WEIRD is HCI? Extending HCI Principles to Other Countries and Cultures
W08 Designing for Sharing in Local Communities W09 Developing HCI Education Crossing Asia
W26 Knowledge Production in Interaction Design
W10 Embarrassing Interactions
W11 Ethical Encounters in HCI: Research in Sensitive Settings
Chris Elsden, David Kirk, Mark Selby, Chris Speed
Florian Grote, Kristina Andersen, Peter Knees
Gareth R. White, Joonhwan Lee, Daniel Johnson, Peta Wyeth, Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Anind K. Dey,Yuanchun Shi, Feng Tian, Shiwei Cheng Sebastian Deterding, Andrés Lucero, Jussi Holopainen, Chulhong Min, Adrian Cheok, Annika Waern, Steffen Walz Jenny Waycott, Hilary Davis, Anja Thieme, Stacy Branham, John Vines, Cosmin Munteanu
W12 Expanding the Boundaries: A SIGCHI HCI & Sustainability Workshop
Adrian K. Clear, Chris Preist, Somya Joshi, Lisa P. Nathan, Samuel Mann, Bonnie A. Nardi
W13 Smart for Life: Designing Smart Home Technologies that Evolve with Users
W14 Text Entry on the Edge
W15 What to Study in HCI?
Sarah Mennicken, Amy Hwang, Rayoung Yang, Jesse Hoey, Alex Mihailidis, Elaine M. Huang
James Clawson, Ahmed Sabbir Arif, Stephen Brewster, Mark Dunlop, Per Ola Kristensson, Antti Oulasvirta Kasper Hornbæk, Antti Oulasvirta, Stuart Reeves, Susanne Bødker
CHI 2015
Jason Alexander,Yvonne Jansen, Kasper Hornbæk, Johan Kildal, Abhijit Karnik
Sebastian Deterding, Seth Cooper, Alessandro Canossa, Lennart E. Nacke, Casper Harteveld, Jennifer R. Whitson
Marilyn R. Lennon, Lynne Baillie, Jettie Hoonhout, Judy Robertson, Geraldine Fitzpatrick Lone Malmborg, Ann Light, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Victoria Bellotti, Margot Brereton
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi, Dalila Szostak, Rabindra Ratan, Roderick McCall, Ioannis Politis, Sven Krome
Christian Sturm, Alice Oh, Sebastian Linxen, Jose Abdelnour Nocera, Susan M. Dray, Katharina Reinecke
Kristina Höök, Peter Dalsgaard, Stuart Reeves, Jeffrey Bardzell, Jonas Löwgren, Erik Stolterman,Yvonne Rogers
W27 Leveraging and Integrating Eastern and Western Insights for Human Engagement Studies in HCI
317A 326
fie ai hong aw, haklam Silpasuwanchai, iangshi Ren, Jeffrey Bardzell,Torkil Clemmensen,Yan Liu
W28 Mobile Collocated Interactions: From Smartphones to Wearables
Andrés Lucero, James Clawson, Kent Lyons, Joel E. Fischer, Daniel Ashbrook, Simon Robinson
W29 Principles,Techniques and Perspectives on Optimization and HCI
W30 Supporting Children to Engage in Play for Wellbeing
Per la ristensson, iaojun Bi, Andrew Howes, Antti ulasvirta, Roderick Murray-Smith, Harold Thimbleby, John Williamson, Shumin Zhai
Kevin Marshall, Gavin Wood, Janet C. Read, Svetlana (Lana) Yarosh, Madeline Balaam, Jung-Joo Lee
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CHI 2015 is offering a series of special symposia for topics pertinent to HCI communities across Asia. These symposia may contain content in English or in a regional language. Participants include both presenters and audience members. The symposia descriptions appear in the CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts.
Video Showcase features engaging videos that offer a variety of perspectives on human-computer interaction, including novel interfaces, reflecti e pieces and future en isionments ome and en o t e ideos during Monday morning break followed by the Golden Mouse award ceremony.
Saturday 18 April – Sunday 19 April (2 days) Chinese CHI Symposium in CHI 2015
Hao huan Wang, Gary Hsieh, iaojun Bi, Henry uh, ihsiu hen
Room 318AB
Sunday 19 April (1 day) Room ASEAN CHI Symposium: Crossing HCI for Development 319 in sia acific
Eunice Sari, Bimlesh Wadhwa, Adi Tedjasaputra, Masitah Ghazali, Anirudha N Joshi
Japanese CHI Symposium 1: Emerging Japanese HCI Research Collection Japanese CHI Symposium: Japanese Culture and Kansei
Hisao Shiizuka, Masaaki Kurosu, Michiko Ohkura
udith Amores, avier Benavides, Pattie Maes
Cyclops: Wearable and Single-Piece Full-Body Gesture Input Devices
Liwei Chan, Chi-Hao Hsieh,Yi-Ling Chen, Shuo Yang, Da-Yuan Huang, Rong-Hao Liang, Bing-Yu Chen
VS03 309
Room 401
Videos VS01 TagMe: An Easy-to-Use Toolkit for Turning the Personal Environment into an Extended Communications Interface
Jun Kato, Hiromi Nakamura,Yuta Sugiura,Taku Hachisu, Daisuke Sakamoto, Koji Yatani,Yoshifumi Kitamura
Monday 10:00 – 11:30 Video Showcase
VS04 VS05
TakeTwo: Using Google Glass for Augmented Memory
Scott W. Greenwald, Christian D. Vazquez, Pattie Maes
MagCubes: Magnetically Driven Tangible Widgets for Children
Sungjae Hwang, Kwangyun Wohn
Touch+: Expanding Touch Input Vocabulary using a Smartphone and a Smartwatch
Sungjae Hwang, Junghyeon Gim
Contextual Drag: Context-based Dynamic Friction for Dragging Interaction
Sungjae Hwang, Junghyeon Gim, Junwoo Yoo, Andrea Bianchi
The Smart Steering Wheel Cover: Motivating Safe and fficient Dri ing
Eleonora Ibragimova, Nick Mueller, Arnold Vermeeren, Peter Vink
G-raff: An Elevating Tangible Block for Spatial Tabletop Interaction
Chang Min Kim,Tek-Jin Nam
Remnance of Form: Interactive Narratives with Augmented Shadows
Sang-won Leigh, Asta Roseway, Ann Paradiso
Proprioceptive Interaction
A Dose of Reality: Overcoming Usability Challenges in VR Head-Mounted Displays
Pedro Lopes, Alexandra Ion, Willi M Daniel Hoffmann, Patrik Jonell, Patrick Baudisch
Mark McGill, Daniel Boland, Roderick Murray-Smith, Stephen A Brewster
“Hello World”: A Digital Quandary And The Apotheosis Of The Human
Kyle Overton
Bendi: Shape-Changing Mobile Device for a Tactile-Visual Phone Conversation
Young-Woo Park, Joohee Park,Tek-Jin Nam
VS14 VS15
TRANSFORM as Adaptive and Dynamic Furniture
Luke Vink, Viirj Kan, Ken Nakagaki, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Philipp Schoessler, Amit Zoran, Hiroshi Ishii
Cutting Edge Vision: Metal Embedded Optics for Smart Knives
Amit Zoran, Nan-Wei Gong, Roy Shilkrot, Shuo Yan, Pattie Maes
52 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
COURSES COURSES Courses allow CHI attendees to extend their knowledge beyond their current community and their current areas of expertise. Courses are taught in one to three 80-minute units. Pre-registration is required. The Course Notes you receive at registration serve as your entry ticket. You may register for courses t at a e not et een filled at t e Registration Des in t e lo area on the ground level. C01
Monday Courses, 20 April Designing Websites for Adults 55+: Toward Universal Design
Room 317A
Design and Adaptation for Cross-Device, Context-dependent User Interfaces
Body, Whys & Videotape: Somatic Approaches to Experience in HCI
C05 C06 C07 C08
Design for Searching & Finding
Daniel M Russell, Jaime Teevan, Meredith Ringel Morris, Marti Hearst, Ed H. Chi
Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
Jonathan Lazar, Simone D. J. Barbosa
Interaction Design for Online Video and Television
Tuesday Courses, 21 April Designing and Assessing Interactive Systems Using Task Models
Room 317A
Learn to Sketch (Even if You Can t Draw): Hands-on Sketching Course
David Geerts, Pablo Cesar
Designing Surveys for HCI Research
Hendrik Müller, Aaron Sedley
The Glass Class: Designing Wearable Interfaces
Mark Billinghurst, Dr.Thad Starner
Using Experience Sampling Methodology to Collect Deep Data About Your Users
308ABC 317A
Rapid Design LabsA Tool to Turbocharge Design-Led Innovation
Conceptual Models: Core to Good Design
Thursday Courses, 23 April Vision-Driven: Beyond Tangible Bits,Towards Radical Atoms
Room 317BC
Jeff A. Johnson
Hiroshi Ishii, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Lining Yao, Jifei Ou
Actionable Inexpensive Games User Research
Jim E. Nieters, Carola Fellenz Thompson
Lennart E. Nacke, Steve Engels, Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities
Kathy K. Baxter, Anna Avrekh, Bob Evans
Interaction Design for Reading Devices and Apps
Jennifer Pearson, Simon Robinson
Introduction to Positive Computing Technology That Fosters Wellbeing
Designing with the Mind in Mind: The Psychological Basis for UI Design Guidelines
Rafael A. Calvo, Dorian Peters
Jeff A. Johnson
Philippe Palanque, Célia Martinie
Thecla Schiphorst, Lian Loke
Michael J. Lyons, Sidney S. Fels
Room 317A
Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn
Fabio Paternò
Jeff A. Johnson
Wednesday Courses, 22 April Introduction to Creating Musical Interfaces
ou ould Benefit from Using S
Nigel Bevan
Stephanie Foehrenbach
C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16
Research Methods for Child Computer Interaction
Janet C. Read, Shuli Gilutz
Practical UX Research Methodologies
Sarah E. Garcia
Methods for Human-Computer Interaction Research
Sandy J. J. Gould, Duncan P. Brumby, Anna L. Cox, Geraldine Fit patrick, ettie Hoonhout, avid amas, fie aw
Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
Niels Henze, Enrico Rukzio
HCI Lessons: From Earth to Outer Space... and Back
Guy André Boy, Jeffrey M Bradshaw, Soyeon Yi
Sketching User Experiences: The Hands-on Course
Nicolai Marquardt, Saul Greenberg
CHI 2015
E7 318BC 317A 317BC E7 318BC
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Selected doctoral students present and explore their research topics with senior researchers and other students in a two-day interdisciplinary workshop. Doctoral Consortium posters are displayed in Exhibit Hall E and brief descriptions appear in the CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts.
The Student Research Competition (SRC) is a forum for undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes. Sponsored by Microsoft Research, the SRC is a branch of the ACM SRC. Winners are announced at the Closing Plenary.
Saturday – Sunday Doctoral Consortium
(Room 308AB)
Tuesday 10:50 – 11:30 Meet the poster authors
(Hall C2/C3)
Tuesday – Thursday Posters on display during opening hours
(Hall C2/C3)
Doctoral Consortium Faculty Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech Mark Blythe, Northumbria University Susan Fussell (Co-Chair), Cornell University Darren Gergle, Northwestern University Jim Hollan, University of California, San Diego S.J. Kim (Co-Chair), University of Nevada, Las Vegas Alice Oh, KAIST Jaime Teevan (Co-Chair), Microsoft Research
Tuesday 15:50 – 16:30 Posters highlighted during the afternoon break
(Hall C2/C3)
Wednesday 11:30 – 12:50 Posters presentations open to all conference attendees
(Room 317BC)
Thad Starner, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA John Tang, Microsoft Research, USA Xiangshi Ren, Kochi University of Technology, Japan Regan Mandryk, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Tilde Bekker, Eindhoven University of Technology,The Netherlands
Finalists SRC01 GAZE: Using Mobile Devices to Promote Discovery and Data Collection
Participants DC01 Transmigrant Saudi Arabian Youth and Social Media: Privacy, Intimacy and Freedom of Expression
Zachary Allen
SRC02 Blowatch: Blowable and Hands-free Interaction for Smartwatches
Norah Abokhodair
Wei-Hung Chen
DC02 Apps with Habits: Adaptive Interfaces for News Apps
SRC03 Cyrafour: How Two Human Avatars Communicate With Each Other
Marios Constantinides
DC03 Technology at Mealtime: Beyond the Ordinary
Enrique Encinas
Hasan Shahid Ferdous
SRC04 Realism in Interactive Tutors
DC04 Aligning the Social Interaction Spaces of Intergenerational Family Members
Nicholas Hynes
SRC05 Libero: On-the-go Crowdsourcing for Package Delivery
Francisco J. Gutierrez
Yongsung Kim
DC05 Social Equity and Ecological Sustainability in HCI: An Ecofeminist Perspective
SRC06 Can Specialised Electronic Musical Instruments Aid Stroke Rehabilitation?
Gopinaath Kannabiran
Pedro Kirk
DC06 Engage People in Pro-Environmental Behaviors through Online Prosocial Interaction and Pro-Health Intervention
SRC07 QuizCram: A Question-Driven Video Studying Interface
DC07 Practical Sensory Substitution In Real and Virtual Worlds: Development, Accessibility And Neuroscience
SRC08 Challenges for Wearable Camera: Understanding of the Meaning behind Photo-taking
DC08 Designing Self-care Technologies for Everyday Life: A Practice Approach
SRC09 Pull-To-Refresh and Learn: Leveraging Mobile Email Load Time for Education
DC09 Scalable Webcam Eye Tracking by Learning from User Interactions
SRC10 Assessing the Supportiveness of Gift Emoticons in Care Scenarios
Pei-Yi Kuo
Geza Kovacs
Ahreum Lee
Shachar Maidenbaum
Anji Ren
Francisco Nunes
Alexandra Papoutsaki
Kirsten A. Smith
DC10 Casual Interaction: Scaling Interaction for Multiple Levels of Engagement Henning Pohl
DC11 Addressing Obsolescence of Consumer Electronics through Sustainable Interaction Design Christian Remy
DC12 Support Environment for Co-designing Micro Tasks in Suburban Communities Tomoyo Sasao
DC13 Whole Body Interaction with Public Displays Robert Walter
n ancing User
Nan Wang
perience to Design n o a le
i ition
DC15 Designing with Emerging Publics: The Case of Physician-Assisted Suicide Daisy Yoo
DC16 Retention in MOOCs: Understanding Users Motivations, erceptions and cti it ra ectories Saijing Zheng
54 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
This is the 13th year of the CHI Student Design Competition. The Student Design Competition continues to grow each year with increased international representation. The competition always draws a large audience at and as also ecome a ma or recruiting opportunit for identifying talented students. The CHI 2015’s theme is “crossings” which focuses on crossing the boundaries for meaningful new creations and possibilities. In this year’s Student Design Competition, we adapt this theme of “crossings” and open up the opportunities for students in the areas of HCI and Design from all over the world to show their visions and competence on enabling people from different cultures to be connected and to be heard and appreciated. In the last few years, smart devices have become more or less standardized in their physical and graphical forms. While new groups of users are constantly emerging, uite a fe people still sta a a from t e enefits of tec nolog e theme of this year’s Student Design Competition is “Appropriating ec nologies for Ne ultures e a e finalist student teams o have succeeded to proceed the competition at CHI 2015 out of 69 submissions from 11 different countries.
The Games and Entertainment Special Community created this competition to showcase student work in areas of game design and development that connect strongly to the CHI community of research and practice. Students submitted games as well as extended abstracts clarif ing inno ati e aspects of t eir or e ur selected t ree finalist games in eac categor ames for a urpose nno ati e Interface and Innovative Game Design. Winners are announced at the Closing Plenary.
Monday 10:00 – 11:30 Judging (Closed Jury session)
(Room 327ABC)
Tuesday 15:50 – 16:30 Meet the poster authors Wednesday 14:30 – 15:50 Open Finalist presentations
(Hall C2/C3) (Room 317BC)
Tuesday-Thursday Posters on display during opening hours Jury
(Hall C2/C3)
Zhiyong Fu, Tsinghua University, China Elisa Giarccardi, TU Delft, Netherlands Jung-Joo Lee, National University of Singapore, Singapore Will Odom, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Finalists SDC02 Am I Native Enough? Exploring American Indian Identity Through Language Learning Jumana Almahmoud, Mallory Anderson, Abhishek Dewan, Sofia Gutierre , Ram umarasubramanian
SDC03 Lantern: Empowering Refugees Through CommunityGenerated Guidance Using Near Field Communication
Jennifer Baranoff, R. Israel Gonzales, Jay Liu, Heidi Yang, Jimin Zheng
SDC05 FamCom: a Communication Service Enhancing Conversation Quality Between Elders Residing in Care Hospital and Their Family Member Mingu Kang,Taewan Kim,Youngjae Kim, Junghwan Ahn
SDC06 BlindNavi: A Navigation App for the Visually Impaired Smartphone User Yi-Ying Lin, Hsuan-Eng Chen, Chien-Hsing Chen, I-Fang Wang
SDC07 inSight: Kick-Starting Communications for Elderlies Ageing In Place Zhide Loh, Edmund Zhang, Lim Zhi Ying
SDC08 Sleepstellar: A Safety Kit and Digital Storyteller for Sleepwalkers
Jashanjit Kaur, Nehal Molasaria, Niyati Gupta, Shengjie Zhang, Wei Wang
SDC09 Bikon: Warm-Hearted Movements
Yunmo Park, Hoejoon Lee, Gu Lee, Myeongguk Cho, Soyoung Kim
SDC10 CityMockUp Co-Creating the Urban Space Jonas Frich Pedersen, Marie Louise Juul Sgaard
SDC11 Enabling Context for Traditional Chinese Paintings with “Rice Paper”
Hariharan Subramonyam,Yuncheng Shen, Samantha Lauren Jones
SDC12 GoodGuide: Reconnecting The Homeless and Others
CHI attendees can play the games on Monday morning in Hall E Foyer. The SGC winners are announced at the Closing Plenary. Games for a Purpose: Games submitted to this category are designed not ust to entertain ut also to accomplis some end goal amples include games for ealt learning games ournalistic games Innovative Interface: Games submitted to this category push the boundaries of current interface practice. Examples include the use of gesture, multi-touch, or haptics; voice input; use of sensors such as breathing or heart rate; and augmented reality games for mobile platforms. Innovative Game Design: Games submitted to this category push the boundaries of current game mechanics and/or design. Examples include games that add novel mechanics that have not been used before, add new visual or audio themes/dynamics, explore new mixes of mechanics, story and character elements, automated techniques for adaptive designs, or explore new forms of interaction that are thought provoking. Wednesday 16:30 – 17:50 Presentations and awards Jury
(Room 317BC)
Casper Harteveld, Northeastern University Seth Cooper, Northeastern University Peter Lee, Nolgong Sebastian Deterding, Northeastern University
Finalists SGC01 Keyewai: Looking at Cooperation in a Holographic ro ection Screen
Paulo Bala, Lucilia Nóbrega, Guilherme Neves, Laís Lopes, Joana Morna, Cristina Freitas, João Camacho
SGC02 Fighting Gulliver: An Experiment with Cross-Platform Players Fighting a Body-Controlled Giant Kuan-Ting Chou, Min-Chieh Hsiu, Chiuan Wang
SGC03 Crystallize: Simulating Language Immersion through Gameplay Gabriel Culbertson
SGC04 TranSection: Hand-Based Interaction for Playing a Game within a Virtual Reality Game Po-Wei Lee, Han-Yu Wang,Ying-Chao Tung, Jhe-Wei Lin, Andries Valstar
SGC05 Atomatic: An Inclusive Game to Learn Concepts of Atoms and Elements Sylvan Lobo
SGC06 Get Creative With Learning: Word Out! A Full Body Interactive Game Felicia Clare Paul, Christabel Goh, Kelly Yap
SGC07 Jelly Polo: True Sport-Like Competition Using Small-Scale Exertion Mike Sheinin, Carl Gutwin
SGC08 Towering Defense - An Augmented Reality Multi-Device Game Paul Tolstoi, Andreas Dippon
SGC09 Purrfect Crime: Exploring Animal Computer Interaction through a Digital Game for Humans and Cats
Rui Trindade, Micaela Sousa, Cristina Hart, Roberto Rodrigues, Ndia Vieira, Joo Frana
Chien-Chun Wu, Shih-Min Hong,Yu-Han Huang
CHI 2015
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WORKS IN PROGRESS WORKS IN PROGRESS Authors are scheduled to stand by their posters during “meet the author” sessions indicated below. Please visit both rotations to see all of the exciting work being done and discuss new ideas with Poster authors. Authors present their posters during the morning and afternoon breaks. The following poster collections are on display: First Rotation: Tuesday all day Accessibility AI and HCI Augmented Reality Children and Teens Cognition in HCI Communities Displays Gaming Gesture and Multimodal Interactions Healthcare and Wellbeing Learning Lifestyle Mobile Interactions
10101 – 10106 10201 – 10204 10301 – 10309 10401 – 10404 10501 – 10505 10601 – 10611 10701 – 10709 10801 – 10809 10901 – 10925 11001 – 11013 11101 – 11106 11201 – 11207 11301 – 11312
Second Rotation: Wednesday all day Novel Interfaces and Interaction Techniques Productivity and Awareness Search and InfoViz Social Computing Trust, Privacy, and Emotions Ubicomp, Robots, and Wearables Users and UI Design
20101 – 20126 20201 – 20206 20301 – 20314 20401 – 20413 20501 – 20515 20601 – 20621 20701 – 20724
10101 – 10106
wip10101 Understanding Interactive Interface Design Requirements for the Visually Impaired
Joongsin Park, Beomtaek Jeong, Seungjai Jeon, Sehyung Han, Jundong Cho, JeongGil Ko
wip10102 DOWELL: Dwell-time Based Smartphone Control Solution for People with Upper Limb Disabilities Hyunjin Ahn, JaeseokYoon, Gulji Chung, Kibum Kim, Jiyeon Ma, Hyunbin Choi, Donguk Jung, Joongseek Lee
wip10103 Touchology: Towards Interactive Plant Design for Children with Autism and Older Adults in Senior Housing Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo,Annie Sungkajun, Jinkyo Suh
wip10104 The Elders Preference for Skeuomorphism as App Icon Style Minji Cho, Soyoung Kwon, Nooree Na, KunPyo Lee, Hyeon-Jeong Suk
wip10105 First Insights with a Vibrotactile Interface for Children with Multiple Disabilities Cristina Manresa-Yee,Ann Morrison, Joan Jordi Muntaner
wip10106 TopoTiles: Storytelling in Care Homes with Topographic Tangibles
Arisa Ema, Hirotaka Osawa, Hiromitsu Hattori, Naonari Akiya
10201 – 10204
10301 – 10309
wip10301 AfterMath: Visualizing Consequences of Actions through Augmented Reality Sang-won Leigh, Pattie Maes
wip10302 Largibles: Large Tangible Interaction in Mobile Augmented Reality Asier Marzo
wip10303 Parallel Web Browsing in Tangible Augmented Reality Environments Mohammed AlSada,Tatsuo Nakajima
User Defined estures for ugmented irtual irrors A Guessability Study Gun Lee, Jonathan Wong, Hye Sun Park, Jin Sung Choi, Chang Joon Park, Mark Billinghurst
wip10305 OutsideMe: Augmenting Dancer’s External Self-Image by Using A Mixed Reality System Shuo Yan, Gangyi Ding, Zheng Guan, Ningxiao Sun, Hongsong Li, Longfei Zhang
wip10306 Development of an Inexpensive Augmented Reality (AR) Headset Daniela De Angeli, Eamonn J. O’Neill
wip10307 Augmenting Affect from Speech with Generative Music Gerhard Johann Hagerer, Michael Lux, Stefan Ehrlich, Gordon Cheng
wip10308 On the Spot Information in Augmented Reality for Teams in the Security Domain Stephan Lukosch, Heide Lukosch, Dragos Datcu, Marina Cidota
wip10309 Augmenting Indirect Multi-Touch Interaction with 3D Hand Contours and Skeletons Ilya Efanov, Joel Lanir
10401 – 10404
wip10401 GNomon: Enabling Dynamic One-Switch Games for Children with Severe Motor Disabilities Sebastian Aced Lopez, Fulvio Corno, Luigi De Russis
wip10402 TanProStory: A Tangible Programming System for Children’s Storytelling Yunfeng Qi, Danli Wang, Lan Zhang,Yining Shi
wip10403 Kids in Fairytales: Experiential and Interactive Storytelling in Children’s Libraries Seokbin Kang,Youngwoon Lee, Suwoong Lee
wip10404 Supporting the Disney Method with an Interactive Feedback System Sarah Tausch, Fabian Nußberger, Heinrich Hussmann
Peter Bennett, Heidi Hinder, Seana Kozar, Christopher Bowdler, Elaine Massung,Tim Cole, Helen Manchester, Kirsten Cater
wip10204 Ethics and Social Responsibility: Case Study of a Journal Cover Design Under Fire
ogni ouse n Detecting Users as through Computer Mouse Interaction
10501 – 10505 ompletion Difficult
Marios Belk, David Portugal, Eleni Christodoulou, George Samaras
wip10201 Deploying AI Methods to Support Collaborative Writing: a Preliminary Investigation
wip10502 Interactive Mouse Stream as Real-Time Indicator of User’s Cognitive Load
wip10202 Be Informed and Be Involved: Effects of Uncertainty and orrelation on Users onfidence in Decision a ing
wip10503 Working Memory and the Detection of Different Error Types – Novel Predictions for Error Detection
Sebastian Gehrmann, Lauren Urke, Ofra Amir, Barbara J. Grosz
Jianlong Zhou, Constant Bridon, Fang Chen,Ahmad Khawaji,Yang Wang
wip10203 Effects of Agent Appearance on Customer Buying Motivations on Online Shopping Sites Kazunori Terada, Jing Liang, SeijiYamada
Syed Arshad,Yang Wang, Fang Chen
Sze-yuen Yau, Simon Y.W. Li
wip10504 So,Who Exactly IS The HCI Professional? Ann Austin, Jose Abdelnour Nocera
wip10505 Utilizing the Effects of Priming to Facilitate Text Comprehension Katrin Angerbauer,Tilman Dingler, Dagmar Kern,Albrecht Schmidt
56 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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10601 – 10611
wip10601 The Gauntlet: The Design of a Community Challenge Platform Daniel Hawkins, Clarissa Ishak, MaoYang Li, Jason Procyk, Carman Neustaedter, Serena Hillman
wip10602 BeWell: A Sentiment Aggregator for Proactive Community Management
wip10802 Toward Telemetry-driven Analytics for Understanding Players and their Avatars in Videogames Chong-U Lim, D. Fox Harrell
wip10803 How to Measure the Game Experience? Analysis of the Factor Structure of Two Questionnaires Florian Brühlmann, Gian-Marco Schmid
Andreas Lindner, Margeret Hall, Claudia Niemeyer, Simon Caton
wip10603 Testing in the Field: Voice Based Interaction for Citizen Reporting in Uganda Asreen Rostami,Valeriy Savinov, Louise Barkhuus
wip10604 Bringing the Farmer Perspective to Agricultural Robots
Fiona Redhead, Stephen Snow, Dhaval Vyas, Owen Bawden, Ray Russell, Tristan Perez, Margot Brereton
wip10605 Passing On: Reader-Sourcing Gender Diversity in Wikipedia
wip10804 Having Fun Over a Distance: Supporting Multiplayer Online Ball Passing Using Multiple Sets of Kinect Tiffany Y. Tang, Pinata Winoto, Relic Yongfu Wang
Myeong Lee, Luis S. Santos,Wei Zhao, Preeti Lakhole, Brian S. Butler
ercei ed Ris and Self fficac Regarding nternet Securit in a Marginalized Community Eunjin Jung, EvelynY. Ho, Hyewon Chung, Mark Sinclair
wip10608 Towards a Gender HCI Curriculum wip10609 BudgetMap: Issue-Driven Navigation for a Government Budget Nam Wook Kim, Chang Won Lee, Jonghyuk Jung, Eun-Young Ko, Juho Kim, Jihee Kim
wip10610 Every Little Helps: Understanding Donor Behavior in a ro dfunding latform for Non profits
wip10806 Designing Games with Procedural Content Generation -An Authorial Approach Rui Craveirinha, Licinio Roque
wip10807 KidCraft: Co-Design within a Game Environment Greg Walsh, Craig Donahue, Emily E. Rhodes
wip10808 Mind Reader: Designing for More Intimate Social Play in Video Games Ryan Courtney, Lori L. Scarlatos
wip10809 Leaderboard Position Psychology: Counterfactual Thinking GESTURE AND MULTIMODAL INTERACTIONS 10901 – 10925 wip10901 Cutting Edge Vision: Metal Embedded Optics for Smart Knives Amit Zoran, Nan-Wei Gong, Roy Shilkrot, Shuo Yan, Pattie Maes
wip10902 Marionette: a Multi-Finger Tilt Feedback Device for Curvatures and Haptic Images Perception Diana Krusteva, Deepak Sahoo, Asier Marzo, Sriram Subramanian, David Coyle
Aejin Song, Hong-in Lee, Minsam Ko, Uichin Lee
wip10611 Understanding the Needs of Pakistani Farmers and the Prospects of an ICT Intervention
Omar Mubin, Joshua Tubb, Mauricio Novoa, Mustafa Naseem, Samia Razaq
10701 – 10709
wip10701 HoVerTable: Dual-sided Vertical Mid-air Images on Horizontal Tabletop Display Hanyuool Kim, HirokiYamamoto, Naoya Koizumi, Satoshi Maekawa, Takeshi Naemura
wip10702 Shape Display Shader Language (SDSL): A New Programming Model for Shape Changing Displays Christian Weichel, John Hardy, Jason Alexander
wip10703 StackTop: Hybrid Physical-Digital Stacking on Interactive Tabletops
wip10704 The Tickler: A Compliant Wearable Tactile Display for Stroking and Tickling Espen Knoop, Jonathan Rossiter
wip10705 Biogotchi! An Exploration of Plant-Based Information Displays Jacqueline T. Chien, François V. Guimbretière,Tauhidur Rahman, Geri Gay, Mark Matthews
wip10706 Atypical Visual Display for Monitoring Multiple CCTV Feeds Serge Pelletier, Joel Suss, Francois Vachon, Sebastien Tremblay
wip10707 Finding Satisfactory Transparency: An Empirical Study on Public Transparent Displays in a Shop Context Heesun Kim, Bo Kyung Huh, Seung Hyen Im, Hae Youn Joung, Gyu Hyun Kwon, Ji-Hyung Park
wip10708 Enabling Human Micro-Presence through Small-Screen Head-up Display Devices Scott Greenwald, Mina Khan, Pattie Maes
wip10709 A Concept for 3D Interaction on a Curved Touch Display Henri Palleis, Mirjam Mickisch, Heinrich Hussmann
10801 – 10809
wip10801 Therapeutic Gaming in Context: Observing Game Use for Brain n ur Re a ilitation Jinghui Cheng, Cynthia Putnam
CHI 2015
ulti finger R ping nterface for o ile De ices Using High-Speed Hand Motion Recognition Masakazu Higuchi, Takashi Komuro
wip10904 Single-Pixel Eye Tracking via Patterned Contact Lenses: Design and Evaluation in HCI Domain Ioannis Rigas, Oleg Komogortsev
wip10905 StreetSauce: Taste Interaction and Empathy with Homeless People Marketa olejsova, Tere a iskov
wip10906 Shop-i: Gaze based Interaction in the Physical World for In-Store Social Shopping Experience Mirae Kim, Min Kyung Lee, Laura A. Dabbish
Jan Riemann, Mohammadreza Khalilbeigi, Niloofar Dezfuli, Max Mühlhäuser
o ing
Emily Sun, Brooke Jones, Stefano Traca, Maarten W. Bos
Samantha Breslin, Bimlesh Wadhwa
ratifications of motionall
Julia Ayumi Bopp, Elisa D. Mekler, Klaus Opwis
J. Nathan Matias, Sophie Diehl, Ethan Zuckerman
wip10606 What Makes a Place More Familiar?: Implications of Geospatial Information Format and Content
t as Sad But Still ood Game Experiences
wip10907 Pretty Pelvis: A Virtual Pet Application That Breaks Sedentary Time by Promoting Gestural Interaction
Deedee A. Min,Yaejin Kim, Sung A. Jang, Keun Young Kim, Su-Eun Jung, Ji-Hyun Lee
wip10908 User Eye Fatigue Detection via Eye Movement Behavior Evgeniy Abdulin, Oleg Komogortsev
wip10909 Glance Awareness and Gaze Interaction in Smartwatches
Deepak Akkil, Jari Kangas, Jussi Rantala, Poika Isokoski, Oleg Spakov, Roope Raisamo
wip10910 Use of Sound to Provide Occluded Visual Information in Touch Gestural Interface BoYu Gao, HyungSeok Kim, Hasup Lee, Jooyoung Lee, Jee-In Kim
wip10911 BESIDE: Body Experience and Sense of Immersion in Digital paleontological Environment Ryuichi Yoshida, Ryohei Egusa, Machi Saito, Miki Namatame, Masanori Sugimoto, Fusako Kusunoki, Etsuji Yamaguchi, Shigenori Inagaki,Yoshiaki Takeda, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
wip10912 InTouch Tactile Tales: Haptic Feedback and Long-Distance Storytelling
Elaine Massung, Victoria Bates, Sarah Dickins, James Torbett, James Holmes, Kirsten Cater
wip10913 Transture: Continuing a Touch Gesture on a Small Screen into the Air Jaehyun Han, Sunggeun Ahn, Geehyuk Lee
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 57
wip10914 Express Driver’s Emotion with Emoticons in Driving Contexts Haechan Kim, KunPyo Lee
wip11009 Exploring Physical Activities in an Employer-Sponsored Health Program
Dhaval Vyas, Zachary Fitz-walter, Erica Mealy, Alessandro Soro, Jinglan Zhang, Margot Brereton
wip10915 Multimodal Frustration Detection on Smartphones Esther Vasiete, Tom Yeh
wip10916 ViLimbs: Improving Phantom Limb Treatment Through Multisensory Feedback
Esteban Correa-Agudelo, Andres M Hernandez, Carlos Ferrin, Juan D Gomez
wip10917 An Open Catalog of Hand Gestures from Sci-Fi Movies ucas S Figueiredo, Mariana G M Pinheiro, dvar Veronica Teichrieb
Vilar Neto,
o ards traction of Su ecti e Reading ncompre ension Analysis of Eye Gaze Features
Ayano Okoso, Joachim Folz, Takumi Toyama, Marcus Liwicki, Kai Kunze, Koichi Kise
wip10919 Using Cr-Y Components to Detect Tongue Protrusion Gestures Chris S. Crawford, Carmen Badea, Stephen W. Bailey, Juan E. Gilbert
wip10920 Towards Accurate Automatic Segmentation of IMU-Tracked Motion Gestures Sven Kratz, Maribeth Back
wip10921 ShowMe: A Remote Collaboration System that Supports Immersive Gestural Communication udith Amores, avier Benavides, Pattie Maes
wip10922 A Crowdsourced Alternative to Eye-tracking for Visualization Understanding
Nam Wook Kim, Zoya Bylinskii, Michelle A. Borkin, Aude Oliva, r ys to Z Gajos, Hanspeter Pfister
wip10923 Illusion of Surface Changes induced by Tactile and Visual Touch Feedback Katrin Wolf, Timm Bäder
wip10924 3D Virtual Hand Selection with EMS and Vibration Feedback Max Pfeiffer, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
wip10925 Same-side Hand Interactions with Arm-placed Devices Using EMG Frederic Kerber, Pascal Lessel, Antonio Krüger
11001 – 11013
wip11001 Detecting and Characterizing Mental Health Related Self-Disclosure in Social Media Sairam Balani, Munmun De Choudhury
wip11002 Designing a Music-controlled Running Application: A Sports Science and Psychological Perspective Christine Bauer, Anna Kratschmar
wip11003 NLG-Based Moderator Response Generator to Support Mental Health Mohammed Sazzad Hussain, Juchen Li, Rafael A. Calvo, Laura Ospina-Pinillos, Louise Ellis, Tracey Davenport, Ian Hickie
wip11004 EdiPulse: Supporting Physical Activity with Chocolate Printed Messages Rohit Ashok Khot, Ryan Pennings, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
wip11005 Using Accelerometer Data to Estimate Surface Incline and Its Walking App Potential
Ilyas Uyanik, Ashik Khatri, Dinesh Majeti, Muhsin Ugur, Dvijesh J. Shastri, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
wip11006 Forget Me Not: Connecting Palliative Patients and Their Loved Ones
Torben Wallbaum, Janko Timmermann, Wilko Heuten, Susanne Boll
wip11007 Exploring Motivations of Young Adults to Participate in Physical Activities
Tara Capel, Johanna Frederike Schnittert, Stephen Snow, Dhaval Vyas
wip11008 HHeal: A Personalized Health App for Flu Tracking and Prevention Na Li, Changkun Zhao, Eun Kyoung Choe, Frank Ritter
58 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
wip11010 Personal Counseling on Smart Phones For Smoking Cessation Jeni Paay, Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov, Nirojan Srikandarajah, Umachanger Brinthaparan
wip11011 Design Self-Diagnosis Applications for Non-Patients
Jason Chen Zhao, Ngai-Man Cheung, Ricardo Sosa, Dawn Chin-Ing Koh
ction ealt Self fficac ssessment ool De elopment for Online Cancer Support Groups Elisabeth Joyce
wip11013 Designing a Motivational Agent for Behavior Change in Physical Activity Toshikazu Kanaoka, Bilge Mutlu
11101 – 11106 d usting t e Speed of
earning ideos
Sunghyun Song, Jeong-ki Hong, Ian Oakley, Jun Dong Cho, Andrea Bianchi
wip11102 Explanation Activities with a Pedagogical Agent in an Online Task: Lexical Network Analysis Yugo Hayashi
wip11103 FeedLearn: Using Facebook Feeds for Microlearning Geza Kovacs
wip11104 Playful Sounds From The Classroom: What Can Designers of Digital Music Games Learn From Formal Educators? PIeter Duysburgh, Karin Slegers, Karen Mouws, Marije Nouwen
wip11105 CourseMIRROR: Enhancing Large Classroom Instructor-Student Interactions via Mobile Interfaces and Natural Language Processing iangmin Fan, Wencan uo, Muhsin Menekse, iane itman, Jingtao Wang
wip11106 Designing Interactive Query Interfaces to Teach Database Systems in the Classroom Lilong Jiang, Arnab Nandi
11201 – 11207
wip11201 Supporting Energy Management as a Cooperative Amateur Activity
Hanna Hasselqvist, Cristian Bogdan, Mario Romero, Omar Shafqat
wip11202 HabitStar: An Interactive Ambient Lighting to Help Users Improve Habits
Jinsu Eun,Yeonjoo Lee, Joonhwan Lee, Joohyeon Lee, Woon Seong Lee, Zune Lee
wip11203 ‘Close the Loop’ An iBeacon App to Foster Recycling Through Just-in-Time Feedback
Diego Casado-Mansilla, Derek Foster, Shaun Lawson, Pablo Garaizar, Diego López-de-Ipiña
wip11204 Promote Energy Conservation in Automatic Environment Control: A Comfort-Energy Trade-off Perspective Pei-Luen Patrick Rau,Yun Gong,YiBo Dai, Chieh Cheng
wip11205 Travel Q: Questifying Micro Activities Using Travel Photos to Enhance Travel Experience
Yoojung Kim, Changhoon Oh, Taeyoung Lee, Donghun Lee, Joongseek Lee, Bongwon Suh
wip11206 Towards an Interactive Dance Visualization for Inspiring Coordination Between Dancers Carla F. Griggio, Mario Romero, Germán Leiva
wip11207 ‘Electric City’: Uncovering Social Dimensions and Values of Sharing Renewable Energy through Gaming Abhigyan Singh, Hylke W. van Dijk, Bard O. Wartena, Natalia Romero Herrera, David Keyson
11301 – 11312
wip11301 Motorcycle Ride Care Using Android Phone Bo-Han Chen, Sai-Keung Wong, Wei Che Chang
CHI 2015
wip11302 The Heroes’ Problems: Exploring the Potentials of Google Glass for Biohazard Handling Professionals
Jack Shen-Kuen Chang, Michael Henry, Russ Burtner, Oriana Love, Courtney Corley
wip11303 CrowdFound: A Mobile Crowdsourcing System to Find Lost Items On-the-Go Emily Harburg,Yongsung Kim, Elizabeth Gerber, Haoqi Zhang
wip11304 Dwelling and Fleeting Encounters: Exploring Why People Use WeChat - A Mobile Instant Messenger
Graham Wilson, Stephen Brewster, Hector Caltenco, Charlotte Magnusson, Sara Finocchietti, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Monica Gori
wip20110 HoverLink: Joint Interactions using Hover Sensing Capability Takuro Kuribara, Buntarou Shizuki, Jiro Tanaka
wip20111 Sounds Like it Works: Music-based Navigation to Improve the Cleanroom Experience
Ilhan Aslan, Barbara Weixelbaumer, Bernhard Maurer, Daniela Wurhofer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi
Yang Wang,Yao Li, Jian Tang
wip11305 Personal Photo Preservation for the Smartphone Generation Maria K. Wolters, Elaine Niven, Mari Runardotter, Francesco Gallo, Heiko Maus, Robert H. Logie
ro ectagami olda le o ile De ice it S ape Interactive Applications
Dominique Tan, Maciej Kumorek, Andres A. Garcia, Adam Mooney, Derek Bekoe
wip11307 Lock n’ LoL: Mitigating Smartphone Disturbance in Co-located Social Interactions Minsam Ko, Chayanin Wong, Sunmin Son, Euigon Jung, Uichin Lee, Seungwoo Choi, Sungho Jo, Min H. Kim
wip11308 Mobile System Design for Scratch Recognition
Jongin Lee, Dae-ki Cho, Seokwoo Song, Seungho Kim, Eunji Im, John Kim
wip11309 Face Me! Head-Tracker Interface Evaluation on Mobile Devices
wip20112 Toward Designing a New Virtual Keyboard When All Finger Movements Are Known Daewoong Choi, Hyeonjoong Cho, Joono Cheong
wip20113 Automatically Freezing Live Video for Annotation during Remote Collaboration
Seungwon Kim, Gun Lee, Sangtae Ha, Nobuchika Sakata, Mark Billinghurst
wip20114 Jorro Beat: Shower Tactile Stimulation Device in the Bathroom Keisuke Hoshino, Masahiro Koge,Taku Hachisu, Ryo Kodama, Hiroyuki Kajimoto
wip20115 Beyond Command & Control: Sketching Embodied Interaction Cumhur Erkut, Anu Rajala-Erkut
wip20116 The Cage: A 6-DoF Remote Control with Force Feedback for Advanced UAV Interaction
Charlie Anderson, Benji Barash, Charlie McNeill, Denis Ogun, Michael Wray, Jarrod Knibbe, Christopher H. Morris, Sue Ann Seah
Maria Francesca Roig-Maimó, Javier Varona Gómez, Cristina Manresa-Yee
wip11310 TUIs in the Large: Using Paper Tangibles with Mobile Devices
Katrin Wolf, Stefan Schneegass, Niels Henze, Dominik Weber,Valentin Schwind, Pascal Knierim, Sven Mayer,Tilman Dingler,Yomna Abdelrahman, Thomas Kubitza, Markus Funk,Anja Mebus,Albrecht Schmidt
wip11311 Initiating Moderation in Problematic Smartphone Usage Patterns Hancheol Park, Gahgene Gweon
wip11312 SocialKeyboard: Proofreading Everyday Writings in Mobile Phones Jin-woo Lee, Joohyun Kim, Uichin Lee, Jae-Gil Lee
ffects of Sound pe on Recreating t e ra ector of a Moving Source
wip20117 TellTale: Adding a Polygraph to Everyday Life
Thomas Charlesworth, Helena Ford, Luke Milton, Thomas Mortensson, James Pedlingham, Jarrod Knibbe, Sue Ann Seah
wip20118 SIGCHI: Magic Mirror - Embodied Interactions for the Quantified Self Hariharan Subramonyam
wip20119 PicLight: User-Centered Lighting Control Interface for Residential Space Jeongmin Lee, Kyungah Choi, Hyeon-Jeong Suk
wip20120 Embodied Technology: Unraveling Bodily Action with Normative Types
wip20121 Evaluating Stereoscopic 3D for Automotive User Interfaces in a Real-World Driving Study
wip20101 Palette: Enhancing E-Commerce Product Description by Leveraging Spectrophotometry to Represent Garment Color and Airiness Shogo Yamashita, Adiyan Mujibiya
wip20102 Transporters: Vision & Touch Transitive Widgets for Capacitive Screens
Florian Heller, Simon Voelker, Chat Wacharamanotham, Jan Borchers
wip20103 Linked-Stick: Conveying a Physical Experience using a Shape-Shifting Stick
Ken Nakagaki, Chikara Inamura, Pasquale Totaro, Thariq Shihipar, Chantine Akikyama,Yin Shuang, Hiroshi Ishii
wip20104 Enhanced Depth Discrimination Using Dynamic Stereoscopic 3D Parameters Arun Kulshreshth, Joseph J. LaViola Jr.
a letop ro ector camera S stem for Remote and Near Pointing Operation Shun Sekiguchi, Takashi Komuro
wip20106 AtmoSPHERE: Representing Space and Movement Using Sand Traces in an Interactive Zen Garden Ruofei Du, Kent R. Wills, Max Potasznik, Jon E. Froehlich
wip20107 Tilting the Tablet: The Effect of Tablet Tilt on Hand Occlusion Emily B. Moore
le Beam ersatile ideo ro ection nterface for Digital Performance Dae gun Jang,Yi-Kyung Kim, Seunghun Kim
CHI 2015
Laurens Boer, Robb Mitchell, Agnese Caglio, Andrés Lucero
Nora Broy, Stefan Schneegass, Mengbing Guo, Florian Alt, Albrecht Schmidt
wip20122 Hover Cursor: Improving Touchscreen Acquisition Of Small Targets With Hover-enabled Pre-selection Anna Ostberg, Nada Matic
wip20123 Delegation Impossible? - Towards Novel Interfaces for Camera Motion Axel Hoesl, Julie Wagner, Andreas Butz
wip20124 Director: A Remote Guidance Mechanism Liam Betsworth, Matt Jones
e ppropriation arado Benefits and Burdens of Appropriating Collaboration Technologies Sangseok You, Lionel P. Robert, Soo Young Rieh
wip20126 Beyond Binary Gestures: Exploring Documents using Touch Interfaces
Ziqi Huang, Juan Felipe Beltran, Azza Abouzied, Arnab Nandi
e Do Not Distur
Martin Pielot, Luz Rello
20201 – 20206 Da
it out Notifications
wip20202 Beyond “Geofencing: Specifying Location in Location-Based Reminder Applications Yao Wang, Manuel A. Perez-Quinones
wip20203 Tipper: Contextual Tooltips that Provide Seniors with Clear, Reliable Help for Web Tasks Saba Kawas,Yibo Dai, George Karalis, Chris Olsen
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 59
wip20204 Automatic Delivery Timing Control of Incoming Email based on User Interruptibility
wip20407 Understanding Perceived Social Support through Communication Time, Frequency, and Media Multiplexity
wip20205 Task Lockouts Induce Crowdworkers to Switch to Other Activities
wip20408 From the Deposit to the Exhibit Floor: An Exploration on i ing useum ects ersonalit and Social ife
Yasumasa Kobayashi, Takahiro Tanaka, Kazuaki Aoki, Kinya Fujita Sandy J. J. Gould, Anna L. Cox, Duncan P Brumby
wip20206 Tag & Link: Supporting Regional and Relational Tagging in Images with Direct Annotation Hsing-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Hsien Han, En-Hsin Wu, Chi-Lan Yang, Hao-Chuan Wang
20301 – 20314
wip20301 TaskAmbient: A Study in Personal Task Management Visualization
Donghee Yvette Wohn, Wei Peng
Mark T. Marshall, nick dulake, Daniela Petrelli, Hub Kockelkorn
wip20409 Collaborative Video Challenges: a Playful Concept of Proximity-Based Social Interaction
Susanna Paasovaara, Ekaterina Olshannikova, Thomas Olsson
wip20410 “I Like This Shirt”: Exploring the Translation of Social Mechanisms in the Virtual World into Physical Experiences adan Najafi adeh, Seokbin ang, on
Sheriff Jolaoso, Manuel A. Perez-Quinones
wip20302 Usable Transparency with the Data Track -- A Tool for Visualizing Data Disclosures Julio Angulo, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Tobias Pulls, Erik Wästlund
wip20411 Frustrations with Pursuing Casual Encounters through Online Dating Douglas Zytko, Sukeshini A. Grandhi, Quentin Jones
wip20412 Exploring Tag-based Like Networks
Kyungsik Han, Jin Yea Jang, Dongwon Lee
wip20303 Towards a Novel Issue Tracking System for “Industry 4.0 Environments
wip20413 A Taxonomy for Classifying Questions Asked in Social Question and Answering
Pascal Lessel, Marc Müller, Antonio Krüger
Zhe Liu, Bernard J. Jansen
wip20304 Bicentric Diagrams: Design of a Graph-Based Relational Set Visualization Technique
wip20305 Towards Text Search for Information Visualization Retrieval
wip20501 SmileTracker: Automatically and Unobtrusively Recording Smiles and their Context
wip20306 Exploring the Effect of Word-Scale Visualizations on Reading Behavior
wip20502 Laughin’Cam: Active Camera System To Induce Natural Smiles
Hyunwoo Park, Rahul C. Basole
Romain Vuillemot, Mali Akmanalp
Pascal Go fin, Wesley Willett, Anastasia Be erianos, Petra senberg
wip20307 Ariadne’s Thread - Interactive Navigation in a World of Networked Information
Rob Koopman, Shenghui Wang, Andrea Scharnhorst, Gwenn Englebienne
wip20308 Design Implications of Casual Health Visualization on Tangible Displays
Sandy Claes, Jorgos Coenen, Karin Slegers, Andrew Vande Moere
wip20309 Using Space: Effect of Display Size on Users’ Search Performance
Lars Lischke, Sven Mayer, Katrin Wolf, Niels Henze, Albrecht Schmidt, Svenja Leifert, Harald Reiterer
wip20310 Detecting and Visualizing Filter Bubbles in Google and Bing
Natasha Jaques, Weixuan ‘Vincent’ Chen, Rosalind Picard Ryohei Fushimi, Shogo Fukushima, Takeshi Naemura
wip20503 Factors Related to Privacy Concerns and Protection Behaviors Regarding Behavioral Advertising Donghee Yvette Wohn, Jacob Solomon, Dan Sarkar, Kami E. Vaniea
wip20504 Somebody Is Peeking! A Proximity and Privacy Aware Tablet Interface
Huiyuan Zhou,Vinicius Ferreira,Thamara Alves, Kirstie Hawkey, Derek Reilly
wip20505 A Study Relating Computational Textile Textural Expression to Emotion Felecia Davis
wip20506 Lexical Representation of Emotions for High Functioning Autism (HFA) via Emotional Story Intervention using Smart Media Min Kyeong Jeong,YoungTae Kim, Dongsun Yim, SeokJeong Yeon, Seokwoo Song, John Kim
Tawanna R. Dillahunt, Christopher A. Brooks, Samarth Gulati
wip20311 Understanding Requirements of Place in Local Search Karen Church, Henriette Cramer
wip20313 Visual characteristics’ inherent impact on people’s strategic orientation
Therese Dries-Tönnies, Axel Platz, Michael Burmester, Magdalena Laib, Nathalie Blanc
wip20314 Quarry: Picking From Examples to Explore Big Data Rhema Linder, Eunyee Koh
20501 – 20515
wip20507 Using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) to Measure Trust and Cognitive Load in the Text-Chat Environment Ahmad Khawaji, Jianlong Zhou, Fang Chen, Nadine Marcus
wip20508 Emotion Evoked by Texture and Application to Emotional Communication Yurika Ebe, Hiroyuki Umemuro
wip20509 Creating the Mood: Design for a Cognitive Meeting Room Maryam Ashoori, Rachel K. E. Bellamy, Justin D. Weisz
20401 – 20413
wip20401 Generating Narratives from Personal Digital Data: Triptychs
Matthew P. Aylett, Elaine Farrow, Larissa Pschetz, Thomas Dickinson
wip20402 PicThru: a Mobile Application to Foster Creative Thinking with Pictures and Social Mechanics.
wip20510 CoSense: Creating Shared Emotional Experiences
Sudhanshu S. D. P. Ayyagari, Kunal Gupta, Matt tait, Mark Billinghurst
Biplab Deka, HaiziYu, Devin Ho, Zifeng Huang, Jerry O.Talton, Ranjitha Kumar
wip20404 The Price of the Priceless: Understanding Estimated Costs of Work in Friendsourcing
Joey Chiao-Yin Hsiao, Mei-Hua Pan, Hao-Chuan Wang, Jane Yung-Jen Hsu
wip20405 Exploring Embedded Haptics for Social Networking and Interactions Ali Israr, Siyan Zhao, Oliver Schneider
wip20406 Using Socio-ecological Model to Inform the Design of Persuasive Applications Hazwani Mohd Mohadis, Nazlena Mohamad Ali
60 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
reati e
pression and
Corina Sas, Scott Challioner, Christopher Clarke, Ross Wilson, Alina Coman, Sarah Clinch, Mike Harding, Nigel Davies
Oscar Ardaiz, Oleh Kudinov, Asier Marzo
wip20403 Ranking Designs and Users in Online Social Networks
Self Defining emor Emotional Meaning
wip20512 Seamless And Always-on Security in a Bring-Your-Own-Application World Paulo Hecht, Sidney Fels, Junia Anacleto
motional nteraction and Nofitication of le i le Handheld Devices Jung Min Lee, So Yon Jeong, Da Young Ju
wip20514 Understanding User’s Behavior for Developing Webtoon Rating System Based on Laugh Reaction Sensing through Smartphone SungHyuk Yoon, Soyoung Kwon, KunPyo Lee
wip20515 Growth, Change & Decay: Plants & Interaction Possibilities Cameron Steer, Simon Robinson, Matt Jones
CHI 2015
20601 – 20621
wip20601 ApplianceReader: A Wearable, Crowdsourced,Vision-based System to Make Appliances Accessible Anhong Guo, iang Anthony hen, e rey P Bigham
wip20602 Ethnographic Design Research With Wearable Cameras Katja C. Thoring, Roland M Mueller, Petra Badke-Schaub
wip20603 Listen to Your Footsteps: Wearable Device for Measuring Walking Quality Sungjae Hwang, Junghyeon Gim
wip20604 EM Package: Augmenting Robotic Intimate Space Interaction Using EM Field Fluctuation Sensing Ryo Kodama, Hiroyuki Kajimoto
wip20605 Understanding the Elders’ Interaction with Smart Home in Korea Hyang Sook Kim, Hyo Chang Kim,Yong Gu Ji
wip20606 Wearable Health Information: Effects of Comparative Feedback and Presentation Mode Hoyoun Cho, Hongsuk Yoon, Ki Joon Kim, Dong-Hee Shin
Super ision Spatial ontrol of onnected Smart Home
ects in a
Sarthak Ghosh, Gilles Bailly, Robin Despouys, Eric Lecolinet, Rémi Sharrock
wip20608 Interactive Radio: A New Platform for Calm Computing Matthew P. Aylett,Yolanda Vazquez-Alvarez, Lynne Baillie
wip20609 WatchMe: A Novel Input Method Combining a Smartwatch and Bimanual Interaction Wouter Van Vlaenderen, Jens Brulmans, Jo Vermeulen, Johannes Schöning Lionel P. Robert, Sangseok You
wip20611 Exploring the Use of Google Glass in Wet Laboratories Grace Hu, Lily Chen, Johanna Okerlund, Orit Shaer
wip20612 HomeRules: A Tangible End-User Programming Interface for Smart Homes Luigi De Russis, Fulvio Corno
wip20613 Vi-Bros: Tactile Feedback for Indoor Navigation with a Smartphone and a Smartwatch
Hyunchul Lim,YoonKyong Cho, Wonjong Rhee, Bongwon Suh
Sn u
ploring t e roduction of Sensor
Ankur Agrawal,Wenvi Hidayat, Aravind Ravi , Mark Stamnes, Meishen Yin, Daniela Rosner
wip20615 CueSense: a Wearable Proximity-Aware Display Enhancing Encounters
Pradthana Jarusriboonchai, Thomas Olsson, Vikas Prabhu, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila
wip20616 Smartwatches: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly? Marta E. Cecchinato, Anna L. Cox, Jon Bird
wip20617 Minimal Requirements Of Realism In Social Robots – Designing or atients it c uired Brain n ur
Robert A. Paauwe, David V. Keyson, Johan F. Hoorn, Elly A. Konijn
wip20618 Exploring the Design of a Wearable Device to Turn Everyday ects into la ful periences udith Amores, avier Benavides, Roger Boldu, Pattie Maes
wip20619 “It’s Kind of Like an Extra Screen for My Phone”: Understanding Everyday Uses of Consumer Smart Watches Steven Schirra, Frank R. Bentley
wip20620 Design of a Smart TV Logging System Using Beacons and Smartphones Jehwan Seo, Daesik Kim, Bongwon Suh, Joongseek Lee
wip20621 Connichiwa – A Framework for Cross-Device Web Applications
20701 – 20724
wip20701 Exploring the Potential for Cross Disciplinary Working with Archives and Records Management Jenny Bunn
CHI 2015
Takanori Komatsu, Rui Prada, Kazuki Kobayashi, Seiji Yamada, Kotaro Funakoshi, Mikio Nakano
wip20703 A Noticeboard in “Both Worlds Unsurprising Interfaces Supporting Easy Bi-Cultural Content Publication
Alessandro Soro, Anita Lee Hong, Grace Shaw, Paul Roe, Margot Brereton
wip20704 DinerRouge – Bringing Wealth and Income Inequality to the Table through a Provocative UX
Adrian Holzer, Samuel Bendahan, Bruno Kocher, Boris Fritscher, Denis Gillet
wip20705 Taking into Account User Appropriation and Development to Design Energy Consumption Feedback Myriam Frejus, Dominique Martini
wip20706 Using Digital Watch Practices to Inform Smartwatch Design Kent Lyons
wip20707 Real Time Detection and Intervention of Poorly Phrased Questions
Igor A. Podgorny, Chris Gielow, Matthew Cannon, Todd Goodyear
wip20708 A User Interface for Encoding Space Usage Rules Expressed in Natural Language Pavel Andreevich Samsonov, Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht
wip20709 SNAP: Sensor Aid Prototyping Tool for Designers Tony Kim, Sungjae Hwang, Junghyeon Gim
wip20710 Video-Recording Your Life: User Perception and Experiences wip20711 Augmented Miniature Prototyping Toolkit for UX in Interactive Space Han-Jong Kim, Tek-Jin Nam
wip20712 iHIP: Towards a User Centric Individual Human Interaction Proof Framework
Christos Fidas, Heinrich Hussmann, Marios Belk, George Samaras
wip20713 Personality Traits Predict Music Taxonomy Preferences Bruce Ferwerda, Emily Yang, Markus Schedl, Marko Tkalcic
wip20714 Evaluating the Effects of Interface Feedback in MT-embedded Interactive Translation Hsing-Lin Tsai, Hao-Chuan Wang
wip20715 Interaction Design Processes to Facilitate Changing Business Models in the Newspaper Industry: A Case Study of
Thomas Mejtoft, Sara Mejtoft, Anna Palmér, Viktor Östin, Anna Viklund, Sofia Papworth, Mikaela Berg, Robert ohansson
wip20716 Craft Consciousness: The Powerlessness of Traditional Embroidery
Yu-Shin Wang,Yuan-Yao Hsu,Wei-Lin Chen, Han Chen, Rung-Huei Liang
wip20717 Text Mining Emergent Human Behaviors for Interactive Systems Ethan Fast, Pranav Rajpurkar, Michael S. Bernstein
wip20718 Fixing the Alignment: An exploration of Budgeting Practices in the Home Stephen Snow, Dhaval Vyas
wip20719 Designing for User and Brand Experience via Company-wide Experience Goals Virpi Roto,Yichen Lu, Harri Nieminen, Erdem Tutal
wip20720 Facets In HCI: Towards Understanding Eudaimonic UX – Preliminary Findings Livia J. Müller, Elisa D. Mekler, Klaus Opwis
wip20721 Evaluation for Evaluation: Usability Work duringTendering Process Kimmo Tarkkanen, Ville Harkke
wip20722 GiantSteps: Semi-Structured Conversations with Musicians Kristina Andersen, Florian Grote
Mario Schreiner, Roman Rädle, Hans-Christian Jetter, Harald Reiterer
s nterpretation of rtificial Su tle pressions Language-Independent?: Comparison among Japanese, German, Portuguese, and Mandarin Chinese
Daniel Buschek, Michael Spitzer, Florian Alt
wip20610 Subgroup Formation in Teams Working with Robots
wip20723 Understanding Users’ Creation of Behavior Change Plans with Theory-Based Support Jisoo Lee, Erin Walker, Winslow Burleson, Eric B. Hekler
wip20724 Circuit Eraser: A Tool for Iterative Design with Conductive Ink oya Narumi, inyang Shi, Steve Hodges, oshihiro awahara, Shinya Shimizu, Tohru Asami
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 61
INTERACTIVITY INTERACTIVITY Interactivity offers hands-on demonstrations that let you see, hear andtouch interactive visions of the future. They take the form of prototypes, demonstrations, artworks, design experiences and inspirational technologies. Interactivity offers an alternative to s traditional te t format to disseminate ad ances in t e field Interactivity promotes and provokes discussion about the role of technology by actively engaging attendees one-on-one. Interactivity demonstrations are available from the Monday evening Conference Reception through the Thursday morning break. Presenters will be stationed at their exhibits throughout the Monday evening session and during coffee breaks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning. Monday 18:00 – 19:30 Grand opening Tuesday – Wednesday 10:50 – 11:30 Presenters available during the morning break 15:50 – 16:30 Presenters available during the afternoon break Thursday 10:50 – 11:30 Presenters available during the morning break 11:30
i139 Wearable Solution for Industrial Maintenance
Sam Zheng, Patrik Matos, Cedric Foucault, Siddharth Dasari, Meng Yuan, Stuart Goose
i143 Development of Realistic Digital Expression of Human Avatars through Pupillary Responses based on Heart Rate Myoung Ju Won, Sangin Park, SungTeac Hwang, Mincheol Whang
i144 Waving Authentication:Your Smartphone Authenticate You on Motion Gesture Feng Hong, Meiyu Wei, Shujuan You,Yuan Feng, Zhongwen Guo
i145 Data Transmission Method for Mobile Phone Using Groove Scan Code Junbong Song, Hyunwoo Bang
i147 NOISA: A Novel Intelligent System Facilitating Smart Interaction oray Tahiroglu,Thomas Svedstr m, Valtteri Wikstr m
i148 Multi-Player Gaming on Spherical Displays
Julie R. Williamson, John Williamson, Daniel Sundén, Jay Bradley
i149 Sustainable Transport System: A Wheel Based Interactive Information Installation Geon Dong Kim, Juhyun Eune
i150 Smart Eyewear for Interaction and Activity Recognition
Shoya Ishimaru, Kai Kunze, Katsuma Tanaka,Yuji Uema, Koichi Kise, Masahiko Inami
Interactivity closes
i102 Wrist Compression Feedback by Pneumatic Actuation
Henning Pohl, Dennis Becke, Eugen Wagner, Maximilian Schrapel, Michael Rohs
i105 Harmonious Haptics: Enhanced Tactile Feedback Using a Mobile and a Wearable Device Sungjae Hwang, John Song, Junghyeon Gim
i108 Low-Fidelity Fabrication: Speeding up Design Iteration of D ects
Ste anie Mueller, ustin Beyer,Tobias Mohr, Serafima Gurevich, Ale ander Teibrich, isa Pfisterer, erstin Guenther, ohannes Frohnho en, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Patrick Baudisch, Sangha Im, François V Guimbretière
i109 PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach to Fabricating Interactive Paper Raf Ramakers, Kashyap Todi, Kris Luyten
Data ear Self reflection on t e o or o to t icall Use Wearable Cameras for Research Anya Skatova, Victoria E. Shipp, Lee Spacagna, Benjamin Bedwell, Ahmad Beltagui,Tom Rodden
i152 TESSA - Toolkit for Experimentation with Multimodal Sensory Substitution and Augmentation Carlos Sainz Martinez, Faustina Hwang
i154 WoBo: Multisensorial Travels Through Oculus Rift
Stefano Fibbi, Fabio Sorrentino, Lucio Davide Spano, Riccardo Scateni
i155 Canvas Dance: An Interactive Dance Visualization for Large-Group Interaction Carla F. Griggio, Mario Romero
i158 Nebula: An Interactive Garment Designed for Functional Aesthetics
Ludvig Elblaus, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Vincent Lewandowski, Roberto Bresin
i110 Level-Ups: Motorized Stilts that Simulate Stair Steps in Virtual Reality
i115 Designing Engaging Data in Communities
i164 The Art.CHI Gallery: An Embodied Iterative Curation Experience
Dominik Schmidt, Robert Kovacs, Vikram Mehta, Udayan Umapathi, Sven Köhler, Lung-Pan Cheng, Patrick Baudisch Tim Regan, David Sweeney, John Helmes, Vasillis Vlachokyriakos, Siân Lindley, Alex Taylor
i116 The EmotiveModeler: An Emotive Form Design CAD Tool Philippa Mothersill, V. Michael Bove Jr.
i117 Remnance of Form: Interactive Narratives through Unexpected Behaviors of a Shadow
Digiti Sonus Ne using Hand Motion
nterface for ingerprint Data Sonification
Yoon Chung Han, Byeong-jun Han
Nic Lupfer, Bill Hamilton, Andrew Webb, Rhema Linder, Ernest Edmonds, Andruid Kerne
i165 Filteryedping: A Dwell-Free Eye Typing Technique Diogo Pedrosa, Maria da Graça Pimentel, Khai N.Truong
i166 VoroGraph:Visualization Tools for Epidemic Analysis Cody Dunne, Michael Muller, Nicola Perra, Mauro Martino
Sang-won Leigh, Asta Roseway, Ann Paradiso, Pattie Maes
i123 Wearable Devices for Enhancing Communications and Activities between the Blind and Ordinary People through a Waltz
i124 EdiPulse:Turning Physical Activity Into Chocolates
i170 “KIST Smart Wall” and its Media Art Application: The Scenery Series
Yoonji Song, Jiye Kim
Rohit Ashok Khot, Ryan Pennings, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
i128 ListenTree: Audio-Haptic Display In The Natural Environment Edwina Portocarrero, Gershon Dublon, Joseph Paradiso, V. Michael Bove Jr.
i131 Know Yourself: Self-portrait with Emotion Expressed in the EEG Data Hyo-jin Kim, Su-yeon Kim
i132 Researcher: A Reading Application Helping the Flow of Research in Tablet and Mobile Phone Minjeong Kang, Juhyun Eune
i138 BandSense: Pressure-sensitive Multi-touch Interaction on a Wristband Youngseok Ahn, Sungjae Hwang, Hyungook Yoon, Jung-hee Ryu
62 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(“Salm”, “To Live”): Gaze Reactive Typography Inspired by Ahn Sang-Soo Monchu Chen, Bongkeum Jeong,Yoram I. Chisik
Joong Ho Lee, Hyun Jhin Lee, Sanghwa Hong, Chungyo Ha, Ji-Hyung Park
i171 Comfort Zone Todd Holoubek
i172 Psychophysics Machines Adam Donovan
i173 Big Screen:
Younghui Kim, Geri Gay, Lindsay Reynolds, Hyuns Hong
i174 RGB Color Bits Sanghwa Hong
i175 Visual Liquidizer or Virtual Merge Tatsuo Unemi, Daniel Bisig
CHI 2015
See the map on page 65 for the location of each booth
1, 2 & 3
Design and software are the critical types of soft power that will lead future businesses. In light of this, Samsung Electronics operates talent-fostering programs called the Samsung Design Membership and the Samsung Software Membership.These programs help aspiring students pursue their creative interests through academic-industrial cooperation and many other research activities. Come and visit us.
We’re presenting golf in a way never seen before. Golfzon’s product combine the best of golf and IT to offer new levels of fun and unforgettable experiences. Our golf simulators utilize numerous innovative technologies such as sensors, networks, and 3D vision to pro ide an immersi e and en o a le e perience to impro ing our golf game. Our goal is to establish a new golf culture to share with customers and build global relationships not only in the golf industry but also in even other industries. We are recruiting, so please visit our booth and recruiting board.
21 & 22
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information, making it universally accessible and useful. Every day, we bring our spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship to work. Come by our booth, meet our engineers and researchers, demo some new products and learn about some of the great opportunities we have at Google.
SK Planet
Based on its open platform, SK Planet creates values in diverse business areas. Shop kick is a mobile shopping companion that delights customers it re ards and promotions to dri e foot traffic for retailers, and build in-store engagement for brands. Syrup’s Mall Guide is a mo ile guide t at informs and deli ers enefits t roug B to support customers to a e an en o a le s opping e perience
We want to understand the world.Why? Because we believe that’s the only way to move toward a world that’s more open and connected, which is our mission. From studying the impact of technology on society, to building systems that can connect billions of people, Research at Facebook is focused on solving some of the hardest global and engineering challenges of our time. Stop by to learn more.
FuturePlay is a company-building company, strongly focused in creating tech-centric startups. By combining incubator, accelerator and investor, e a e created a sanctuar for ou to find necessar elements to launch and grow your tech into a successful business. Join our Inventor Program to receive hands-on support along with work space, salary, biz consultation, and even seed-funding.
Spun out of the Stanford computer science department in 2013, Apropose brings data to the design process. Our analytics platform helps designers search, aggregate, and operationalize design data from the millions of sites on the Web. Apropose empowers designers to ma e etter design decisions more uic l it greater confidence
CHI Information Desk
Elsevier will be presenting key titles across Human-Computer Interaction. Please stop by and visit the booth, meet the publishers and editors in person, and take the opportunity to ask any questions you ma a e a out su mitting researc to our ournals n addition learn more about our author services, open access options and content innovation. Visit:
EyeTracking, Inc.
John Wiley & Sons
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Neo smartpen N2
EyeTracking, Inc. is the leading provider of eye tracking services, software and expertise. For over a decade we have been at the forefront of innovation in virtually every area of visual behavior and cognitive workload research. Visit our booth to learn about our software: EyeWorks for eye tracking, Quad Server for physiological sensor integration, Workload RT for cognitive workload measurement. IUEditor is a world top class web editor, which realized the concept of visual language in life. It can embody HTML, CSS, Javascript without any coding. Moreover, It supports Python, Wordpress of Backend, and is able to synchronize with cloud server like Heroku. Plus, you can con ert to e site for mo ile ta let ust one clic ll of t ese ill be supported by gorgeous GUI. Wiley is a global provider of knowledge and knowledge-enabled services that improve outcomes in areas of research, professional practice and education it online tools ournals oo s data ases reference works and laboratory protocols. With strengths in every ma or academic scientific and professional field e partners it over 800 prestigious societies representing two million members. Letsee’s web-based augmented reality (AR) technology lets users augment e isting e contents it o ects and places around us Our unique AR content structure enables users to augment contents instantly with real-time interaction with other users. With our platform, anyone can contribute their own contents creating a healthy ecos stem filled it user created digital assets Morgan & Claypool publishes the Synthesis digital library, including the HCI series edited by Jack Carroll and the Assistive Technology Series edited by Ron Baecker. NEOFECT has dreamed of being a leading company in rehabilitation market. We hope that our products can help a lot of patients recover their lost abilities and improve the quality of life. The Neo smartpen N2 is a small and stylish digital pen that also has an ordinary ballpoint pen tip. With the N2 smartpen, users can write on paper that contains microscopic patterns. Whatever has been written is digitized and sent to a digital device, where it then can be easily organized and shared.
Nexon Computer Museum
ocated in e u Ne on omputer useum is t e first permanent museum in East Asia dedicated to the history of computer and video games. Currently the museum archives 6,300 computers, applications, game consoles and other historically important digital inventions to preserve the history of computers that drastically changed human life. The museum also offers interactive experiences to visitors.
The CHI Info Booth in the exhibit hall is staffed by Student Volunteers. The Info Booth can help with directions, room location, and schedule questions. It is also the place you may bring your resume with a completed co er s eet if ou respond to a o position posted on a recruiting board.
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 63
now publishers
now publishers publishes high quality reference, research and review ournals in usiness and tec nolog e oundations and rends ournals pu lis state of t e art re ie articles ritten leading researc ers in t e field isit our oot to meet t e pu lis er ames Finlay. Our new editor-in-chief, Desney Tan, will also be available.
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press is pleased to publish Interacting with Computers on behalf of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and Interaction, a specialist group from BCS. Visit the Oxford University ress stand for free ournal copies and discounted oo s or more information isit i c o ford ournals org and loo at our related books at
Samsung SDS, CX Team
Samsung SDS believes smart technology can make the world happier. We are growing to be a global ICT company with a competitive edge offering di erse ser ices including manufacturing office medical IT and so on. We innovate our customers’ experiences to provide them new business opportunities. Come see how our CX experts create smarter future and start the innovation here.
34 & 35
SAP helps companies of all sizes run better. With over 282,000 customers in 190 countries, over 74% of the world’s transactions touch SAP systems. Come see how our UX professionals are changing t e a our customers do usiness oo ing to oin our S famil Bring your resume and talk to our team about positions available in Korea and throughout SAP.
Smart Eye
SMART EYE provides ROBUST 3D Binocular Eye Tracking systems for research in applications such as multiple screens, long range or measurements on tablets or single screens. The systems provide a person’s 3D information on gaze direction, head position and angles, eyelid opening, pupil size and many more - in real time! Welcome to our oot to find out more a out our solutions
Seoul Tourism Organization (STO)
27 & 28
i102 Wrist Compression Feedback by Pneumatic Actuation i105 Harmonious Haptics: Enhanced Tactile Feedback.... i108 Low-Fidelity Fabrication: Speeding up Design Iteration of... i109 PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach to Fabricating... i110 Level-Ups: Motorized Stilts that Simulate Stair Steps in... i115 Designing Engaging Data in Communities i116 The EmotiveModeler: An Emotive Form Design CAD Tool i117 Remnance of Form: Interactive Narratives through... i123 Wearable Devices for Enhancing Communications... i124 EdiPulse: Turning Physical Activity Into Chocolates i128 ListenTree: Audio-Haptic Display In The Natural Environment (Located by registration) i131 Know Yourself: Self-portrait with Emotion Expressed... i132 Researcher: A Reading Application Helping the Flow of... i138 BandSense: Pressure-sensitive Multi-touch Interaction... i139 Wearable Solution for Industrial Maintenance i143 Development of Realistic Digital Expression of Human Avatars... i144 Waving Authentication:Your Smartphone Authenticate You... i145 Data Transmission Method for Mobile Phone Using Groove... i147 NOISA: A Novel Intelligent System Facilitating Smart Interaction i148 Multi-Player Gaming on Spherical Displays i149
Sustainable Transport System: A Wheel Based Interactive...
i150 Smart Eyewear for Interaction and Activity Recognition i
Data ear Self reflection on t e o or o to t icall
TESSA - Toolkit for Experimentation with Multimodal Sensory...
i154 WoBo: Multisensorial Travels Through Oculus Rift i155
Canvas Dance: An Interactive Dance Visualization for...
Stop by the STO booth to learn more about the fascinating city of Seoul. At the booth, you may also send a postcard home and dress up in traditional Korean clothing for a picture.
i158 Nebula: An Interactive Garment Designed for...
i165 Filteryedping: A Dwell-Free Eye Typing Technique
12 & 13
Springer is the publisher of the Human-Computer Interaction Series and man cutting edge ournals isit our oot to e plore our ide range of pu lications pen ccess portfolio including t e ust published book by CHI co-Chair, Jinwoo Kim - Design for Experience. Get 20% discount, and don’t miss the chance to discuss any writing plans you may have with Beverley Ford & Helen Desmond.
Tobii Pro
Tobii Pro, being a world leader in eye tracking products and services, helps business and science professionals gain valuable insights into human behavior. Our innovative and high-quality eye tracking solutions capture human behavior in a natural way, ultimately affording users access to alua le o ecti e data a out real responses to stimuli
Digiti Sonus v2: New Interface for Fingerprint Data...
i164 The Art.CHI Gallery: An Embodied Iterative Curation... i166 VoroGraph: Visualization Tools for Epidemic Analysis i167
(“Salm”, “To Live”): Gaze Reactive Typography Inspired...
i170 “KIST Smart Wall” and its Media Art Application... i171 Comfort Zone i172 Psychophysics Machines i173 Big Screen: i174 RGB Color Bits i175 Visual Liquidizer or Virtual Merge
Vtouch provides the most natural way of interacting with devices and things such as TV, light, thermostat, photo album, etc. The Vtouch interface or s from a distance trac ing users e es and fingers with camera, which enables the users to directly click what they see without any delay or preparation, as tapping a smartphone app.
64 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
Level 3F (3rd Floor) Halls C2/C3 *Installation i128 located at Registration Desk
i170 Smart Wall
i147 i158
i116 i167 i124
i108 i151
i145 i102
i138 i166
i143 i171 i105
i154 i165
i150 i139
Student Design Competition Student Research Competition Doctoral Consortium Workshops
Interactivity 16 i115 i109
H1 H2
i152 i144
H3 H4
Hot Desks
21 22
Internet Cafe
Recruiting Boards
Food & Beverages Area
Work in Progress
5 4 i148 i110 i159 i155
i123 Art Displays
Interactivity i131 i149 i132 i117
Booth 1, 2 & 3
CHI Information Desk
Booth 18
Nexon Computer Museum
Booth 4 & 5
Smart Eye
Booth 19
Booth 6
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Booth 20
Booth 7
Booth 21 & 22
Booth 8
SK Planet
Booth 23
Booth 9
John Wiley & Sons
Booth 24
Booth 10
Tobii Pro
Booth 25
Samsung SDS, CX Team
Booth 11
EyeTracking, Inc.
Booth 26
Booth 12 & 13
Seoul Tourism Organization (STO)
Booth 27 & 28
Booth 14
Booth 31
Oxford University Press
Booth 15
Neo smartpen N2
Booth 32
Booth 16
now publishers
Booth 33
Booth 17
Booth 34 & 35
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 65
66 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
Level 3F (3rd Floor) Halls C, D, E
CHI 2015
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center | Seoul, Korea | 67
Level 4F (4rd Floor) Rooms 401, 402, 403
68 | ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI 2015
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Special thanks for the financial support provided by the following sponsors: